The Files of Art. Inc: Single Case Files (18.08.24) "Tying the knot" Chapter 19 (FFFF+/FFFF+) - Page 14 (2024)

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @h6hlh6h @algebrauk @RopeBunny @RopeBunny

Dear Readers! This is the complete Chapter 17. There are noticeable Differences between the Preview and the final Edition. I hope for the better! But see for yourself. The Chapter has gotten longer than expected. Probably two more Chapters will follow. But the final Decision has not been made yet.

From the Files of Art. Inc.

Tying the Knot:

Chapter 17

Judgement Day I

New York, Early August

Hayley´s and Kirsty´s Penthouse

1000 AM

Hayley King hummed softly to herself – totally off-key. The Tune of “Supertrooper” by Abba was barely recognizable. The curvaceous Blonde stepped into her Sapphire blue Gianvito Rossi Heels. They matched her wide-legged Power Suit perfectly “Off to go Darling?” Kirsty Garrett smiled warmly at her Wife “Ready for Action!” the American smiled back.

ABBA - Super Trouper (

Since their Wedding at Bernstein Manor, at the Hamptons, more than two Months had passed. After their Honeymoon at Fantasy Island, Work and Life had been good for the Newlyweds:

The last two Months? They had been pure Bliss – the last Evening and the early Morning had been no exception. Hayley had woken her with a passionate Kiss – and that had only been the Start … Kirsty smiled: Hayley strived for Dominance lately. This Morning Kirsty had been the Bottom. Something she was not used to. Kirsty intended to teach her Wife a Lesson that Evening.

For the Wedding look here:

Tying the Knot: Kirstys and Hayleys Wedding Prolog by Imhotep-Ra on DeviantArt

“Your Plans for Today my love?” The Blonde smiled warmly at the Briton – that dazzling Hayley-King-Smile, Kirsty found impossible to resist “I have a Call with Kate scheduled” Kirsty stated, “I am off then!” Hayley blew her a Kiss and closed the Door behind her, Kirsty listened to the Clicks of her High Heels vanishing in the Distance.

“Hayley King,” she said to herself, still smiling “You are the best that happened to me – ever!”

Her Phone signalled an incoming Call. “Punctual as usual” the Briton smiled and took the FaceTime Call “Hi Kate!” “Hi,” the Detective grinned mischievously “How is married Life? The Detective looked intently at Kirsty “Wait! Is that a Hicky at your Throat?” The Briton blushed.

She was about to answer when Kirsty sensed a powerful Vibration under her nyloned Feet. The auburn-haired Woman froze “Kirsty?” Kate interrupted the Briton. Kirsty´s Instinct told her what her Brains realized fully only later “I will get back to you Kate! Something bad has happened!”

Brusquely she cut the Connection, stepped quickly into her beige Jimmy Cho Heels, grabbed her Glock, and stormed out of the Apartment. She did not wait for the Elevator, took the Stairs instead.

A sense of Dread filled her, she pressed Speed Dial Hayley did not take her Call “Damnit Hayley King! Take the damned Call!”– the Shockwave – she was sure now it had been a Shockwave - had to be immensely powerful….

Otherwise, she wouldn´t have felt it on the fifth Floor …

The Recipient of the Victoria Cross in her knew what that meant …. She hurried along. Her Heels hammered the Stairs. Two more levels to go!

Five more Steps, she ripped the massive Steel Door open and froze:

Dark acid Smoke filled the Underground Garage, making Kirsty cough. The Stench of Cordite, Explosives, and burning Rubber was nauseating. Hayley´s Car was a Mass of bent and broken Metal like a furious Giant´s Fist had smashed it to Pieces “Hayley!” Kirsty sprinted, to the Car. Amidst the Smoke, the Briton spotted a Body lying on the Floor - left of the Car...

One high-heeled Shoe lay on the Tarmac. A Sapphire blue Gianvito Rossi Pumps …Strangely enough it stood upright on the Floor.

She ran to the Body “Lord, let her be alive!” The Smoke bit in her Eyes. She knelt next to Hayley´s Body. The Blonde lay on her back, her Extremities askew

In later Years Kirsty realized her military Training took hold in exactly that Moment. She had served three Tours in Afghanistan for a Reason. Quickly and methodically, she checked Hayley´s Vitals. Her Wife´s face was battered and bruised; her breathing laboured. Kirsty managed to keep her feelings under Lock and Key. She was focused on the Task at Hand: “You must not die Hayley King! You simply mustn´t!”

The Briton pulled her Phone out and dialed 911 – the Call was taken after the first Ring.

Precisely and clearly Kirsty informed the Dispatcher. She had done this dozens of Times in Afghanistan. Five Minutes! The Dispatcher told her. Five Minutes! The Briton rechecked Hayley´s Vitals.

Her Pulse was weak but stable, she had trouble though Breathing. Blood trickled out of her Mouth. Kirsty dialed another Contact. She had to inform Seamus King, Hayley´s Father and Commissioner of New York.

The Call was taken instantly. It was Rachel Weinstein, King´s Girl Friend, “Rachel is Seamus around?” “Yes, but …” “It is urgent!” Kirsty interrupted her sharply “Tell me what happened?” the Heiress spoke calmly “I need Seamus!” Kirsty countered agitatedly “Tell me what happened!” Rachel remained calm. Not irritated by Kirsty´s Agitation.

Crawford´s former second-in-command did not know why she told Rachel what had happened. The Blonde, who did look so much like Queen Maxima, listened before she said “Tell the Paramedics to bring Hayley to St. Mary´s – I will call Dr. Meyers – he is the leading expert for Injuries caused by Bombs – he will be there. Seamus and I will meet you at St. Mary´s!”

Kirsty ended the Call. The Heiress had not missed a beat and acted cool and controlled. Kirsty was grateful for that. Where was the damned Ambulance?

The Briton tended to her Wife again. There were no deep open Wounds, besides some Bruises and Scratches. The complicated Breathing though was an alarming Sign – Kirsty suspected inner bleeding. With practiced Motions, she touched Hayley´s Rib Cage again. Maybe broken Ribs as well …. “Where in Hell are the Paramedics?” Kirsty fumed. Cursing her Impotence.

At the same Moment, the Paramedics Van came to a screeching halt – with flashing blue lights

20 Minutes later: St. Mary´s Trauma Centre:

Kirsty watched as the Doors of Surgery closed behind Hayley. Rachel had kept Word. Dr. Meyers and his Team had already waited for them. Now the Briton paced the Floor. Five steps to the left, five Steps to the right. Again, again and again.

She could not sit still. Not now. Clicks of High heeled Shoes interrupted her dark Musings. She looked up: Rachel and Hayley´s Father hot on her Heels. The Heiress had donned a light blue striped Power Suit and matching Heels.

She hugged Kirsty tightly “Everything will be fine!” the tall Blonde said reassuringly “Dr. Meyers is the best!” She let Kirsty go. Seamus King looked outwardly calm – but Kirsty sensed his Concern. Hayley was his only Child, Kirsty sighed “We can do nothing else than wait.” They sat down in the Waiting Area. Times passed agonizingly slowly, like through a Sandglass. Grain by Grain.

Kirsty lost track of Time. The Door to the Waiting Area opened again. Kate Beckett. The Detective had donned a black Powersuit and black Platform Pumps. The Investigator did say nothing but hugged the Briton tightly “She is strong! Hayley will make it!” Suddenly she stopped in her Tracks “Did you call Chris?”

Kirsty shook her head.

Kate grabbed her Mobile …

Around the same time, a small Hamlet high in the Mountains of Sapporo:

Grand duch*ess Anna Alexandrovna Romanova was standing on the Patio of the ancient House, which Chris´ Sensei had bequeathed to his former Student. Every Year, the Blonde spent two or three Weeks here in the middle of nowhere to recharge her Batteries. This Time Anna and Merit had accompanied her.

The Russian had donned a red silken Kimono and was barefoot – the polished wooden Floor felt warm under her bare Soles – she liked the feeling of the warm smooth Wood. She felt grounded. Anna explained to Merit a while ago “I need to feel connected to the Earth when I am playing, so I enjoy playing barefoot!”

“On Stage too?” the young Egyptian had asked curiously “Even on Stage!” the Violinist smiled. Merit was very intrigued when Anna told her they would accompany Chris to Japan. She had taken everything in on the Flight and since they stayed here in the Mountains of Sapporo. With the childlike Curiosity Anna loved so much.

As different as they were; Chris, Anna, and Merit shared one Trait. To leap without looking.

Anna watched her best Friend intently. The Pianist was training with her two Katanas, which was her daily Routine. Her Skill with the Blade never failed to amaze the dark-haired Woman. Anna herself had worked hard on her Skill with the Chinese Longsword: Sensei Genda had told her during their last Training before they embarked on their Journey to Japan: “You did well Anna-San!” Which was a compliment from the stoic Japanese.

“I was good enough to beat Anck-Sun-Amun!” Anna smiled to herself. She forbade herself though to wallow in the Past:

The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls: Chapter 93: by Imhotep-Ra on DeviantArt

The Russian concentrated on the Present:

Chris had just finished a lightning-quick Combination with her two Katanas – as Anna´s Phone vibrated in the left Pocket of her silken Kimono. The dark-haired Russian took the iPhone out and answered the Call:

“Kate? How is it going in New York?” Chris had sheathed her Blades and listened as the Russian spoke at length: Her facial expressions changed: From Shock to a steely Resolve.

“We will take the first Flight to New York Kate. Send Kirsty our best!” Anna ended the Call and her dark eyes fixated on Chris “Hayley?” the Blonde asked calmly “Someone tried to kill her with a Bomb in their Underground Garage. She is in Surgery still.” Anna informed the Pianist.

Chris´ best friend did not bother to waste time pondering the Question of how the Blonde knew, Kate had informed her about the Bomb Attack on the American.

Chris's emerald, green Eyes now resembled chunks of green, emerald Ice “Crawford!” she spat

“Anna, Merit pack our Things!”

St. Mary´s Trauma Centre, Waiting Area:

Kirsty stared at the Linoleum Floor. She had no precise Idea of how much Time had passed. A glance at her watch told her: Over five Hours. Five endless Hours. Five terrible Hours. The Briton looked up at the Door to the Waiting Area – it was pushed open: A Woman entered and strode at them with purposeful Steps. Like Kate Beckett the Newcomer wore a black Powersuit. On her feet black Ankle Boots. Her shiny black hair she wore in a stylish Bob. It shimmered like polished Ebony.

Kirsty rose. Sarah Mac Kenzie, also known as the Dark Lady, said nothing as she hugged the Briton tightly. In the usually cold coal-like Black Eyes, she saw deep Sympathy. Usually, a small ironic Smile curled the Canadian´s Lips.

Not today.

The Master Thief looked the Briton straight in the Eye “I know what you feel right now” she said calmly “Hayley will make it! She will! Believe in that will you!” The Canadian held Kirsty firmly by her Shoulders “Look at me! Believe me!” Kirsty could not do anything different than nodding “I do!” So great was the Thief´s Aura “It is so hard!” Kirsty whispered.

The Vibrations of a Smartphone interrupted them. Kate stood and took her Phone “I have to take this Call!” She listened intently. The Detective looked at Kirsty and Sarah “The CSI preliminary Report is in….” “I join you!” Sarah McKenzie said resolutely – maybe my knowledge comes in Handy ….”

Rachel exchanged a look with Kirsty – projecting Strength. That she was not alone in these dreadful Hours gave her Strength. Rachel was there. Kate. Sarah – Chris and Anna were on their Way.

Another Hour later:

The Door to Surgery opened … Dr. Meyers stepped out. His scrubs were bloody. Kirsty tried to decipher the look on his face “He looks tired but gives nothing away!” The Briton steeled herself – for the Worst.

Meyers walked at her.

“Mrs King-Garrett?” Kirsty nodded “Your Wife is stable – for now. We could stop the inner Bleeding. The Explosion ruptured some major blood vessels. I will not lie to you: She is in critical Condition still. We lost her almost on the Table twice. But Mrs. King is a fighter!” “But she will live!” Kirsty could not restrain herself any longer “Won´t she?”

The Surgeon looked with deep Sympathy at the distraught Briton “I cannot tell you no more than this: If she makes it through the Night, she has a good Chance!” “When can I see her!” Kirsty pleaded “Your Wife will be transferred now to the Intensive Care Unit!” Meyers continued and raised his Hand as Kirsty was about to interrupt him again “As soon as she is settled in, you and her closest Relatives” he looked at the Commissioner and Rachel Weinstein “Can see her!”

Mystery Island somewhere near the Ligurian Coast around the same time:

On the Patio of her Lodgings stood Elizabeth Crawford and stared at the bright blue shimmering Mediterranean – without really taking in the wonderful Sight “So she has gotten away! Again!” the Criminal Mastermind cursed under her Breath.

The Message she had got from New York had been plain enough: Hayley King was still alive! How could she! Her many contacts had verified the Message by now: There had been reports about a Bombing in a Parking Garage in Queens, New York …

What had Harper told her? “We know that an Ambulance arrived on the Scene and left Minutes later. Our Contacts made discreet inquiries in all important Clinics – but no Casualty of a Bombing has been admitted to one of them!” Crawford had bitten a curse between her Teeth. Her second in Command had waited patiently “I advise you to upgrade Security!” Harper advised calmly, not at least intimidated by her Bosses´ Anger.

“Then do it!” the Master Criminal had snapped “I already did!” The Blonde nodded – but did not leave “What!” Crawford challenged her “We should prepare for a Retaliatory Act” Her second in Command suggested, “As soon as von der Marwitz learns about the Bombing she will act!”

It cost Elizabeth much self-control, not to snap again “So you expect Retaliation?” she asked with surprising Calm “Von der Marwitz said as much – and the Woman does not make empty Threads” Harper replied equally calmly “But this Time she will come for you.”

“Right,” Crawford said curtly “Then do your Job! You can go!”

The Briton curtly dismissed the Blonde.

After Harper had left Crawford stepped onto the Patio and starred at the Sea, what had Kirsty written? The Words seemed etched into her Skull; she had the feeling of hearing Garrett speaking:

“[…] Before Chris cleaved Hiram Al Mansours Head in two, she gutted him like a fish, after she had shredded him to Pieces. Not metaphorically. If you think Chris will hesitate one second to do the same to you? Do not doubt. She will. After your misguided attempt to spoil our Wedding don´t count on her Mercy.

She will show you none. I mean it: None. Remember that always: None. From now on you will always look over your Shoulder. You will never know if Chris is behind you. Will it be the swift Stroke of a Katana? The sharp Pain of a Shuriken between your Eyes? A Dagger to your Heart?

Watch your Back Liz and think very carefully about what you will do.[…]

“That Blonde is just an overrated Musicians with some Skill with the Blade nothing more!” Crawford tried to convince herself “She won´t get at me! This Blonde with the big Boobs was just lucky!” she scoffed. The Criminal did not realize she had spoken the last Words aloud.

A small, but persistent Voice inside her head whispered “But what if she does get at you? What will you do then?”

And for a spell, Crawford saw that serene, beautiful Face and those icy cold emerald Eyes as clear as if the Pianist stood right in front of her. Fixating her with those Emeralds of cold green Light:

“You will never know when I strike. Will it be the swift Stroke of a Katana? The sharp Pain of a Shuriken between your Eyes? A Dagger to your Heart?”

The Briton shuddered: Did her Mind play tricks on her? She had heard von der Marwitz's cold melodious Alto Voice ….

This was just impossible!

Later: Intensive Care Unit of St. Mary´s:

After they had donned green Scrubs, Kirsty, Rachel, and Seamus King were admitted to Hayley´s Ward: The Sounds of the Machines were the only ones, which broke the Silence.

Several Liquids dropped through an IV-Unit, with several tubes into Hayley´s Veins. Her pale and bruised Face was covered by a breathing Mask “She looks so incredibly fragile and pale!” Kirsty needed every ounce of her self-control, not to rage and to scream. She just wanted to hold Hayley in her Arms …

On the Battlefield, she had lost Comrades, Friends even - “But it is my Wife now!” “Don´t you dare to quit on me, Hayley King! Don´t you dare! You hear me!!” the Briton whispered “She won´t” Rachel touched her gently on her left shoulder “You know her! She won´t!”

The Commissioner joined his Companion and touched Kirsty on her right shoulder “She won´t quit” he said soothingly into his deep Baritone – and something in his Voice made her believe him. Kirsty Garrett, the hardened Veteran, decorated with the Victoria Cross wanted to believe him. But there was a lingering doubt.

“If I only could do something!” Kirsty mused “Anything! I would do it – and even if it cost my life!” But in this Moment, in the Intensive Care Unit of St. Mary´s, the Briton realized that she should do nothing. Nothing else but being there for Hayley “I can only let her know I am there.”

Kirsty pulled a Chair nearer and sat down at Hayley´s left side, laying her warm right hand on Hayley´s left. It was clammy and cold. She could not see much of the Blonde´s battered Face: The breathing Mask covered it. Her Chest did barely move. The Briton looked at the Monitors: Hayley´s Pulse Frequency was low, low but steady. At least Kirsty kept telling her it was steady.

She forgot anything around her. Kirsty had the feeling that she could hear any Grain of Sand falling slowly through the Hour-Glass. The auburn-haired Woman did not know how much time had passed as she felt a soft touch on her left Shoulder, which brought her back to the Present “Seamus and I will go now!” Rachel Weinstein whispered gently “Should I bring you anything?” Kirsty shook her head “I am fine, thank you!” That had sounded harsher when she wanted to, she knew.

Rachel kissed her gently on her head “Everything will be fine!”

Seamus King bowed down and kissed his Daughter on her cold and sweaty forehead. The Commissioner whispered something barely audible. Kirsty was not exactly sure what, but it had sounded like “Don´t leave me, my Child, please! Don´t go away!” Then he raised, nodded curtly at Kirsty – and left – Rachel followed him.

“How hard must that be for him!” Kirsty looked after them “He has lost Hayley´s Mother, his Daughter got kidnapped for Months, then he finds finally some luck – and now Hayley´s Life hangs by a threadbare Thread!”

At this Moment something grew cold and hard inside Kirsty, a steely resolve: “If Hayley dies Lizzy – I will shred you to pieces! No!” She corrected herself “I will shred you to pieces anyway!”

The Monitors beeped in their steady Rhythm. The Hours passed. Kirsty dozed off – but in the heart of the Night, something woke her up. She needed a Moment to get her bearings. She was still in the Intensive Care Unit.

Hayley still seemed to breathe slowly but steadily. Kirsty was sure to hear a Voice. A Voice that had woken her “I know that Voice!” she realized “It is Sophie! Sophie sings “I know that Song!” Kirsty realized. It was really as if the Lawyer was here, in this Room!

It was a Memory: At their Wedding, Sophie had sung a Psalm for them: Psalm 121, Kirsty remembered now – and she began to recite the Words of the Holy Scripture:

“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore!”

(7546) Psalm 121 with lyrics - Queen Elizabeth Funeral Service - YouTube

She would not dare to sing the Words of the Holy Scripture, Kirsty, the Child from rural Norfolk. At School Mr. Bryce-Scott, a miserable stuffy bonehead, had thrown her out of the School Choir once “Garrett, get out of my Choir! You cannot hold time, you sing like a rusty bucket, get out, get out, get out!” Teenage Kirsty had repaid him: She had cut the tires of his bicycle. Kirsty had to smile at the memory ….

As she recited the Verses of the Bible, she had the feeling that Hayley´s still cold and clammy Hand grew warmer “Don´t be naïve!” Kirsty scolded herself “These are just Words – and your Imagination!”

Time passed slowly, like tree resin dripping from a Douglas Fir.

Sapporo, Japan, around the same Time: A private Lading Strip:

A shimmering white private Jet stood on the Tarmac, ready to take off. The skilled Observer would have recognized it as a Global 8000. It bore no identification Marks. Three Women stepped up the Gangway. Two were tall: One blonde, one dark-haired, the third – at least a head smaller – kept herself two Steps behind the dark-haired Woman. All three wore outdoor Gear. They entered the Jet. The Door closed with a soft Hiss; the Gangway was rolled away. 10 Minutes later the Global 8000 rose to the Skies.

Inside the Jet, later:

As the Jet had reached cruising altitude, Chris von der Marwitz loosened her safety belt. Anna Romanova mustered her best Friend: The Blonde seemed relaxed “That was quite the Trip down to Sapporo” The Russian smiled “I did not expect the Helicopter to break down” the Pianist shrugged. One of the Helicopters Turbines which should have flown them down from the Mountains to the Airfield had been defective – so they had to wait for a replacement.

Anna had expected that Chris would grow impatient, but the Blonde did not. To the Russian´s Surprise, the Pianist had displayed the Calm of a Saint. Chris checked her Smartphone – and put it away “Any News?” the Violinist ventured “No” Chris shook her head “Nothing new: Hayley is out of Surgery but in critical Condition. Kate and Sarah will keep us in the loop.”

The Russian nodded “I will take a nap!” she yawned “You do that!” Chris smiled. Anna leaned back and closed her Eyes and Minutes later the Pianist heard her best Friend´s deep and regular breathing: Anna could sleep at anytime, anywhere. Even on sturdy Rock. Merit was sleeping too, snoring softly.

Chris gazed out of the Window – deep in thought. Elizabeth Crawford would regret that Act of a Coward “I warned her” the Pianist thought “Several Times” Her classical features grew hard as Marble: “You will regret that, Elizabeth.”

Every passing Minute brought them nearer to New York …. Chris looked at her Mirror Image: Two cold emerald pools of Ice were staring back.

The next Morning: Intensive Care. St. Mary´s, New York:

Kirsty groaned. A searing Pain in her Neck had awoken her from a fitful Sleep. Something snapped audibly as she moved. It took her a moment to get her bearings: Her Head rested on Hayley´s Mattress, her right Hand on her Wife´s left Hand. Had the Blonde´s Hand yesterday and in the night felt cold and clammy it felt warmer now! It felt definitely warmer now. She was sure.

The Briton looked at the Monitors, still beeping in their monotonous steady rhythm. Kirsty´s Eyes wandered to the Heart Monitor: Steady, regular – she tried to remember the last Figures she had seen before she had dozed off:

Haley´s Pulse was stronger, definitely. And – the Briton listened intently – her Wife´s breathing did not sound as laboured as before …. She could not turn away her Eyes from the Heart Monitor ….

A slight pressure at her right Hand startled her.

Kirsty wheeled around, and looked at Hayley´s Face, partly hidden by the Oxygen Mask. The Blonde´s Eyelids definitely fluttered. Another soft pressure. Hayley´s Fingers gripped her right Hand. Her Eyes shot open. The dazzling blue Eyes were cloudy, but they fixated on her.

Hayley´s breathing quickened “Shhh Hayley! I am there! Calm down! I get the Nurse!” But the Door already opened, and the Nurse of the Night Shift charged in “Maria Funchal” Kirsty read on her Name Tag “She is awake Maria!” Crawford´s former second-in-command exclaimed.

Quickly and professionally the young Nurse checked the Readings of the Monitors “Miss King calm down. You are in Hospital! I will get the Doctor!” The calming Voice of Nurse Funchal had the desired effect: Hayley´s Breathing got more regular. Her Eyes were clearer now.

Kirsty pressed her left Hand firmly “I am there my Love! You will be OK! Look at me! Look at me!” Slowly Hayley focused on the Briton. She wanted to say something “Shh!” Kirsty said softly “The Doctor will be there soon!”

Maria Funchal returned, Dr. Meyer´s on her Heels. The Surgeon smiled “Our Patient is awake! Remove the breathing Mask!” he ordered the Nurse - with the ample routine that came with long practice he checked Hayley´s Vitals and her Reflexes.

The Blonde wanted to say something, but it was nothing more than a hoarse Whisper “The Nurse will get you some Water Mrs. King!” Dr. Meyers said in a soothing Voice “It will get better then!”

Kirsty had stepped back, to give the Professionals Room: The young Latina returned with a Cup of Water and a Straw. Gently she pressed it between Hayley´s dry lips “Take small Sips, slowly, one at a time!” Slowly the Blonde took one Sip, then another. Finally, she leaned back “What happened, where am I?” her Voice a hoarse Whisper still.

“You are at St. Mary´s Hospital” Dr Meyers explained gently “You were admitted after a Bombing” “A Bombing?” Hayley whispered “I” She paused, thinking hard, “I remember nothing” “That kind of retrograde Amnesia is quite usual” the Surgeon supplied “Your Memory will return. Now rest! I will look after you later – and explain anything!”

But Hayley didn´t hear his last Words, she was already asleep again. Kirsty looked with deep affection at the sleeping Blonde. The Monitors beeped steadily and regularly.

The auburn-haired Woman took her Smartphone, opened one App, typed one Word, and pressed “Send”.

The Message read “Supertrooper” – the Code Word that Hayley had woken up. The Message was read in Hamburg, at London, at Geneva, in a Jet on its Way to the States, and in New York.

The next Time Hayley woke up, it was Midmorning. She had trouble processing what had happened. Dimly she remembered a Doctor, telling her she had been admitted to Hospital after a Bombing … “I still cannot remember a thing!” The blonde racked her Brain – and kept her Eyes closed, listened to her Body: She felt no Pain “Amazing Painkillers!” she deduced.

Hayley opened her Eyes – and looked up at Kirsty´s beaming Face “There you are again Sleepyhead!” “How long was I asleep?” “Four Hours straight!” the Briton smiled – and Hayley noticed the Relief on her Wife´s Face – even if she did her best to hide it.

Only now did the American realized how hungry she was. Something had given her away “I will fetch the Nurse to get you something to eat!” Kirsty smiled “Don´t go away!” “Comedian!” the Blonde muttered – and shifted in her Bed. And winced slightly … she looked around: She was on Intensive Care. For the first Time, she took in her Environment fully.

It took Kirsty not long to return with the Nurse of the Day Shift—a lithe bubbly Blonde, rolling a Trolley with a Tray in the Room. There were only three Items on the Tray: A bottle of sparkling Water with a Glass, and something which looked like a bowl of Soup.

Something must have shown on Hayley´s Face: “Doctor´s Orders Mrs King” Nurse Stefansson smiled “Today it is a light Soup only!” Hayley managed to pout – which made Kirsty smile. The Briton winked at her Wife.

Minutes later Hayley sat upright in her bed, while Kirsty was spooning her the hot Soup – more a broth, a rich one. She had to admit, that it tasted better than expected. Patiently the Briton fed her one Spoon at a Time. Gave her Time to swallow.

After the last Spoon Hayley sighed and leaned back contently “That felt good!” Kirsty looked at her intently “She looks better, but something is on her Mind” The Briton took the Bull by its Horns “What is it, Hayley? Just ask!” She waited – and a Part of her feared the Answer.

The Blonde pulled herself together “What happened yesterday?” she said softly “And who did it? I need to know! Anything!” Kirsty hesitated “You are stalling” her Wife observed gently “Whatever it is: I can handle it!” They locked Eyes.

Time stood still “Right” the Woman from the small Hamlet Warham with 146 Inhabitants, conceded finally “I will tell you anything we know!” She paused “The Moment your Pulse, your Bloodpressure goes up? I will stop!”

“Right then” the Blonde nodded “Begin then!” “Who did it?” Kirsty shrugged “I guess we know the answer – even if we can´t prove it.” In an afterthought, she added “Yet” Hayley´s battered face gave nothing away “Carry on!” “She looks so calm and composed” Kirsty mused “But on the other Hand? If anybody knows what Lizzie is capable of? It´s Hayley!”

Notice to the Reader:
If you want to learn more about Hayley´s Story read “Nothing Personal” by @AliasMisterJones

Kirsty continued her report, about Yesterday´s Events. How she had taken Kate´s Call, sensed the Vibrations of the Bomb, had hurried down to the Parking Garage …. “And that was it!” she finished finally.

“Hayley?” Kirsty asked but the Blonde was asleep again. Kirsty could not help herself: A warm feeling floated through her Body as she looked at the sleeping Hayley. Her Chest moved in a steady Rhythm – and her breathing was regular. Kirsty stood and kissed the Blonde gently on her forehead “What would I do without you, my love!”

She sat on the Chair next to Hayley´s left and looked at the battered and bruised Face “She looks so fragile, but she is so strong!” To herself, she vowed. “I will send Crawford to Hell. Once and for all!”

Time passed slowly. But Kirsty was content: Looking at the peacefully sleeping Hayley “I almost lost you! What would I do without you?”

That Nurse Stefansson did enter and took the Tray and its Contents away? Kirsty did not register. She must have dozed off. The Klicks of High Heels on the Floor woke her

Rachel Weinstein entered, wearing a violet Power Suit with matching Heels. They exchanged Pecks on the Cheeks “I brought you a Change of Clothes, Toiletries – and something to read.” The tall voluptuous Heiress smiled “How is the Patient?” Kirsty shrugged “She sleeps much – but that is the Pain Medication probably- besides that? Hayley seems stable. Dr. Meyers says this is a good sign.”

“Then you should believe him,” Rachel said sincerely “He is one of the best in the Field!” One hour later they were joined by Kate Beckett and Sarah McKenzie. Hayley was awake now and smiled at them “Hi!”

Rachel had ordered Coffee and Cake for them – and soon they were chatting amiably.

“Where are Chris and Anna?” Kirsty looked at her Watch “They should arrive any Minute!” the Masterthief smiled. As if on Cue the Door opened and Chris, followed by Anna and Merit entered “You have gone all Charlie´s Angels!” Hayley smiled.

And indeed: The Pianist and her best friend wore wide-legged Power Suits and wooden Platform Sandals: Chris in White, Anna in Red. Both wore their long Hair open. Merit held herself in the Background.

Hayley felt Chris´ Eyes resting on her. And the calm Power, the Blonde radiated. The Pianist smiled warmly “You are getting better!” she said gently. Kate interrupted them “What held you up so long? We expected you earlier!”

Anna smiled “The Helicopter broke down! We had to wait for another one!” Chatter filled the Room till Head Nurse Hadley Scott charged into the Room, eyes blazing “This is Intensive Care, not a Café! Miss King needs rest! Everyone out! Except Miss King-Garrett! Now!”

Even the indomitable Black Lady was impressed “Right then! See you, Hayley!” They filed out.

“She was really bossy!” Kate grinned “Not more than Chris!” Anna chuckled. Chris raised her Eyebrows but said nothing. The Thief was amused – as she watched the Back and Forth between the two best Friends “Listen!” she raised her voice only slightly “What do you think about that?”

“About what?” Chris had an Idea where the Thief was heading: “Why don´t you stay all at my Place, you get some rest, we get Dinner and then talk Shop!” Anna´s Eyes brightened up “Sounds like a Plan!” The Masterthief was pretty skilled in the Kitchen.

Chris mustered the Thief intently “Under one Condition only!” “Which is?” The Thief smiled innocently “None of those Pranks you love so much” the Blonde added sternly “I never would!” the Canadian smiled mischievously “That´s why I said it! Are we clear?” Her green Eyes drilled into the Thief´s obsidian ones “You are such a Spoilsport at Times Chris!” “Are we Clear?” The Thief sighed exaggeratedly “We are!” Now the Blonde smiled “Keep that in mind always!”

Around 0500 PM: Sarah McKenzie´s Penthouse:

Chris looked around at her spacious Guestroom and smiled: It was the same one she had occupied during her last Visit. The Pianist had to smile: Besides the King Size Bed laid a Tatami. At its head stood a large Bee Wax Candle and two Incense-Holders “How well she knows me!”

Chris unpacked, undressed, and went into the Bathroom. She showered hot and cold and changed into a pristine white Kimono. They had agreed to meet at 0800 PM for Dinner. Chris would meditate and then rest for one or two Hours. The Jet Lag caught up with her. Gracefully she sank to her Knees - lightened the Candle and the Incense, which filled the Room with the Scent of Ariola Pine.

Chris breathed in deeply. In. Out. In. Out. Her Eyes focused on the Candle, which burned calmly and steadily. It did not flicker. Her Palms rested on her Thighs. Slowly her Breathing got deep and regular. Anything around her diminished. There was only the steady Flame of the Candle. Nothing Else.

She stepped into the Courtyard of Himeji Castle. Under the old Cherry Tree in its Centre, which happened always to be in full blossom when she visited the Courtyard, someone waited. Someone she knew well.

Warmth filled her as she walked at the Man … Chris folded her Hands before her Breast and bowed deep “Sensei!” “Raise Christine-Sama!” her old Teacher bade her, and the Blonde rose. Her old Teacher mustered her intently. Content with what he saw, he smiled “You do look well!” Chris bowed slightly and returned the Smile “I feel well Sensei!”

“Why have you come to see me then, my Daughter?” Sensei Nakamura inquired courteously “There is a Reason why you have come to see me!” The Pianist nodded “There is Sensei. I need your Counsel in an important Matter!” The Japanese smiled warmly “Then let us go for a Walk and you tell me about it” Chris smiled too “Gladly Sensei!”

Master and Student walked the Courtyard. Chris spoke and her Sensei listened. It ever had been that Way. Though the Blonde was no longer a “Student” in the strict Sense of the Word: She was a Master in her own right.

But to her Sensei Nakamura would ever remain her Sensei and she, his Student. It was a matter of Respect and Reverence. And if Chris had learned anything through her Sensei´s Teachings it was this Lesson: Learning was a lifelong Matter. Perfection was an Illusion. There was no such thing. There was only Perfectibility. The Striving for Perfection.


Chris left her Room and followed the heavenly Scents to the large Living-Room-Kitchen-Area which formed the Centre of Sarah McKenzie´s spacious Logings. She felt relaxed and at Ease. The Discourse with her Sensei had helped her to decide. Chris was sure now what had to be done.

The Pianist wore her shimmering golden Mane open. Like a Cascade, it flowed down her Shoulderblades. Chris wore white, loose-fitting Yoga Pants and a deep green Tank Top. Her Gizeh-Birkenstocks matched the Top in Colour. For a moment she took in the Sight:

Merit was laying the large rectangular Table – made of polished Ebony. Kate was busy with her Laptop, Anna and Sarah were working in the Kitchen: The Russian stirred in a large Pot, and the Canadian cut Vegetables with fast and precise Motions.

“Hi, Chris!” Anna did not bother to turn to her Friend. The flapping Sound of the Birkenstocks was a clear giveaway “We thought you overslept!” the Violinist teased her Friend good-naturedly “Just waiting for the right Moment” Chris smiled “What is on the Menu?” She breathed in deeply: “If I had to guess: Italian?”

“For a Blonde you are really bright at Times!” the Canadian grinned without interrupting cutting a cucumber into fine Slices. She finished and laid the incredibly sharp Japanese Kitchen Knife aside: “For Starters?”

“Insalata Frutti di Mare!“ Anna seconded.
“Primi?” The Russian continued
“Spaghetti Carbonara alla Romanova” Sarah McKenzie added.
“Secondi?” Ragu di Cinghiale!” The Canadian smiled
“And for Dessert?” Anna finished “Cassata!”

Chris smiled “Sounds very well!” She grew serious “After Dinner we will talk shop. If I look at you and Kate you can barely wait to tell us, what you did find out!” The Detective looked up from her iBook and smiled enigmatically “Let it put me this way: We are on the Verge of a breakthrough. Sarah is waiting for one last Piece of the Puzzle ….”

“You have outdone yourself!” the Pianist admitted later as she loaded another generous helping of Ragu di Cinghiale on her Plate. The golden-yellow Pappardelle were homemade and were perfect for the Ragu made of Wild Boar.

Time passed quickly and the Conversation moved swiftly from one Topic to another. Over Dessert Anna told her Companions about her Holiday in Cornwall with 007 two Weeks ago:

“We found us a small Island on the Cornish Coast! One day we landed in a small, secluded Cove, there we had Picknick … and ….” The Russian smiled coyly; her Cheeks slightly rosy “James spreadeagled me on the Beach in the Surf! He released me only, when the Water had nearly reached my Chin!”

“But that was not the End, wasn´t it?” Kate teased her Friend “No!” Anna´s smile got broader “We made love at the Beach!” Her Gaze wandered to Merit, grinning mischievously “Did Merit tell you; she is in love? I mean really in love?” The young Egyptian blushed and looked at her lap.

“Come Merit! Tell us, there is nothing to be ashamed of!” the Russian prodded “He studies Law!” the Egyptian smiled “He is so cute!” She beamed “What I find strange? In Egypt, a Woman interested in a Man makes the first Step! Here Women wait for the Man to engage them!” “And you made the first Step? I take it?” Kate Beckett grinned “She did!” Chris added smiling. Merit blushed again “Chris caught them in flagrante delicto!” Anna supplied.

“And read him the Riot Act?” Sarah McKenzie chuckled “I did. He understood perfectly!” The Blonde smiled “He is a good Boy!”

“What is with you and Ardeth Bey?” Sarah McKenzie turned at the Pianist “All is well!” the Blonde smiled enigmatically, obviously not willing to share the salacious Stuff. “Then let me tell you a Story one of my Contacts in Aswan told me a few weeks ago” the Master Thief grinned like the proverbial Cheshire Cat. The Pianist still smiled.

“My Contact works at a private Airstrip mind you” the Canadian continued “One day a white Private Jet landed and a tall Blonde left. On the Tarmac she was greeted by a dark-haired mysterious Desert Warrior” The Canadian smiled at Chris mischievously “How am I doing so far?” Chris still smiled “I have nothing to say!” “The two left!” Sarah continued “Rumour had it, they spent a few days in the Desert!”

“A Week” Chris smiled.

Indeed, Chris had met Ardeth Bey in Aswan. They had spent the Time at a small Oasis in the Heart of the Western Desert, with a Pond, and the Ruins of a Coptic Hermitage. The Leader of the Medjai had shown Chris the Wonders of the Desert, they had made love under the myriads of Stars. Of course, the Blonde had it made not easy for Aslan.

They enjoyed both the Fights which ended often in passionate Love Making – and more than once Chris had ended tied up. The Pianist felt something that she had not felt long ago – “Something I would call Love?!” she smiled to herself. She was not sure. But that did not matter: “One Step at a Time!” she told herself.

“You won´t tell us the juicy Details?” The Canadian prodded “No, I will not!” Chris declined with a Smile.

After Dessert and a well-aged Grappa di Tocai Castagno Barrique, the Ladies reconvened from the Dining Table to the comfier Couches and Chairs in the Living Room. Chris had slung her long legs under her and nursed a fine Brunello di Montalcino.

She looked intently at Kate and Sarah “What did you find out?” The Blonde had noticed that during Dinner the Thief had left the Table for a few Minutes. When she returned a small smile curled her lips … Not for the first Time the Canadian was fascinated by how quickly the Pianist could change from Small Talk to Business.

The Masterthief and the Canadian exchanged a look. Beckett nodded subtly “Justine activate the Screen!” McKenzie ordered the AI that controlled the Penthouses Systems “Of Course Mistress!” the Voice of Cate Blanchett spoke. A soft Hiss and a few Panels of the southern Wall glided aside. Behind them: A large, polarized Screen.

“Kate will inform you first about the Findings of the Crime Scene Unit – then I will take over!” Now the Canadian had the undivided Attention of her Guests. Kate stood and turned to her Friends … her keen grey Eyes fixated on them:

“I will spare you the technical Details, but the Lab worked overnight – and they came up with some interesting findings: Hayley was incredibly lucky. If she had been one Meter nearer to the Car, the Blast would have killed her.”

Kate let that sink in “It was a truly professional Hit Job. There are only a few People able to build such a Bomb! Now it gets really interesting: The Crime Scene Technicians managed to find pieces of the used Detonator. It is rather unique I was told, and it is something of a Fingerprint. A Cross Check with the Databases produced interesting Results:

The same Make and Model has been used in a Series of high-profile Bombings. The Assassin left never any Traces, so Law Enforcement around the Globe dubbed the Individual in Question “The Ghost”.

Chris said nothing but looked highly concentrated at the Screen, where a List with Dates and Locations appeared. Anna did not escape the Master Thief did smile very pleased with herself “But I guess our mutual Canadian Friend can tell us more about “this” Ghost, right?”

Sarah McKenzie couldn´t help herself “How very perceptive of you Grand duch*esse – as usual, you are spot on!” The Russian didn´t take the bait though “I know you well enough!” she smiled sweetly instead.

“Well,” The Canadian continued unabashed “I made several inquiries, called in some Favours – and persuaded some not-so-savoury People” Her smile harboured on sinister now “You did not kill anyone?” Chris interrupted – only half in jest. They all knew the Ways of Sarah McKenzie “persuading People” well enough.

“Of course I did not!” The Black Lady smiled “I am reformed now, you know!” her smile perfectly innocent “That I doubt” Anna muttered just loud enough to be heard …. McKenzie decided to look the other way “Let me put it this way” she smiled “Some Fellows needed a gentle nudge to speed up their Memory!”

“And?” Chris's melodious Alto Voice betrayed just the slightest Ounce of Impatience ….The Canadian was astute enough to take the Hint “

“Let me present you!” she paused for effect “Shao Ling!” The Face of an Asian Woman appeared on the large Screen “Lucy Liu!” Anna stated. And she was not wrong: The Woman on the Screen had a strong resemblance to the famous Actress.

The Thief was obviously very pleased with herself: “Shao Ling aka the Ghost owns an Art Gallery in Queens – she specialised in Japanese and Chinese Art. Her Reputation is very good. As it happens? Shao Ling had Business at every place at every time when the Bombings in Question happened … - and she ordered certain Items by an Arms Dealer I happen to know, which you need to build that kind of Bomb ….I had to break three Fingers of his left hand”

Anna shrugged “I do not believe in Coincidences. Sounds solid enough for me.”

Chris demurred “It sounds solid enough – but we need irrefutable Proof before we act.”

The Blonde turned to the Thief “You and me will pay the Lady a Visit tomorrow – you put her under Surveillance?”

“Actually, I did” the Thief smiled “As my Contacts told me, the Lady is a Creature of Habit. She jogs every Day. From 0400 PM to 0500 PM – like a Clockwork

Chris's smile grew cold “Then we will wait for her tomorrow at 0500 PM – I guess, getting into her apartment will pose no Challenge for you?”

“It won´t” Sarah McKenzie smiled.

“That is settled then.” The Pianist concluded, “Tomorrow will be a busy day Ladies – I suggest we call it a day!”

“One Moment!” The Canadian smiled mischievously “I cannot convince any of you to unwind, vent some Steam?” The Black Lady looked at Chris, then at Anna, then at Kate – and at last at Merit “Anyone?”

Chris shook her head “I am just not in the Mood” A small smile curled her Lips “I know your Ways to unwind - intimately.”

Notice to the reader: If you want to know more about the Black Lady´s special Ways to unwind? Read here:

The Hunt for the Weinstein Collection: Chapter 106 by Imhotep-Ra on DeviantArt

One Thing is sure: Chris and Sarah had fun!

“No Chance” Anna seconded firmly. The Thief looked at Kate Beckett. The Detective shook her head “Forget it!” Finally, McKenzie´s black Eyes rested on Merit “Your Friends are really a bunch of Party Poopers. You won´t let me down, will you?” The Egyptian felt uncomfortable under the intense Scrutiny. She looked at Anna. The Russian smiled “Your Choice Merit! I can tell you; it will be quite the experience ….”

Merit looked at Sarah and back at Anna. The Canadian smiled “You heard what your Mistress said little one!”

The Egyptian felt uneasy: The Canadian´s Smile was – she searched for a Word in that foreign Language which was German – disturbing ….

“You knew what you were doing Anna, right?” Chris raised her Eyebrows. They were walking to their respective Guestrooms “I did not lie. It will be an enriching Experience for Merit. Consider it as Part of her Education.”

“Anna Alexandrovna Romanova, you are incorrigible!” Chris chided her best Friend mildly.

“That´s me! Sleep well!” Anna grinned.

“I will!” Chris smiled. She yawned “God Heavens I am tired!”

“Are you getting old?” Anna asked innocently. Chris ignored the Barb – just smiled.

She stepped into her Room. She felt calm and controlled.

“Crawford will regret this,” The Blonde told herself. Chris slipped her Sandals off and stepped into the Bathroom. The Blonde looked at the Face in the Mirror. She liked what she saw.

Chris undressed, did her Routine in the Bathroom, and pulled the green Nightie over her head. It reached barely midthigh. The Pianist had to smile; Aslan liked her wearing it. Barefoot she padded into her Room – the polished wooden Floor felt cool under her bare Soles.

Exhausted she laid down, pulled the Covers over her head – and fell asleep almost instantly.

Elizabeth Crawford did not know it yet. But Judgement Day was near.

Around the same Time: St. Mary´s:

Hayley was sleeping. Compared to the Morning she looked considerably better. Doctor Meyers even had risked the Prognosis that the Blonde was very probably out of the Woods – and if nothing happened during the Night? She would be transferred to General Ward tomorrow. A single Room – with all the Perks. Rachel had told her that.

Kirsty yawned but she was too wired up to sleep “I have brought you something to read!” The Heiress had smiled “You will like it!” The Briton opened the leather Bag, a Carl Friedrik Cognac Leather Palissy Weekend, she skimmed through its Contents. The Change of Clothing she ignored. At the Bottom, she found a leather-bound Volume, gilt-edged.

Something told Kirsty this Book had to be from Rachel´s personal Collection …

She opened the Book. The Briton breathed in deeply. This Book was old. She could not decipher the Latin Ciphers though. Hayley would have told her “This Book smells like old Books do!” Kirsty smiled and read the Title: Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant.

As a diligent Student of Military History, she knew the famous General of the Civil War, who had been President of the United States later. Grant had finally bested General Lee – who had been the Scourge of so many Commanders of the Union: McClellan, Burnside, and many more – and then Lincoln had chosen the red Head Grant and stuck to him – till Lee capitulated at Appomattox Court House.

Kirsty sat down and began to read: “My Family is American, and has been for Generations, in all its branches, direct and collateral ….”

The clear, precise, laconic Prose reeled her in …. Kirsty was not much of a Reader, but Sam Grant was different … what she knew about his Biography, his upbringing made her sympathize with the taciturn Victor of Vicksburg. Vicksburg fell the same Day; General Meade was victorious at Gettysburg.

Soon Kirsty forgot everything around her ….

Around the same time: Mystery Island:

Elizabeth Crawford paced the Floor in her Study …. So far, her Contacts had failed to locate Hayley King … an incoming Message raised her attention. She read the Message. And smiled. It was a cruel and hard smile.

Crawford had burned down any Bridges already – one more did not really matter. She took her Phone – and dialed a Number.

In New York …. A small Part of her felt sorry, for what she was about to do.

A very small Part.

Things had changed …

The Recipient took the Call:

“I have a Job for you!”

The Files of Art. Inc: Single Case Files  (18.08.24) "Tying the knot"  Chapter 19  (FFFF+/FFFF+) - Page 14 (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.