The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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Off for Honeymoon in Bermuda Longmeadow Couple Sail for Havana Hollywood Tanner of Maple street 1 Nassau biles but never MRS JULIUS I) RINGSBERG newer the 2679 New Tues and Wed Specials come to a flaring' SOMETHING i IS COMING (Meyer Studio) (Droon's Studio) Studio) Better Service Since 1915 a new of the and Lit was born educated country school in from date sports coat knee length the and and pledge to His Pope street tional dressier occasions black woolens and she wears a coat Mrs street With sumptuous satins and lavish furs and jewels rich with touches of gold we are face with the most glamourous since before the war go Mrs A Rivett of Wheeler ave nue will be hostess to the orest Park Mothers club Wednesday afternoon at 1 when Rev Wallace Anderson will talk on current events hands be white as Hamilton Elizabeth Mongeau benefit of Christmas at Mr an ing the evening in building 2 to 5 talks by Tea will CIDER AND DOUGHNUTS OR ELECTION PARTY Miss Jessie Cargill of Westfield entertained a party of 12 at bridge and luncheon at Westover on Bland ford riday afternoon Mr and Mrs William Keogh of South Hadley en tertained for five guests at luncheon on a recent afternoon she has se silks With of black work or eyes the the Hard of Hear National Hearing open house Massasoit from and lr and Mrs Raymond Lawrence of Westmoreland avenue Long meadow aboard the Grace liner Sanra Rosa off for an aOtumn cruise to Panama Mr Lawrence is the former Pauline Leonard daughter of Mrs Leonard of Copley terrace and the late Mr Leonard former mayor of Springfield the Visit talk on This likewise its sole trimming cords of the same the neckline and MRS DANIEL SHEA NEE MARY ITZGERALD NOTTINGHAM STREET Miss Ruth Christofferson of Mel street has returned to town from visit with her sister Astrid Alwyn film star in Dr has sailed for an autumn cruise to Bermuda He will return November 5 Miss Elizabeth Baldwin daughter of Mr and Mrs A Baldwin of Hiawatha street and William Niles of Greenacre avenue Longmeadow' served on the committee in charge of the freshman tea at the Vesper George Art school in Boston last week Mrs Normpn Davenport of Pearl street was hostess riday evening to the GAB bridge club Mrs Daven port was elected president and Miss Gertrude Shepherd secretary treas urer Luncheon was served and the home was decorated with autumn flowers and foliage Prizes went to Mrs Louis reeman ajtd Miss Irene Gelinas Miss Dorothy Thompson of Cherry vale avenue and Miss Mae Elliott of Thompson street will sail from New York tomorrow on the Queen of Bermuda for Bermuda and Mr and Mrs red Lindner of Linn moore street Hartford Ct announce the recent marriage in New York of their daughter Marie to Samuel Goldstein of this and East Longmeadow Mr Goldstein is con nected with Paramount Pictures and is owner of the Western Massachu setts Theaters circuit The couple will sail in January for a trip around the' world York Oct 26 The well girl may wear rings on her this year but the bells of tho jingle will be on her head "Professor Sharp's Music will be presented by pupils of Pauline 'Bluinenau tomorrow night at 8 at 24 King street Those taking part areGloria Danforth Lillian Wiesel Joan Krampitz John Taylor Jr Betty Metzler Marcus Deane rancis Deane Marilyn Uhlig David Krani pitz Donald Rosenberg Jean Arm strong Betty Kresser and William Weaver Readings will be given by Miss Janet Smith GAY NEW HATS GO ORNAMENTAL WITH TRINKETS HALLOWEEN DANCE BY WEMCO CLUB AT HOTEL CLINTON PERSONAL MENTION MISS ANNE RINALDI RECENT BRIDE CHARLES STAGNARO ASSISTING WITH PLANS OR LUNCH AT HOTEL BRIDGWAY MISS SALLY BUCHEIM BRIDE LOUIS SMITH Nancy has a leaflet on Candy Mak ing Send a stamped self addressed envelope to Nancy Page care of this paper with your request (Copyright 1936 Publishers Syndicate) GLAMOR AT NATIONAL HORSE SHOW CALLS OR CAREUL MAKEUP supreme being and beneficent native land and home country "Through 33 years of proud and progressive existence the Catholic Daughters of America have ever been to the forefront in the service of their God country and church Six millions of dollars in charitable edu cational religious and philanthropic contributions during the past decade establish a milestone of achievement A multitude of activities court state and national have won for us the highest praise from His Holiness i ope i'ius al the leaders of Catholic hierarchy and clergy high officials of national state community governments party given tn Ingleside All mem are invited Tickets from the committee Elevator service has Allerton de Connis Mr and Mrs Stu New York Miss Paul has been Miss Sally Buchheim daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Buchheim of 318 ranklin street became the bride of Louis Smijth son of Mr and Mrs Ab raham Smith of 92 Belle street yes terday afternoon at Hotel Bridgway Rabbi Samuel Price of Beth El temple officiated at the single ring service Miss Hannah Bloom served as bridemaid and Martin Bassill as best man The bride wore a tailored tunic gown of white satin Mrs Buch heim wore a dinner gown of dubon net velvet and Mrs Smith a black crepe gown trimmed with velvet Miss Bloom was gowned in blue crepe with a cape of the same material The couple will be at home at 33 ort Pleasant avenue after November 4 when they will return from a trip to the Texas centennial exposition at Dallas The bride wore as a travel ing gown a green and brown woo! tunic with kelly green accessories The League for ing will observe Week by keeping tHeir rooms at the tomorrow afternoon There will be music hearing aids representatives be served at 4' dressed fingers popuar And along with them will be ele phants keys and the other amusing ornaments that now dangle around the wrists of feminine America Growing gayer with every passing week the current mode has hit upon the charm bracelet as a millinery decoration and the result is chic Introduced by a Paris designer the charm has made its first appearance upon ifth avenue Designed for sports and tailored wear the charm hats are being shown in felt in the season's new shades and the pros pective wearer may select Jier own ornaments which are strung upon gold and silver chains and fastened around the crown However the only one of a that are filled prises Another This versatile model with outswept shoulders is equally smart whether you make it with or without the tu nic An interesting feature is the opened neck with the little tied shirt collar fitting close around your throat The cross over buttoned bodice makes your waist look slim The skirt has a slender front panel to add inches to your bight or a smart casual day wear like either model in woolen or in a rough crepe silk or more dressy occasions velvet or satin black crepe creates a very soft and pretty effect in this simple to sew model Style No 2679 is designed for 'sizes 14 16 IS years 36 3s and 40 inches bust Size lo requires yards of 39 inctt material with yard of 35 inch contrasting Send fifteen cents (coin is prefer red) for pattern Write plainly your name address nnd style number Be sure to state size you wish Many important fashion and beauty questions are answered for you in the new all and Winter ashion book rom cover to cover it is just filled Mrs Minnie Toelken of White street will open her home 'Wednesday for an all day meeting of the Grand group of Emmanuel Congrega church women's guild with new designs you can make for yourself and your family Even if you have never made a dress you will find styles good looking and at the same time simple enough for your first try Book costs ten cents Send for your copy today! Book and pat tern together twenty five cents Address order to The Springfield Daily News Pattern department 160 ifth avenue New York CATHOLIC PARTY IS CHANGED ANNOUNCING The Opening of the rancis Cook Beauty Salon But Inexpensive 2S3 BRIDGE ST Boom 914 Stearns Bldg ormerly ot orbes Wallace Ine Opening Evenings by Appointment TIo 2 2051 Miss lorence Dorward of Ing Nurse asociatiori will "Character Building in Relation to Diet" at a meeting of the Kensington avenue school TA child study group Wednesday afternoon at 2 in the school sewing room Mrs Leo Ruel will introduce the speaker All mothers interested in the group are invited to attend ALMOND GREENMUCH IN VOGUE OR DAYTIME WEAR Cod Steak 18c lb Miss Canty daughter of Mr' and Mrs Timothy Canty of Oakland street West Springfield be came the bride of Howard A Burke son of John Burke of Woronoco at a ceremony in St Thomas' church West Springfield' this morning at 9 Rev James Dolan performed the ceremony and celebrated the nuptial mass Miss Ellen Toomey played the wedding music the bride who was attended by her niece Miss Mary Elizabeth Canty ns maid of honor wore a Directoire model of antique ivory velvet with train and! hip length veil of ivory illusion and short face veil held in place by coronet of velvet She carried a white velvet prayer book with satin markers tied with bridal roses and lilies of the valley Tho maid of honor wore copperleaf velvet with short jack nnd turban to match and gold ac cessories Constance Jean Musante of Holyoke niece and godchild of the bride was flower girl She wore a Kate Greenaway model of sunburst velvet with Juliet cap and gold ac cessories Both attendants carried old fashioned bouquets of yellow pom poms Raymond Burke brother of the bridegroom was best man and the ushers wore William Calnen nephew of the bride and Charles Consolati At the reception in the Canty home parents of the couple assisted in re ceiving the guests Mrs Canty wear ing old blue crepe with grey acces sories and corsage of orchids Late autumn flowers and foliage were used to decorate Mr and Mrs Burke will reside on George street Westfield upon their return from a motor trip Traveling the bride will wear a grey frock with black princess coat trimmed with Persian lamb and hat to match Iast riday entertained at party for their guests MISS VIOLA WELCy MARRIED SATURDAY TO JOHN RAPPIEfs Reception in Home ol lows Ceremony at St Thomas Church This Morning "What are we going to do? Oh maybe we will ring doorbells and run and hide or maybe we will work a ticktock on a window and I be s'prised if we asked people for some candy or something You know if they give us candy we'll promise not to ringitheir doorbells Won't you let Peter come out with us please Mrs After all children are children and Halloween comes but once a year and if the youngsters are harmless and Jo not destroy property it isn't a crime to let them out for a while in the evening This was running through Nancy's mind tell you what do Peter can go out with you You meet here at seven dark by that time so you can use your lighted pumpkin lanterns talk with your mothers and I think we can make some masquer ade outfits white slipover coats with side pieces sewed on for sleeves The caps will be cloth bags with holes cut for eyes and corners tied to look like ears You can slip these on over your coats Stay out until eight and then come to our house and Peter will have a surprise for you all What about it?" "Gee Mrs Page swell We ticktock your windows nor ring your doorbells will we gang? And the gang yelled resh Salmon 28g ib Mrs Julius Kingsberg president of the Daughters of Zion Home for the Aged is taking an active jiart in arrangements for the lunch eon which the organization will spon sor at the Hotel Bridgway Wednes day afternoon November 11 There have been many contributions to the luncheon fund and the affair prom ises to be a profitable success Mrs Dora Stearns of Sumner general chairman asks donors to communicate with her at their earli est convenience Mrs lora Widlan sky and Mrs Edward Rubin are co chairman for the luncheon and Mrs Sarah Cooley is treasurer Sarah McKeon of Monroe was pleasantly surprised yes by members of her family the occasion being her 75th birthday She was presented many gifts Mrs Mc Keon is a native of Springfield and has always lived here She has four sons James and Daniel of Spring field Edward of Carbondale Pa and Thomas of Astoria I Mr and Mrs ihornas Lewis Jefferson ith of Longmeadow' whose marriage took place riday at Hartford photographed aboard the Monarch of Bermuda They will spend their honeymoon at Hamil ton Mrs Jefferson is the former Jane isher Patrick daughter of Mr and Mrs Burgess isher of Hartford and Mr Jefferson is a son of Mrs Ihomas Jefferson of armington avenue Long meadow and the late Mr Jefferson Mr and Mrs Samuel Payson Wal dron of Needham announce the en gagement of their daughter June to Allen S' Ellsworth son of Mrs Jo sepn Ellsworth of Boston and late Mr Ellsworth Miss Waldron was graduated from Wheaton college in1933 and Smith college in 1935 Mr Ellsworth was graduated Springfield college in 1935 No has been set for the wedding Mr and Mrs Steohen Paul nf York and Worthington announce the engagement of their daughter Honor juarjorie to Tompkins son of art Tompkins of tie Compton I in England and for the most part in this She attended the MacDuffle this city and was graduated from the Spence school in New York in 1930 Her fiance attended the Berke ley Irving school and studied law at the New York Law school He is a member of the firm of Tompkins and Tompkins of New York new charm hats are variety of chapeaux with audacious sur is the wee little cap of velvet or suede with an arrange ment of feathers so placed as to sug gest a bang on the forehead The wearer of one of these hats is sup posed to match the feathers as close ly possible to her hair Then there is the tiny peaked af fair of felt with a quill shooting up into the air to sky scraperish hights Mrs Ernest Simpson is said to have first sponsored the new huntsman hat on her recent visit at Balmoral Castle in Scotland This is a dashing affair of velour that tops off a fall suit or tailored coat The shape is implied by the name and thrust through one side of the upturned brim is the sea almost inevitable quill The many Shakespcaran plays nov on the screen and on Broadway are responsible for several of tho newer and smarter modes among the most popular at tne moment Juliet cap for dinner atid wear By MARY ENTRESS Paris Oct The Baroness Eu gene de Rothschild formerly Kitty npotswooa ot irginia has new winter clothes from Molyneux's Paris house American woman who has THESE WHITE GHOSTS CARRY YELLOW PUMPKIN LANTERNS A change of location for the Cath olic Junior league Halloween dance was announced yesterday The dance will be held at the Longmeadow Community house tomorrow night from 9 to 1 with music by Bob Gar orchestra Additional patrons and patronesses at the affair will be Mrs Eva Martin Mrs Ione Springer Rev George Connor and Rev Edward eatherstone Membe'S'of the committee in charge are: Chair man Miss Blanche I Bennett Miss Doris Mulligan Miss Helen Harsen Miss Mary Hallahan Miss Mildred Hebert Miss Agnes Goggin Miss Mary Casey Miss Marjorie Bickel! Miss Mildred Gauthier Miss Arlene Guernsey Miss Lillian Somers Miss Kathryn Lyons and Miss Julia Di neen Popular Theater Man Marriec Hartford Girl in New York Recently Miss Betty Chapin daughter of Dr and Mrs Laurence Chapin of Mag nolia terrace who is a member of the junior class at Wellesley college was among the group of juniors xind seniors who were initiated Saturday evening into the six societies of the college Miss Chapin is a member of Tau Zeta Epsilon society Miss Ja hette oster of Stafford Springs Ct also was received into the so ciety Th? initiation marked the cul mination of the fall rushing period Yesterday morning the new members were entertained at breakfast in the society houses New York Oct 26 New York goes formal at the National Hors? show when the winter season opens offi cially metals fabrics face to winter ing to take a good bit of doing to keep up with clothes! This mean you have to scoop more deeply into the make up pots It means more careful effects rather than more make up A slash of red lipstick and a set of gleaming nails may be the perfect finish But the rest of your make up must be in keeping Vivid lipstick against a chalk white face for instance is defi nitely out Blend your rouge high on your cheeks for the fresh young look the styles require Then select an eye shadow that does things for your eyes and make them the most im portant feature of your face Sparkle is cue imng we nave to this year sparkle in the hair the fingertips When it comes to your sure they are bleached as possible and kept soft smooth and perfectly manicured Polishes this sea son are as smart in the soft smoky finishes as in the bright true reds: the shade you wear depends on the type and tone of your gown If you are sure it fits your scheme you can wear your naiis ruby or robin red with black velvet or sequins for in stance with tailored evening suits or gowns of the Spanish influence But with costumes in the lighter shades or when your gown is romantic in mood you should use a softer polish as uni rose or one ot the rusts to be in fashion Make up your mind to find hair do that suits you in onn pompadour or much curled upswept effects Try it out well before the "big night so that you will have plenty of time to get to it Ears are left showing and nalr is frequently swept around the back of the head with bunches of curls clustered high at the sides Earrings and hair decorations are part of the coiffure for evening eathers and velvet bows are newer than flowers unless you pose a single large blossom directly at the front ordered Captain This a tall statuesque form has been voted one of the 10 best dressed women in the world in the 1936 Paris fashion' poll Although she usually wears black the Baroness has chosen several cos tumes in green tvhich range from a palet almond shade to a deep hunter's green gr street wear she has se lected a woolen ensemble in dark green This costume includes tail ored street dress and a wnich hem or lected these broadcloth that is trimmed with a luxurious collar of silver fox fur One of her afternoon dresses is of black silk and is trimmed with tuck ing on the bodice and at the two front pockets The tucking is used in a sun ray pattern below the high neckline and on two small pockets below the waistline This dress sim ple in line has proved the best seller in winter collection and has so far been ordered 150 times Almond green crepe is used for another afternoon dress of the Bar oness de Rothschild is simple in style being two lasselled crepe which trim waist The Aid society of the Swedish Congregational church will hold a public supper Wednesday eve ning at the church parlors on John street Supper will bo served from 530 to 7 Mrs Carl Moline and Mrs Nelson are in charge Mrs Douglas Wallace of Long meadow street and Mrs Douglas Thomson of armington' Ct havebeen guests of Mr and Mrs Brewer orcoran in their summer home Vineyard Haven and Mrs Corcoran evening MISS DORIS MECURE xlonfara Photo) Miss Doris Mercure is general chairman of the Halloween dance which the Wemco club will give at the Hotel Clinton riday evening Music will be furnished by the Bay Staters orchestra Miss Mercure will be assisted by Miss Marjorie Boy lan ticket chairman and Miss Mir garte Haggerty in charge of publicity During election years when people become njore consciously American customs and traditions are likely to be followed closely The celebration of Halloween this year will be said with the traditional doughnuts and cider instead of cakes and other beverages A 1936 version of cider which even the children will enjoy Is chiUed Spiced Cider (6 servings) 1 quart cider cup brown sugar Is inch stick cinnamon 1 teaspoon whole cloves I teaspoon whole allspice 1 small piece mace 14 teaspoon salt dash of cayenne Mix all ingredients together and bring to a boil quickly then lower the flame to simmer and boil gently for 15 minutes Strain cool and pour over ice cubes to serve Not so long ago home made doughnuts lost caste because it was difficult to keep the hot tat at the proper temperature Doughnut mak ing is simple today: because the flame of the modem automatic gas range burner is controllable the de sired temperature of the fat can ba accurately maintained While the bread cube test will give some idea of the temperature of the deep frying operation The only se cret in making digestible doughnuts is to fry them in fat of the Tight tem perature which will seal the surface so that in further cooking only the heat and nbt the fat will penetrate Doughnuts (3 dozen) 4 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon nutmeg 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons fat teaspoon vanilla Deep fat Sift flour measure and sift twice with baking powder salt and spices Beat eggs slightly add sugar and blend well! Add dry ingredients al tcrnatcly with the combined milk melted fat and vanilla Add sufficient flour to handle keeping the dough as soft as possible Roll lightly to one fourth inch Irt thickness cut with floured cutter ry in at least three inches deep of fat heated to 365 degrees ahrenheit for three minutes turning frequently Drain on absorbent paper TOlBAyfngTnnn IHCI IIUJ LU Catholic Daughters of America Announce International Campaign Canty Burke On West Side THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS MONDAY OCTOBER 26 1936 New York City Oct 26 A great international movement having for its objective the enrolment of 100000 additional Catholic women and girls under the banner of the Catholic Daughters of America will be launched next month throughout the United States Alaska Canada Cuba Porto Rico and the Panama Canal Zone according to plans for the cam paign announced by supreme regent Miss Mary Duffy of Newark and national secretary Miss Kath arine Rosney of New York city Headquarters for the movement have been established at the national of fices of the order at 10 West Seventy first street New York city In a formal message to q11 grand regents district deputies state regents of the order supreme regent Miss Mary Duffy wrote yesterday as follows: "Proud of our activities as the greatest and largest organization of Catholic women and girls in the' world and sincerely mindful of the need and urgency for more extensive accomplishments in the name of our Holy Mother church and our beloved country in an era that demands the utmost of our Catholic womanhood for Christianity and civilization the Catholic Daughters of America are happy to announce today's challenge to Catholic womanhood under the ban ner ot our order "Today's challenge to Catholic wom anhood is to be an organized move ment throughout the United States Canada Cuba Porto Rico Panama Canal Zone and Alaska to anew our fealty and devotion Holiness Our Holy ather Pius "XI to our hierarchy and clergy to enlist our present membership un der the standard of more activities and programs of real "Catholic for God and country and to bring to the Catholic women and girls of North America a keen sense of the need for solidarity lay leadership and religious civic and patriotic achievement The future of civiliza tion and Christianity is at stake and we must accept the serious challenge that has been placed at our doors by the enemies of religion of law and order of respect for the family and home and devotion for Catholic Daughters of America a lovin Sam Goldstein Takes Bride The fourth in a series of beano parties planned by Regina circle Daughters of Isabella will be held' in the assembly hall of the circle at 121 State street Wednesday evening at S15 Mrs reda Kervick vice regent of the circle is general chair man with the following members to assist: Miss Ann Kernan Mrs Julia Sheehan Mrs Mary Stack Mrs Jennie Sweeney Mrs Margaret Mrs Katherine Bauer Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Mary The proceeds will go the the Ingelside annual tree and tne children at bers and friends may be secured and at the door been arranged Deliveries to All Parts of the City Schermerhorn's Tel 2 5102 2 5103 2 5104 NOTICE We are prepared to wash your windows spotless ly clean on short notice and at a very nominal charge Our Men Are Insured HampdencieaiLTco 109 Worthington St Tel 4 3717 By LORENCE LA GANKE i Jouttg children of the neigh borhood were over pleading with Nan voii ist Mrs Page won't ou let Peter come out with us We wnn JntO trouble honest we hflec 1 year 'Ve soaPed automo biles but never again Our dads the soaP scratched cars and spoied it so we said nothing this vear You see dad made him save his money to pay for having th car refinished and was that something No mam we going to soap up cars nor windows 8 11 I llPMI 1 ini I in 1 1 4 Social Qub I tews offmhdd yicmiy I WW MW 7 Mr We Si 1 4 4 SB a BB i 5'" nW rill' 1 i WOTS54 a ty wZ' 4 a 7 A A' fa pgs Wx" ga ImwiiiW jW Ji 1 Hyp vi 111 If Jlik i (I s'l rj if I 4 OX 44 'I 4 t' gas ge TwvjTjvCCwjZ)trL ir1 jitr 5 rWJ i i I iWKMJb Jflfiih: ft.

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.