The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


WANTED. TO LET. TO LET. FEMALE HELP MALE HELP MALE HELP NORTH SIDE TO LEj, MISCELLANEOUS FOUND Cash paid tor old gold, allver and platinum: watches and Jewelry repairing. Chris Hauch.

jeweler. Au Diamond at. 126wfglkpna MALE AND FEMALE. MEN. BOYS.

LADIES wanted to learn the BARBER or HA IRDRBSSING. MANICI R-ING trale. etc. XOSSOKOFrs COLLEGE. 12o2 Penn ave.

CEvenlng sessions by appointment. 216wb MALE HELP WANTED. CASH BOYS AND STOCK BOYS. ROOMS TO LET THE BUNGALOW. 20S Shady East End Light housekeeping apartments of three rooms, elegantly furnished; kitchen complete; range, hot and "oid water, china, silver, refrigerators, laucdrv.

bath; $-i per v.e. up; electric light, hardwood nVom. butler service. 217xp 1 i rKK auTM rents zit -raggi near Irwin 1 ratnates out: water and sewer; perfect order. healthy location: papered and painted.

tarn on gas; new fixture ihrojf Take Chariea st earn to ror ri hti" open. Write 2. l'ress 2J Allegheny House, $15 tf, insid, toilet. yart; locwted Tiest-ft stxth ward. North Side.

Kev at mor urs E- Ohio. Nonh SM'. TW modem. rmm hmsses UnUersi'-. tn Rent Inquira 1U Clartoti ae Vor'h Side.

2: Vs Hoi r. 4 rom. wa'rr. gs, tlx Federal st- eat. TWO or f.wir n'celv fjrnished California ave.


(ill Pna List revised daily. S. ii LLOYD. oCi Penn ave. X.

KEATTY 73T. and 73 rear Siau-ave. Eighth t-m dwelllrgs la h. mod-immejiate possession; re.u 4S. ltwQe (Wr li5 Grant.

21wi TO LET Four room im P- Idir 1 15 -a rimer. K. F. at lo-ROOMED HOUSE No. S-zl-y siistrt' iite uciti.

etc ana rro rit Press c.rlice. 0v Schen! 13d bath. Phon. 215wa MENTION THE IXG ADS.

PRESS WHEN ANSWTR- FOR SALE. CITY AND SUBURBAN REAL HOME BARGAINS' half from Brick and shingle cottage, a rooma and bath, corn-r tut. Id'f-k -and cars, fine S.iuth Hills and cement cottage. 5 and bath, ouariere.1 oak; lot elegant lo.atH.n fo.87 C7i Nice 7-room buneakin. Lrge lot.

close to c-ars and on a wnlehdld paved street, in one the North Side's most desirable suburbs. Qn 7 rooms and bath, modem brick- level ivi-l street, Homewanjct. positively worth XT. tvxi "rin Lot 0-XI20. fi roc is rl'li bath, line cotrate re of ich; choice nelshcKirh.XHl South Hi.

Is. feven roitins and bath, brim anj SlUCCO. JX)rches. corner 1-valion. home.

water hea' Itrco*kline; a Jo.Or) 4 )f)t 1 Stne and cement bur 1 uvrlarBe lot. tine Ict ifcrfect beauty. 4- I Eight i-roms and bath rick naved real bargain. even rootrg modem brick i I shingle. b.T utp- finish.

SOQth Hills U'nrlk iOiJOt Beautiful pressed brick, tin: i throughout In hardwood, corner lot. c-h-se to cars, Beccliview; Jib. Freehold Real Estate .34 F'oyrth Ave. Com pan 2 ACISS Beautiful stone 1 louse of 1() rooms and shingle llardwcxjd. hoi water heat electric iiirht ant entirely modern.

Surrounded bv trivo acres of ground with all of fruit and sh rubber v. Tlii- (property positively must be sold xt- by March 1. Located 1 minnti. located 1.) minuter bv train. Price lroin town 000.00 CdlKtY 22:7 Court.

Tot Peoples Bank 217wp TT TtTT t. Vy.r vr Beautiful Randal ave. house nf rooms. Im flec-tric light, cemented cellar: lot i souse wen icx-ated, street paved and an iremely low price. AVill take back mortgtit nnd balance can be paid in inunthly insib incntrj.

Price $4,200. REAL ESTATE TRUST COUP nd Fourth. ANY. 21; Wim GENUINE SACRI FICE. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW $800, Reduced to $4,800.

Brar.a n-w white bricg bungalow, brick porch, red tile floor, ciuartered oak finish nardwood floors, beamed ceilings. buiit-iji book caws, mgl.nook fireplace, tile bath cut j.asa knobs. ga and electric lighting fixtures, wiih imported glassware, high cla oecoratiuns. window shades, cement walks large lot. among high class l-st secttor South Hills.

Must Immediately; Terms to suit you. Write V. ill LAS PAYMENTS OR EXCHANGE' FOtT 1 SMALLER HILL TOP property: brick, lo rooms, reception hall, hard-! wood finish, dining-room beamed; tile porches wired for electricity: laanarr: I water healing system; lot SJxIlO; paved st. i near four car lines; restrictions are such that) nihil riitas noines can r.e bunt; just over! the line from Knoxville; no trouble to show JAMES A. GRIFFITH 1 10-1 Washington ave.

HM1 Top. I 21 3 Wirt 2.h rti -Kttti cash. 2J monthly. room mod cr-nter hall, and each! 24xl. cash.

$17 mop.thiy, 4 room sli'te rf dwelling and lot. M.4o sph.i 1 monthly. Uarne. slate rrK.f dwelling and lot room All on an improved sfc, and paid for, nea-: ears and It. R.

tatlr fiwner have iittie cash. Diamigti Real Estate Second Haatlwood. 2IUe i $5. 2of A COTTAGE of seven rooms, reception hail and bath, first-class In every i fine hardwood floors, Bonner hot air furnace. brass plumbing, tile floor in bathroom, to have i cement walks and yard to be graced a.t-i put in the very best shape: come out and inp this beautiful new property, one of the b-si locations in Dormom, at 1461 Alabama i Call Bel' i-hone 275 Locust.

Win. T. Lahie. general contra 'tor and i'HwO FijREST Avalon Fort til miles from Statitr, Pi br.

ex- 1 tenaing to river hlt.ff: tui hai- rr-e rin-i rivr i view minutc-s to station. 25 iHr. i ways daily: 5-cent fare to 5 utea to trolley; bo-ise. large front audi rear porches: cistern and street, all built hoiiie: 9'U ro responsible parly on eapy Writ-H 'iM l'ress ofT, e. City Bungalow Only 1 built personally 5-room brick bungaUrw on level plot adjomir.g comer, r.fjr tnre ca-llnea.

refined community; larg? i-'ing-r'oro. beamed ceiling, electric showers, cloaeis china cabinet, laundry trays: sewere-l; I Wri(e A I i ELEVEN ROOM brick dwelling Eve-ytfaiog iri good condition: 3 car 111135 and cou- venient to steam cars; new garag wit a cement flriveway, level i alley owner leaving city, will sell at a bargain. Bourke Snyder, Crafton. Pa. BEKCHVIEW BARGAIN' New 10 and g-roorr! brick house on raved street: hardwood floors, cabinet mantels, brass plumbing, tf--.

3iso S-roorn up riate frarne notice. A. Divali 1311 Fairplay Beechview. Pho-ie Locust. 35 MINUTES fmm postoffice; new fl.e-roon brica house; bath, laundry', modern; situated: must go: will sacrifice for qut sale; commission to agents.

Write 37 Prosa office. 233wl FOR SAIJ-: House cellar. well and of 4 room attic. o. cistern .9 house; lot frfrxlon ft of Millvale car.

W. J. fi-rwm rV fare r-ml a montiJ FOP1 bttl Inside ooma, t-i 2wb 1 i AST. bookkeeper and- general office clerk. S3 to start.

I.KKK for general store supply company MINK FOKEMAN for coal company. Penna. ASST. superintend' for blast furnace, nut city Kiir KRI.NTEXDKNT for water wks. near C4t KAIKSMEN to call on grocery trade.

YOUNG MAN for meat and grocery ro. KXOINEEI! t'tr coal Pa. an.l Ohio. Sj up r.VOIXKER for pumping station, water ra. KlRBMAN', power plant: atoker, out city.

J'0. H1EF ELECTRICIAN for coal co KUECTBU'lAX for suburban railmal cc. MEAT CUTTERS, near city, supply company. im nrpiiV'MB'V r.eeinr.ers. to 4'jc.

Mercantile Em p. Bureau, 424 KourthAve. YOUNG MAN to help sell a new-high class suburban real estate no experience necessary; a hustler can make $200 a month. Write for interview. Bridgeville, No.

1. Box 75 D. 2lr WANTED I.IpO" men for general construction oik: laborers. rigger, hull saujf nwn, cai-r enters, pipe fitters. machinis ts.

hoist and clam Hhell runners. wireroeD steam shovel onerators. wage lW Wc per hour- positions immediately available. steady work until nee 1st. avv'j of America.

STOCK SALESMAN has great merit; man of 'ability" earn large commis-sions. Write 58, Press office. 217wp anil stenographer city firni. Stenographer, $90 or better; city. General office clerk.

West Va. and store clerk, out of town. Meat cutter and store clerk, cfty. PGH. SERVICE BMP.

EXPERTS. Jenkins Arcade. WORKINQMEN to secure tie orders among fellow employes.1 We sell a 15-jeweled Elgin watch in a 20-year guaranteed told tilled ca.e lor $12-50. Pay $1 down and wear the watch while paving balance. We trust- anyone honest enough to work.

Call for particulars. Wllklns. third floor. Pittsburg Life- Liberty sve. at Market st.

lQ27s i Antnmnkile Help In great demand; big Bilarte8: pleasant employment; experience gained in four weeks; full course $25 to position guaranteed. SCHOOL. OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. 237-241 Collins ave East End. lllowbs 200 POSITIONS open: all lines; information free.

Commercial 504 Diamond st. 217wp FlVEPo1ish, Slavish. German or Italian married coal miners for Somerset county. machine mines, slope, open lamps, steady-work; no trouble. We move families, 39 cts ton for loading, run of mine.

Keystone Eu-reau. 1124 Penn ave. 216wr MEN, 2 to 40 years old. wanted at once for electric railway motormen and to $loi) a month; no experience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike: write immediately for application blank. Address A 10.

Press offlce. 29ro RAILWAY MAIL. CLERKS WASTED For PARCELS POST; 8o montht thousands Ilttsburg examinations May 3rd. Sample questions and coaching sent free. Franklin Institute.

Dept. 30O-B, Rochester. X. 212wmo MANAGER STORE Familiar hotel china and glassware. ASHT MANAGER and Clerks General stere.

PIEL Etr.p. Experts. 421 Wood st. 217wp Cit LABORERS for railroads, mills, brick yards, factories, farm, garden, dairy hands, a-nachinists. rnolders, car repairc-l-s, boiler-makers, orderly, porter.

clerks. salesmen. Keystone Bureau, 1124 Penn ave. WANTED Toung unmarried man, German preferred, for outside and Inside work In I rlvate residence, including care of 1 cow. inquire I.

Winter, 8' JO Ohio N. Pgh. 217e WANTED Competent man between 25 and 35 years for soliciting and Investigating work: name of last employer and references; salary SL4.00 a week. Address P. O.

Box 21wn WANTED One hundred Italians with foreman to run commissary: one hundred colored coal miners, free shipment. Spinell A Jackson Employment Agency. 1241 Liberty ave. city. 211wb FIVE MEN wanted with salesmen ability for out-of-town work: $25 weekly and rapid promotion to ripht parties.

Apply in person after a. Tuesday. A. Bolton. 217 Ninth st.

21 "wp ACTIVE MEN 21 to 40 years, warehouse and platform work for railroad $0f; car repairmen, good pay while learning; uood men from farms preferred. D. J. Cotter, Star, Speer 120 Sixth st. 217wp FOREMEN Iron, also steel foundries; also planinir mill; also dumD foreman; good firms, best wages.

PIEL Emp. Experts. 421 Wood st. 21 7T YOUR object of reading these columns la to better your condition; for a two cent stamp I will show you how you can get the position you desire. Simpson Box 358, Wells-ville.

JD. 213wb FL'DDLERS competent pudJIers with helpers; steady employment; no trouble. Applv in person or by letter Pittsburg Forge Iron Xorth Side. Pittsburg, Pa. 214wpn WANTED Pattern makers; metal and wood; steady work and good wages with large mfg company In Penna.

'Write 78, l'ress ofUce. 217r YOUNG MEN wanted as railway mail clerks; many parcels post vacancies; $7S month; steady work. L. K. Wri te 12, Press office.

Slfiwmo YOUNG MAN for office position; state experience, age. education and salary expected; give references. Write 1'. O. Box 125 citj 217wp BOY, 18 to 2 years old for drygoods stock room; experience required: state reference: steady work.

Write 2 Press office. 217we A XL: TURNER. Car near city; no trouble; best wages and steadv employment guaranteed. HUGHES' BUREAU, 40tS Smith-Beld. 217wp V.VTED An experienced commutator as-bler.

Address, stating extierience and expected, to Burke Electric Company. 215r 'reman for and nut fac-been accustomed to follow up ning output. Write A 7. Press WAN ings; C. Robinso 217wr up and solicit awn iv right man.

Address -t McKee sport. Pa. 214xn FIRST-CLASS ill find stead, psid in the city. None but the bes UR CARPENTK1 time; abundance bi.Ciil. Ottawa.

Car WANTED Driver; mti and moving furniture, for sobriety. White Tl rtuesTie way. trousers uiuKers the highest ages Jenkins Arcade 214b wore, a full ic hour and Ta, Kansas. 23er 'd packing mendation 70S Du-216we WANTED Boy with one perience at painting. Ira Elliott, 2th ward.

MACHINISTS, crane hands. er. niolderi. chippers. 116 Anderson st.

ex-'eloTtla 7wp jre wind-2 day. Peo-217wv WANTED Two experienced j.oultry dressers. Apply 40(4 Penn A. L. Brahm Co.

2ijrp WANTED Good tailor. steady ion. good wages. 2 South 'J7th South -Pitts-' 217wr MEN to clean windows; white only steady work. National Window Office Clonini- Co 4 IB Fourth ave.

21e CEMENT 2 Toad. FINISHERS Apply James Stewart 1th st. and Fittscurg Junction Kail-. 217vp "WANTED Active man. Cliff window cleaners.

Frlosch- atTwp 4 lNSIl-iv 1ABOKER Bureau. 411 7th ave. 3 day. City 217wp 40.M 2l7wt V.A ITER, colored" for hotel, 116 Anderson st. tTEAMSTFR.

country express. S25.00 and board City. 411 Seventh ave. 217wp MAN lexperlcnceit) to ooeiate concret good wages. Apply ni4" Penn ave.

217p MACHINIST. lmilermaker. blacksmith and bpe' 411 "th av- 217wp l'ANTEP-theet metal work Applv Thompson Forbes Field. 216e WANTED Tailor gTOf; ForSjes WA NTEiErrajTd" North Side. and city.

bushelman at onc-e. itTwp boy. 203 Green Tree 217wp A Por er 12 Ig Fifth ave. and lunnchcounter man 217we GIASS REVELERS wanted. Applv The Whip-f le Art Glass Cleveland.

Ohio. 217e OD. steady sooer. industrious night watchman: jc-b. Jno.

Eichleay. Co. 217p CYLINDER PRESS East End. FEEDER 12S Collins 217xe Young man for delivery wagon. G.

Luther, Irwin and Beech aves. 2l7wp WANTED Floor sciapers. Dawson Con- trurth-n Co. 1 1 (.: WAGON PAINTERS" 4IH) Liberty ave. May bldg.

9l7- 17? at e. R. Hay.Vs, 21 7n WANTED-- First i'ena ave. clans solicitor. Call at 5714 21 7 1.

COST, aim order and billing clerks. MACHINISTS. also helpers. -CLUB A ITER. THREE Al STENOGRAPHERS.

SALESMAN, for beef tirra. SALESMEN, factories. ELECTRICIAN, also armature winder. BOOKKEEPER, for circulation cffe" traveling salesmen. DRAFTSMEN, several, excellent positions.

jj co'ITER, STEER 12 Sixth st. 217wp Locomotive Firemen and Brake- men. for nearby railroads. Wages $89 to over $100 monthly. Promotion to engineer, conductor.

Age 18-35, experience unnecessary. No strike. Railroad. Employing headquarters. Rushlns business many hundred men employed monthly.

State age; send stamp Hallway Association A 61. Press office. ELECTR1CIANS MACHINISTS, work. large city: best wages, city, 2j to cts; sttady OA EPA I P.M EN ners. city, 2t cents to begin- MAN AND WIFE, farm.

$45 and house lent LAPOREKS, insirt? work- Is cts. HUGHES. MM Smithficld st. Ul 7wp MASTER MECHANIC, steel mills. Electrl-Jan.

J2.5 day start, V. Va. Draftsmen, several, "Mech Va. Draftsmen city: gool chance. PGH.

SERVICE (XT. EMP. EXPERTS, 413." Jenkins Arcade. 217 wp WANTED A rood butcher. Devonshire Highland.

market. I'enn and M7e HI i'LER. man and ife, waiter, lunch coun ter man, porter, liiv-r, gardener. biubys. window cleaner, panti-y man, laborers, farm fka dairv hands.

man. Walker's Agency. 12 Smithfleid SALESMEN 2 lumber. (2) valves, pipes and fittings, paint. PIEL 'Emp.

Exierts. 217 wp steam flour, hardware. 421 Wood st. 217wp MAN with ability and sitne capital, for good established plumbinp business; fair salary and Interest paid, while learning the trade. Write Press office.

217wp COLORED man and wife, man drive automobile, woman housework; Siio month. 11' Wy 1 ie. 21 7w ANTED Bov l(i to deliver orders and work around grocery store. lM'-i McKee Place. Oakland.

217e BLACKSMITH pair wayons. nora Pa. that -an shoe horses and re-Address John Meskef. Ix-217we ERRAND EOT ler week. A.

mond st. of H. Kood Mathias. rear 21S Iia-217wt EN for platfo ei0d mi work, steads- employment; City Bureau, -HI tn 2 1 7 ave. id Ex pe rience A forging machines.

on bolt threading Room 1Xih. House am! I.lg. ir.b St makets. Steady Kiscr Tar-210xe work. 1 wages.

H. en turn. la. WANTED An exiierietued German farm hand milking preferred. Timothy Fittcier.

end Carrick car line. 216we nay and comn; ission. Hughes' Employment. 4hi Smithfield st 1 1 wp wases; also houseman. 71" W'il-217xp POUTER, club: hiyhest hotel.

Eureka Emp. kinsburg. BAR POP.TKR i for hot'l. lo.ot we'k. Peo-17 wp man.

pies, llti Anderson st. 2 WANTED-Farm hand; middle-aged 14H Monterey St. JOB FEEDER One Collins East who End. es ready. 2l7xe lii'-nth.

217wp Itake- PORTER, colored, for h--tel, tips. peoples, lift Anderson si.s EOYS to distribute Call 1." well bldg. 217wp at onoe. 217wp JANITOR, white, for office building. CHy, 411 7th ave.

MALE HELP SPECIAL WANTED If you are going to build, let design and plan your house: you can set my plans and blue prints at very low cost. Address Lock Box 1 147. 1 iusburg. Pa. 21vvb WANTED Railway Mail Clerks for Parcel Post.

month; Pittsburg Mav 3rd. Coach. nit free. Franklin Institute, Dept. Rociiester.N.Y.

212wmo I WILL start you in the mail order business If vou will handle my goods. CREST Atlantic City. N. J. 21iwb LADY PHRENOLOGIST and scientific i.i-viser; reading (half hour) I2.i:;-J Schenley.

217wp nitrht and day classes. 2l7wp- FEMALE HELP SALESLADIES FOR SHOES. Wanted March 1st "JO thorough ly experienced shoe salesladies. Applications now being received. Highest salary paui lor those who can qualify.

Positions perman ent. Apply superintendent ot- tice. first floor. ROSENBAUM COMPANY. 21 Gh WANTED.

GIRLS. For Factory. Apply at Time Office, H. J. HEINZ Pittsburg, N.

S. 127s TWO GIRLS, same place, $2-" each: housekeeper. boys; hcusekeetcr pri-st; house girl, elcleiiy -couple, $7: chambermaids. hotel cliamherraHklK, dishwashers, pantry girls Penn Employment, 2S Penn ave. 217wp GOVERNMENT positions open to women: Influence unnecessary; $SO month; Pittsburg examinations coon; common education sufficient; write immediately for specimen questions.

Franklin Institute, Dept 786-A, Rochester. N. T. lHwrp GOVERNMENT positions open to women; influence unnecessary; excellent -pay; Pittsburg examinations soon; common edu cation sufficient. Write immediately for specimen questions.

Franklin institute. Dept. 7ti7 Rochester. X. Y.

21wro WANTED Women attendants; salary $2o to $24 per month, according to experience board, lodging and laundry: mention where and how long emploved. Apply to Blair Coun tv Hospitatl for Insane. Holildavsburg, Pa. 1138 COOKS, lunch only, $ll week: cook, boarding nouse. xi'J week; two chambermaids, club.

dining-room girl, waitresses, 100 housemaids. Eureka Employment. 710 Penn Wilkins- buig. 217xp WHITE GIRL for general housework: seeond girl employed. Mrs.

A. W. Fullerton, loo5 Sheridan ave. Phone Hiland. 2l7wp UKAriumiONE OPERATOR We have an opening for ft good graphophone operator.

L. C. Smitl. Ac Bros. Typewriting Ct.

ilS Penn ave. 217wp "A.Mtu unod gnl with experience, grocery store: also to assist in light housework reference required. Apply J. C. Bott, Lang East End.

217xp HOUSEKEEPER, widower, two grown chil dren; also housekeeper, aged couple. Eureka employment, It Perm Wilkinsburg. 217xi ANTED Two girls for upstairs and down stairs work, in email famil upstairs girl must assist tn care of 4-year-old child. 2B7 ferrysville ave. Phone lolo Cedar.

217e- XURSE GIRL for Infant lo months old- reference required. Phone Schenley 2C77-J Maplewood 571J Forbes second ncor. 217w IT GIRL for general housework: familv of three grown people; small house; 5.W per wk. aim take Aegjey car. 217wp wa.

tu Girl for general housework small family, good wages, no washing. Apply WJoJ near Highland Ei i none il 7 High. 217xp ii'i-vc- ntiiTE GIRL to help with down stairs work: no washing. 5441 Aylesboro East End.

Phone 252S-J. Schenley. 2 17 wp YOCXG LADY Light office week and board. Eureka Wilkinsburg. work, hotel.

$10 tmp, 10 Penn 217xp WANTED A young girl for shampooing and brushing: temporary. 51wi Jenkins Arcade. 2l7wp WAMED t.irls lt years old and over. Apply biscuit company, -UK) Liberty ave. 217r aiu tor general nousework in family of two.

inquire at Xorth Jseglev aye references required. 217-wp i WANTED either German or Hungarian girl as cook; family of two; good wages; no washing; reference required. Apply 1051 Morewood between Fifth and Forbes st. 213s LAWS MAID, French and German governess, nurse, hotel, restaurant and family cook. chamberniai-ls.

kitchen, x-'antry housework girls Walker's Agency, 612 SmithfieM st. 217wp GIRL for Keneial housework: small family: must be neat am) cleanly about herself and work; German preferred. Phone KCH Wil-kins, or call 2t7 W. Sv-issvale Edgewoou. 217w WA NTED Girt to help care for 2 small chil-dren.

respectable, white, girl will be expected to sleep at home. Call at S5S McKee Oakland. 211x WHITE Gim. wanted for upstairs work In family of three: -must have reference. lltll Phone Hilaml.

54:12 Avondale East End. 217 COOKS, lunc counter men, imrters. nm-wasliers. waiters; also farm, garden, dairy and general help. Arnold, 70U Penn ear.

217wp WANTED Girl Jor general housework; small family. Apply, at UK! Richey North Side. city. Tjike Ferrysville car." 218we OFFICE 'GIRL A bright girl; good education: neat, quick to Ifarn; experience unnecessary; state atie. Write TI 58 l'ress office.

2l8wb WANTED Girl for plain cooking and general housework; no heavy sweeping. 126 Larimer E. E. Frankstown car to Station st. 2l6xe EXPERIENCED (WK-Uermaii or for German speaking family.

112" Sheridan ave. Take Highland ave. cars to Bryant st. 217wp WANTED White cirl for general housework and plain cooking; wages week. Jackman ave Avalon.

Neville S21. TWO COLORED GIRLS, chamber work, hotel. al cluh; colored girls, private place, no laundry work. Eureka 7H lVnn Wilkinsl.urg. 217xp GIRL or.

widow for seneral housework: family three; easy piace. 4 Compromise N. S. 2l7xp "OO Hotels. kitchen, pantry, p.i-.,SoM chambermaids, housework girls waitresses.

Peoples', 217 wp crrfik. best iiuii- 21Wt: lt ii.ol.tll! wases. 1 17 girl. Must be good S. I'airmount.

Tele. land. GOOD opportunity for fadies to make money, all or spare time. Write 7. l'ress Office.

21e IlITE tilivl. WHii.ed for general housework. family three; highest wages. S7 North Euclid K. K.

21twe GIRL, white, good wages, no washing; Sunday and Thursday, tioll Darlington 210s EXPERIENCED white housework girl, wages S'l; family of two: references. 711 St. James St. znwo GIRL to work on custom pants; steady work: poo', watres. 10O4 1-altimore Beech- view.

216we WANTED A good buttonhole maker and finisher for man's tailor. 44," Smlthfteld fourth floor. Ask for Singer. 212wb EXPERIENCED bindery girls Apply ready for work. Keystone.

Fourth ave. 217we SKIRT MAKERS wanted, exoeri-nced. Apply at once, South Diamond North Side. 217xr WANTED White girl for general housework; no washing: good hime; reference required. 2.V)i l'err) sville Allegheny.

212xb WHITE GIRL, experienced, for general housework; family two; washing. 314 Cedar ave. 217xp WANTED Girl for general housework; good to paity. 21." Southern Mt. 217xp GOOD exierienceil female jioixl to right party.

Apply The Northern East Ohio North Side. wases hotel. 217e NURSE and companion, o)do waes. Eureka 71o kinsburg. -ly lady; highest Penn Wil-217xp GERMAN GIRL for general housework.

An. ply Beacon Samrrel Hill. GIRI, white, good wages, no day and Thursday off. 6ol'J washing; Son-Darlington rd. 21wn TWO young lady solicitors: must le neat in nothing to sell: salary- Write Press office.

217W GIRL wanted for general housework and plain cooking. Apply South Atlantic do 215r COOKS, chambermaids. general housework girls. Frazter Brown Emp. Bureau, :1 Penn.

217xp WANTED Experienced chambermaid; references required. J72 WInebiddle East End. 217we WANTED An experienced laundress; must be good troner. rail Bell pnone st tinann 217xp NO MATTER what kind of employment you seek, call HUGHES' BUREAU, 4Kj Smith- field. 217wp EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted.

Bell restaurant, Wood Wilkins burg. 21ixe DISHWASHER at once; no Sunday or even ing work. tils Smithfleid 2d floor. 217vp WANTED Experienced dress maker with ref erence, by the day. ot44 Jackson East End.

21. wp FOUR bright HUre. experienced salesladies, Twenty-seventh st. In gen-South 217xp eral Side. WANTED Good girl as stenographer for small office: salary SI; state age.

telephone. rite I 7. Press office. 2 1 i we APPRENTICE Wanted: to learn Hist class skirt making. S.

Kwalwasser, Home Trust EMg. 21t.we LEARN the sewing trade at the Y. W. C. A.

It will cost you practically nothing. 2l4wb DOWNSTAIRS GIRL wanted. Apply l'5 Phone 103 Wiikins. 21 7 we Beech Ed; NURSE One child. week; nurse, twins.

$7 week: alio mother's hel)er. Eureka 10 I'enn 217xp BAKER'S HELPER wanted. Arlington Lunch. 22 Diamond st. Jl I wp WANTED Girl for general housework.

loT.O 217xe E. Ohio X. S. HOUSEKEEPER for aged couple. Federal t.

Xorth Side 217xP Employment, 12 WANTED- Young girl, light housework. lg 217xe Penn Wilkinsbuig. CHAMBERMAID at once: good wages, pernia- nent position. :4:14 Forbes st. 217wp GIRL for general housework: small apartment.

Jacobs. Mathilda st. family 2 1 1 GIRL for housework. 2039 De Rand st glCxe MAID for general Squirrel Hill. housework.

Beacon 211wh A GOOD colored waitress wanted Craft ave. at oni-p. 112 2 1 7 we WANTED Experienced waitress Forbes st. once. ::708 21 1 xe TWO WAITRESSES Apply Center ave.

(ireater Pittsburg Dairy Lunch. 217we CALL tl.n. Ribby' Ageney for your It kind of posl- 211 wep WHITE GIRl For South Rebecca housework; no East End. washing. 217r TOBACcV) packers wanted at near Webster ave.

allejo 216we SHADY boanl. 4. 'ii Furnished 'hone Highland K5P6-J. rooms with 216xb WHITE GIRL for general housework family. Dean East End.

in small 21xe GIRL for genera! housework: small family good wages. P4i Western ave. 216wb WANTED Dressmaker's apprentice, ei-ty Bank bldg. E. E.

COT Lib-216xe TWO COOKS. 20 plovment Agency house girls. Schmidt Em-, 74 Cedar ave. liliiwb EXPERIENCED GIRL for housework, good wages. Inquire Ward st.

216xr WANTED Night piano player. East Camera phone. fl20'J Penn ave. End GIRL for general housework; good permanent homc. 21dl Sidney S.

S. 217p WANTED A girl to do general housework and wait on tahle. 2i33 Penn ave. 217p COLORED GIRL For general housework. Apply at once, 221 Shady ave.

217xp WANTED Good laundress, white. 1S12 Wight-man near Forbes et. 217wp COLORED WOMAN Hotel cook; $12 week, room, board. Imperial. 1310 Wylie.

217wp NURSE Wanted; at once. Apply G. A. R. Home.

Hawkins, Pa. 217r FEMALE HELP SPECIAL I WILL start you In the at home in spare time. mail order business it you will handle my goods. CREST Atlantic City. J.

21wb LADY PHRENOIAX5IST and viser; reading (half hour) Schenley. scientific 1203-J 217wp HOUSE RAISING and moving shoring and underpinning. Wright House Moving gOt Oakwood st. Pbone Wilktns 421 211xb MFRCHAND1SE of all kinds bought and sold'; shoes, elothtag. gents' furnishing.

Cent! ml Jobbing House, 10O4 Center ave. 127' SECOND-HAND and a bargain. pool table; Write 32. regulation size Press office. 216we WANTED Second Allegheny.


SIXTH ST. AND PENN AVE 215wa HAVE an method whereby I can teach you to play any selection you nay choose on the violin, mandolin, guitar or banjo in one lesson; guarantee it. 1 also teach Uy note. Turner. f.t17 Penn Mondays.

Tuesdays, Wednesdays. 12 Federal North Side, Thursdays. Fridays, Saturdays. 213wt HE MARTIK SCHOOL LIBERTY AVE. AND FIFTH ST.

THE SCHOOL OF RESULTS. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. Evening Instructions in Correct "Business English. Wanted by two young men: state price and particulars. Write 71, Press office.

211wb FIRST CLASS WORK Roorina brick work. painting, carpenters and builders e-t mates and designs furnished; i you want quick ser vice, call Bell phone. Sharpebure. 215wb L-T CrrTTTI-I BUSINESS COLLEGE. --a wxv Lyceum Building.

611- 617 Penn ave. The Best Business SchooL Lowest charges. Situations guaranteed. MENTION THE 1NG ADS. PRESS WHEN A.VaWan- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES And-Metal Specialties.

WOLVERINE MFG. J17 Irwin ave. Take Western ave. car. 217wm WANTED Good paying rooming house, must be well furnished and a bargain.

Write i 81. Press office. 214wb DIES Models Metal SpecialtieR mfg. Standard Die Stamping rear twl Penn ave. 21Jwb MENTION THE PRESS Wti-lM ANawiiJH-ING ADR.

TO LET. ROOMS TO LET BAT WOOD 5-120 Comfortably furnished rooms, modern house; electric lights; hot water heat; breakfast optional; private home; references-; unlimited phone 4401) Hiland. 21owb RAOUOCR RACE) Ui2U. N.rth Side To couple without children, two nicely furnished front rooms. housekeeping, gas.

bath and laundry. 4.uO pr week. 216xb FURNISHED ROOM, Point Breeze location. second floor, next to bath; 3 car lines; short walk Esst Llbertv station; gas electric light, phone. Highland.

Sltixo NORTH HIGHLAND 42 Pleasant two rooms, bedroom and sitting connecting, also single room, all accomodations, refined home reasonable. 216xb SOUTH HIGHLAND 207. K. E. Large well furnished room complete for light housekeeping, hot and cold water in room; phone and conveniences.

216a SAXlJuSKY Xorth Side Two complete furnished rooms for housekeeping: hot and coid water, range; U) minutes' walk to business center. 217xp WEST STOCKTON rooms for married couple or 212 Desirable gentleman. 217xi FEDERAL 1:12 nished front room Allegheny Large fur-private family. I'lixp East End Two rooms, sitting loom; suitable for two 216xr 4. Allegheny Two fur-complete for housekeeping.

TURRETT bed rocm and gentlemen. WEST NORTH nished rooms with every convenience. -1 xp FIFTH j.xiFe.. 1S)H D3sirable housekeeping rooms, also sle plng room, reasonable, phone. 213xb ATWOOD 221 Two large housekeeping rooms, on first floor; hot and cold water, gas rnnge.

use of bath lbxe L. ROBINSON 214. nished rooms for light sleeping; all conveniences. N. S.

Nicely housekeeping fur-and MEYRAX Oakland umtslied rooms with board; modern conveniences. 217xp NICELY furnished rooms, one at 912.HO and other at 15.oO; unlimited phone service. Phone 637 High. 217xo SCH'TH CRAIG 317 Nicely furnished room: all conveniences: reasonable rent. Bell Telephone S271 R.

Schenley. 21tiwr WESTERN North Side Front alcove room, complete for light housekeeping. v- 21xe WARD 3321, Oakland Two furnished roomx. on the second floor; light housekeeping: use bath, gas and laundry. ilwr SOUTH HIGHLAND 207.

E. E. Well furnished; suitable for gentleman; phone and conveniences. 216e to" I. FT One or two furnished rooms, near cars ana train.

US Monitor ave. Avalon. 2'15wr OPHELIA 342. Oakland Two completely tuniished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 2l7xe OAKLAND 21s Furnished room, close to cars and library, suitable for two.

217xp FURNISHED ROOMS Very convenient. 20 minutes car ride to business center. Phone Schenley 4'. .1. 217xp MEN IXlDtiERS $1.00 week: Hght housekeeping.

up. Inquire 102 East Reliance Xorth Side. 217wa I'ENN AVE. 4530-iany. sink, hot -Two nicely furnished rooma, and cold water, bath.

217xe AKCH Furnished attu-. 1 .50 weekly; also furnished rooms, light housekeeping. lxe ELS1XORE smaller room. Schenlev I'itwi. 32 ID Lai ge $3.00 per front room, also week.

Phone 214wb CRAFT 11( uneNcelled table. -Elegant ly Phooe ti'J furnished rooms, Scherdey. 214wb STOCKTON able house, light convenience 210. North Side In desir-housekeepiug rooms; every 212wm DITH RIDGE, South Cozily front room; refined, private family. $10.

Schenley 67fJ-L 212wb MILL S14. Wilkinsburg Nicely furnished rooms, all conveniences, cneap. FORBES ST, 4522- smaller adjoining minutes from eii -Large second roim opposite floor and bath; fif-211wb LARGE. LIGHT HOL SEKKEEPIXG room, bath, laundry and gas range. Ifel7 Forbes t.

21xe FIFTH housekeeping 2115-rooms furnished, all conveniences. light 216xb COLLINS 422 Two fumishe.t rooma to let- for light Housekeeping terms reasonable. 21(Jxr FIFTH roonas. for loll Two or three furnished light housekeeping. 216xr WESTERN t3o Two nicely rnished sleeping rooms reasonable.

216wb FORBES one or 3501 Large two gentlemen. and board, 216xr STOCKTON, shed roo. 12 Second floor front BEAUTIFULLY fmished hen-e. Phone 93-J room In henley. fine modern 2 16 wo IKNN 5201 Furnished rooms and rooms fen- lisrlit housekeeping.

21cxfghilfgb SItULY FURNISHED ROOMS able. Phone K0SC Cedar. reasoo-214xb TWO nicely furnishel rooms. Press orfl-e. East End.

Write 72 214wo ARCH AND 6344 Large front room, furnished, gentleman only. 2llwb Forbes, housekeeping 172H Small rooms, bath. furnished l'ght gas. 12xo STATION 620 Three housekeeping rooms. connecting liirht 212xb PERRYSVTLI.E 2651 Second nished front room, with alcove.

floor fur-214WI. SHADY 270. EL Furnisheo second floor front rooms. $10 up: men. 21 4xb' McKEE PLACE.

235 Furnished rooms Phone 1227-J Schenley. 211wb DIES BELLFVf 'F Jsckson V. furnished t-, g. rueeiv family, all coavulmcn, near cars. 214wpo FAYETTE Allegheny-Connecting front housekeeping apartment.

famished, range, sink, sideboard, nno location. Western 2Kxb TO LET At 20S West Stockton three furnished rooms, two for light 2.w and Bell pbuiw ami bath. EMERSON 234. Last Fjid One second floor front room, elegantly furnished one third floor room, all conveniences. Bell pl.oc.e 22 i Highlanl.

SHERMAN' front room, second laundry, housekeeping park. 1114. Allegheny I.arge fljor; gas range, watr. complete; th.rd door ftT i -FORBES Klegantlv furnished rK)Ti with or rflthoot privatebath.board if desired. 217a SARAH llltJ.

South" side Furnished front room; very desirable: also t2wl WIIJklOT SuL'ARK. 2S. Oaklard Two r.I.-cly furnisii.d connecting rooms, housekeeping. 212xb rKA.IER 525. North Side.

ave. Light housekeeping room; 1.73 a week. near Ridue hot -e 217wt. REDDOUR (RACE) Allegheny Nicely furnished room for light housekeiiing modern conveniences; 2IHxb OAKLAND 315 Fu.iiisned rooma; strictly home cooking; business men preferred; central location. 216xb W.

NORTH Moti. ALLEGH ENY ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO EN-TLEMKX: NEXT TO BATH 21wb FIFTH 14 Large second floor front room, also siiigp! room; meals optional. Phone, all con 2 1 NORTH CRAIG 2 hot and cold water. Second floor room, other rooms. 21Iwb FURNISHED cheap rent.

ROOm for two working Write 1, l'ress ortlce. 217we MENTION THE I NO ADS. PRESS WHEN ANSWER- UNFURNISHED ROOMS FIFTH 172 Two or four large unfurnished rooms; bath, large, yard in back. 216xe HAMILTON bi24 rooms, first floor; all 14. Three unfurnished conveniences: rent 214wD WADE 2St.

near Dewitt. Mt. Washington Three large rooms, bath, large orch. 10. 216wr THREE second flcor.

first door oft Be una Vista. Jules Verne old West Jefferson, conveniences, reasonable. 211xb TO LET J1S; four rooms, bath. antry and porches; first floor. Inquire Lincoln ave-.

East End. CHARLES 57, third floor, water. Allegheny Three rooms. gas, rent. $7.

213wu TWO unfurnished rooms, second floor; including bath and gas. S12.O0. 150.S Market Allegheny. 21lxb AIX'OVE ROOM and Hermitage kitchen, all conveniences. Homewood.

2l'wr RIDGE and bath. 1230 3 rooms. 1st floor, gas 216xe JV ENTION THE INO ADS. PRESS WHEN AXciW.n- APARTMENTS. ARIZOXA APARTMENTS, South Reb--ca East End Two and three rooms cheap, furnished complete for light housekeeping, light, heat, janitor services; rate per week and- up.

211s MENTION THE ING ADS. PRESS WHEN ANSWER- NORTHSIDE APARTMENTS AND $20. IS Garrison, near Ferrysville and Butna Vista; 2-famiIy apartment; newly remodeled; new bathrooms. Telephone S4 Court. 2ltjwb LIGHT, cozy apartments, furnished, unfurnished, out of flood, free gas, porches, conveniences: weekly rents.

W. W. Mounts, owner, 837 Thomas Allegheny. 21tlb MENTION THE PRESS WHEN ANSWERING ADS. BOARD WANTED DRUGGISTS I'nusual ooportunitv.

old established stand: tenant made fortune; fine storeroom, laboratory and living rcom $45. Landlord. 523 Lincoln East End. 212ikfgikfh SPACE in central olfice building, suitable for corsettier or maker of children and misses' high class dresses. Address Dressmaker.

53. Press oftice. l'we STOREROOM, all equipped for grocery. Al place. HO Wills st.

Mt. Washington car via tunnel ot Boggs ave. 21tjvvb OFFICES AND DESK ROOM Business Men's Office Exchange, 324-28 Diamond st. Complelely furnished offices. and $25 month.

Stenographer and telephone service at inoclcrratc price. 21TO NEAR court house, large conveniences; rent 80O-SUS Wylie ave. front rooms, all Smith building, 21ivb MENTION THE PRESS ING ADS. WHEN ANSWER MFG. SITES TO LET 4,500 SQUARE FEET of floor spa' daylight all around, used last 11 years as cigar tory.

Apply on premises to Henry Lkrz, Foreland North Side. 211xb MANUFACTURING space to let. second floor for light manufacturing. 4133 Liberty ave. 21tiwe MENTION THE ING ADS.

PRESS WHEN BUSINESS STANDS TO LET MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED CORNER, 2d. 3d and 4th flooi-s modern. rtne apearing building. RENT Suitable for oihce 'or business. Wood and Third ave.

See COMMONWEALTH REAL ESTATE Commonwealth Fourth ave. HUMP business opportunity. Suitable for carpenter, painter, plumber, seven-room brick house, yard, private alley; rent reason able. 25 Shinghiss st. 21jwe TO LET lot' AND Til WOJD ST.

MODERN SEVEX-STORY BU1I-D1NC5. Size 4oxOO feet. Very sirong and rill arrv aiiv business. Immediate possession. COMMONWEALTH REAL ESTATE Commonwealth- Fourth ave.

TWO small storerooms (new) suttahle for any small business or storage, centrally lo cated in the North f-icie. item io eacn. CONTINENTAL 1 KUbT 246 Fourth Ave. Court 2142. 21(5n MENTION THE ING ADS.

PRESS WHEN ANSWER- CITY AND SUBURBAN FOR RENT Three story brick house, Gran 13 rooms and 2 in the rear. A leautitul store with marble front, tile floor. cement cellar and yard, electric lights, gas. hot and coid water a ruumn: good location for bar or hotel. Answer as soon es possible.

Mr. A. G. Sala. 101 South Pryor Atlanta.


2 lis NEAVLYWEDS. $18.50 Duplex brick 4 rooms, tatfi. plate rail and china closet in dining rooms. Beechview. 15 minutes from post office.

HENRY S. FISHER A COMMONWEALTH BLDG- 15b NEW HOUSE 526 Farnsworth 5 rooma. bath, bay window, electric light, stationary tsis- take Greenfield car to Lydia st. High. S22 214x TO RENT 6-rooni hociae.

cellar, bath, paved street; handy fo car; rent $18.00. 42 Grace Mi. Washington. 215wr FOR Ingram and Crafton properties, see M. A.

Rusk (the man at the Dridge), Ingram. Pa. 15-W Crafti.n. 214b SU1SMAN, 521. formerly Second.

North Si ie ave minntes' walk from Carnegie pbrarj, two room large alcove hath f1w TO LET-Second -Room with power and light-217, ave. I 1 I ac- i i rf ENTION THE rRE33 WHEN ANSWERING ADS. DRESSMAKING LEARN dress cutting, tailoring, designing; before taking, a course see McCormat- ss-tem; understood or no charge. Wat kins agent. Fetlercl Allegheny.

217wghkr CLASSES In sewing, dressmaking and children clothing under expert teacher at the T. W. C. 5St Chatham st. 214wb DRESSMAKING ave.

Phone done at 302 Hiland. Xorth Hiland 21xr UcPOWKU. making. 14 -hool of Designlnic Sixth st. and IJress-216wb HELP, AGENTS AND MAIL ORDER SPECIALTIES DIAMONDS ON CREDIT SPECIAL MIDWINTER BARGAIN PRICES.

Why not own and wear a beautiful Diamond Itinsr. Stud. Hrooi-h or euaranteed Watch? We arrarfie payments to suit. LOFTIS BlUiS. 220 Sixth St.

21ftpp STRICTLY pure peanut butter 5 pounds mailed to any address In Pennsylvania. U. G. Nurnberg, ,4015 Market Philadelphia. Pa.

218wb AGENT S-We pay well and give valuable premiums free for a few hours'- work. Sample and catalogue fre. Thoma Goodman, 44 Treno New Rochelle, X. Y. 217wp At NTS For the "Sterling" Vacuum Cleaner! I-atest improved brush attachment; exclusive territory.

41SJ Jenkins Arcade, Pittsburg. 21Hwe EVERYBODY Send your motion idees; stamp for reply. Address S. Box 472 Pittsburg. Pa.

picture "The S. 212wb AGENTS Entirely every man, boy has ubi! I dime for particulars of sample. C. MeLV.niel, Warriors Mark. Pa.

21bwa A-l OPPORT 1 7XITY. either sex. no can vasl sing. Southuack 1236 Wolf Pa. SITUATIONS MALE Man speaking English.

Polish, Russian, desires position in hotel cr restaurant or grocery store. Address 27. Press office. 21owr YOt'NG MAN, sale business: Address James dock. Pa.

2il, wishes position in whole-can drive auto or auto truck. lepaul, 35 Pine way, Brad-215wr EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenographer wants position; young married man: first-class reference. Write 71. Press office. 21we POSITION as chauffeur, married, English, can do repairs, private preferred.

Henry Davis. Delaware Oakmont, Pa. 213wu SITUATION t'orterT German man. can understand English. Andy Engle.

217 Anderson N. S. 217xp COIXiRED young man. age 20. wants position of any kind.

Write Ml, Press office. 21 7wp YOUNG MAN would like to have inside posH tion. Can give references. Write 4, Press office. 214wb MAN with family wants work on I'snn.

Vickto N. S. 216we l'A PER HANGING roll. Gold. 1M2 wanted Rose at pc city.

a single 215wb isl i lox Tustin st. by painter. Frank Trodv. 2220 216wr SITUATION by young man to learn in city. Write KO.

Press oftice. machinist. 2 17 we SITUATIONS FEMALE EXPERIENCED seamstress wishes engagements with private families; cutting and fUttng a specialty; price per day; only those who can appreciate good work nee-answer. Write A 213, K. E.

Press office. 216xr A NT ED Young lady who has had eight months' experience in hospital -work wishes position in doctor's otlice; best of reference. Fifth ave. 21lvvn THOROUGH HOUSEKEEPER wants position with refined family- of adult men preferred; also good nurse; state full particulars, or call Cora Brusl.ton. 216xe NEAT Hungarian girl wants a situation es nurse to 1-2 children or tis housekeeper to a widower.

Write 1. Press ollice. 21fl we MIDDLFS-AGED WOMAN A housekeeper, for widower, or aged couple; good cook. neat housekeeper. C.

Press otlice. 14 lO Mon terey st. 217xe WANTED A situation by two German girls, to do general housework and can speak the English language. Address HMO East st. North Side.

217wr WANTEL Position as chambermaid bv young iil: no laundry work Write 42. Press oftice. 21tiwt MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, housework, fine references. Call Eureka 71t Penn Wilkinsburg. 217xp SITUATION Graduate maternity nurse wishes engagements.

Write 2eAl, East End Press office. 212xb WIDOW wants position as housekeeper In a family; best of refer en -e. Highlanu C23S-R. 21tixr WANTED English infant's nurse. City reference.

Miss F. l'addy, liank Se-wlckley. Phone 21tir SITUATION Competent German girl. North Side Employment. 12 Federal st.

217xp CHILD'S NURSE, experienced. Write til. Press otlice. be.t 2Uwb WANTED Position as laundress with reference.

Write 15. Press office. 212wb MENTION THE PRESS INC. ADS WHEN ANSWER- BOARDERS FIRST-CLASS BOARD and nicely furnished second-floor front room, with running hot and cold water; pleasant and agreeable accommodations tor either two gentlemen or married-couple; house is modern, large grounds. Incndy to street cars and Carnegie library: references exchanged.

Call nt stone house, corner Ellsworth and Neville. Stiadyside. Tel. Dl.W-J, Schenley. 214wb BEAUTIFUL HOME With near cars and East Liberty depot; i-vtry convenience.

Deuniston nt. Hiland H352 J. CH1IJ3REX boarded private home, best care, 41o Noith West. 1177-R. Ccuar 214xb MENTION THE ING ADS.

PRESS WHEN ANSWER- ROOMS WANTED. WANTED By mother and adult son, two or three rooms furnished for light housekeeping, until May at Woodlawn. Pa. Write s. Press office.

2l7wp MKNTIOX THE ING ADS PRESS WHEN ANSWER- WANTED HOUSES, APARTMENTS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED WANT to rent a six or seven-roomed house "on Squirrel Hill from either May first or June first. Will pay not over $50. Must know before March 1. Write 62, Press office. 216wb Wanted to Buy a House of 4 or Rooms and Bath.

In a good neighborhood, near car lines, in either city or suburbs: will give in exchange a nice level lot on Bayne Belie-vue; two minures' walk from street car; worth fl.non cash iclear and pay difference In cash; would want possession of house May 1. Address, with full particulars. 03. Press office. 21(iwb WANT to rent three or four rooms, with bath, or will rent six-seven-roomed house.

If reasonable, in Allegheny. Write fully. A 4. Press oftice. 217wp WILL BUY HOUSE Pay as rent: in Highland d1stri -t; six or seven rooms, give description and location.

Write 1-5. Press office. 217wb REAL ESTATE WE BUY -Bargains WoL Scott COo 31 Fourth Pittsburg 216e WANTED TO BUY" SIX TO TEN-ROOM HOUSE. YARD. IN MUST BE BARGAIN.

BOX .6. PITTSBURG. 217wr WILL BUY for cash 5-7 roomed brick house. good condition: North Side preferred. Write 13.

Press office. 217wp MENTION THE PRESS WHEX ANSWER INO ADS. I Jjetweeil years. the aeres of 14 and 18 Those under .16 years bring employment f-Prtifimtf-i ici miv.xi.c.-. Apply at the superintendent's of-; fice, West Joseph Horn Co.

217p ELECTRICIANS Two tirst-class armature winders, also several repair men." Those having had theoretical training preferred. American Locomotive N. Pittsburg, Pa. 214b DFSIGNFR And wo, mill uiiil fntnacA woi-U local Permanent, an exceo i.ond onor-. s1 KoO: also detailers.

three. thirty-five other good openings for draftsmen. to CVo advance, fvewi. 'all or write. Kl'SINESS SERVICE iol-2 Park Bldg.

The Original and Only National Agency. 217wp COOK Short order cook. week, porter. waiters for saioun. week; butchers, meat cutters.

$1 week; warehouseman, week; man and wife for farm. $30 month, free i-oom notice: drivers, farm, dairy hands montli; elecliiciuus or factory, day; helpers. day; man for doctor. montii; coal miners. 8 foot coal, pay union wages.

Kin ploy men t. Penn av. UI7wp ELECTRICIANS, engineers, engine preparers. machinist, machine hands, moulders, oo re-makers, blacksmiths, boilermakers, also helpers, carpenters, also far repair men. pipe fitters, bricklayer, pipe welders, also apprentices, good trades.

Informaiton free. PIEL Emp. Experts. 421 Wood st. 217wp MEN to raavass tr the sale of tewing machines who art cot afraid to work on commission.

We start you with an experienced man. Good pay while learning to qualify for better position, pay day each Saturday. SINGER SEWING MACHINE 118 Sixth Fittaburg. Pa. WANTED Physicians, registered In Penns.

or Ohio for high grade advertising offices; state salary, habits, 'experience, age and lve telephone number in first latter: heavy drinkers or those with drug habits need not reply. Address S. Roberts. 142S Market Wheeling. W.

Va- S16we GFJNEHAL Office Clerks Manf. company; good opportunity. Pay Roll and Office Clerk Coal company. Bookkeeper General office clerk: oil company. Shipping Clerk Experienced printing business, Storekeeper I-arge firm in city.

lenosrapnenj several yood openings. PIEL Emp. Experts. 421 Wood st. 7wp CllAl, MINERS ored families WANTED Ten white or col- for West Virginia.

slope i mines; open lamps: steady work: free fare ami free moving. We take also families willt-out furniture: ship every day this week. 3 p. good chance keeping boarding houses. No fee charged.

Keystone Bureau. 1124 Pern ave. 2l0wb RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examination will be i mi v-mo -a ufiiiana; salary ni a ytar to sart; we will coach vou for the examination. Write for Home Study Catalog O. McLachlan Business University.

ll'Wls Pearl Grand Rapids, Mich. 214wkgikn I FlitEMEN and brakeimn. R. R. no trouble.

T. i 1 i. ii lavjtvim also iiv n'prs. Head Janitor, large crtie city. PGH.

SERVICE EMP. LXPEIITS. Jenkins Arcado. 217wp STRONG, htalthy men make iO ti per month as pla-form ttuckers. with chance advaiicement; we need -V men tn Monday; no experience required.

Call ready to work, at International Bureau, 411' Fourth city. 21Twp WAXTf.D Sand blast operators an.l chlppers; experienced steel foundry sand blast, men to operate Pangborn sand also experienced sir hammer chippers. Inquire Ouquesrte steel Foundry. Coraopolis, Pa, SOLICITOR for umbrella tepalr shop, salary and commission, neat appearance and ref erences necessary, permanent employment for the right man. Call mornings lctween 8 and 10, 102 VV.

North Allegheny. 216xe OFFICE BOY Not under 15 yca.s of bright and neat appearance; excellent nance for advancement: reply own hanu writing, stating age. Address Pn.s oiikf. 2 1 Owr FOREMAN of press department, one who is careful and thoroughly experienced on all kinds of sheet metal stamping; state experience, reference and wa-ges wanted. Write S-49, Press office.

l'16r WANTED Driver for laundry route; acquaint ed with Etna, Sharpsburg and Allegheny; good solicitor: bond and reference requii -s-i. PalAce 4o0o Butler st ACTIVE MEN. make to 4o taking orders for National Vacuum ers. the best proposition offered in lb Room 210, 424 Fourth ave. i -We'! city.

17wp WANTED Machinists; large mfg company in and good wages. Write must be first class; steady work 77, Press office. 217r DRUGGISTS, R. for a good steady position, with good habits: good pay for the right man. Address White Ciosk I'harmacy, 11H Idaho Farrell, Pa.

21tjwe BOY to learn office work, ambitious and intelligent: good in spelling and arithmetic; answer own handwriting. Write 57. Press office. 216wb ARE YOU Icking for a position? Call at International Bureau, 415) Fourth, city. We place everybody willing to work on good poy.

2l7wp WANTED Young man to make ready and feed job presses. H. H. Woods Paper Bos 15 Dasher st. near Sixth st.

bridge. N. city. 217xp ATTENTION Vacuum cleaner salesmen; if you are making less than S'ii per week see Mr. Clarkson, Room 424 Fourth ave.

21ttwe COLLECTOR WANTED A young Catholic man to collect on weekly installment a-county; falary and commission; references required. Write 44, lYess office. 21owe SOLICITORS wanted to travel. work locally. Transportation paid.

411 Cameta- phone U47 Fifth ave. Sir. Day. 217wn MEN Two middle aged men to travel for sales department. 921.

oi per. week; now unemployed and readv to begin immediately. Write 11 8ft. Press office. 217wp WHITE MAN awl wife, private place; also faim.

colorotl man and wife, private, highest wages. Eureka 710 Penn Wilkinsl.urg. 217ip SVAXTELV-Nut seeders for Jiot press machine: steadv' work, good wases. Apply Ns- 1 lional Bolt Nut 621 and A. V.

R. R. 217b 6 FARM HANDS: 3 families. City. 411 $4o; home gar-Seventh ave.

2l7wp den and rent fre. WANTED Man for plastering. lata and wages for answer. Press office. state partlcu-Wrlte l.

HI. 217wp PORTER. kitcheri man for out city; chef. helibo. City 411 7th ave.

217wp A GOOD SUOF7M A KBR. steady work, good wages. Address Louis Silk, r324 Butler st. 217wb DRA t'GHTSMEN Several eood nnn at once. PIEL Emp.

Experts. 421 Wood st. WAGON blacksmith and helper wanted; experienced men only. MeClinton 4fc Sandusky Xorth Side. 217xp WANTED Handy men and helpers.

Columbiana Boiler Columbiana, Apply Ohio. 2 1, 1c MACHINISTS AND BOILERMAKERS for locomotive work. lOOK House Bldg. 24ea FIFTEEN MEN for foundry work; good wages. Arnold.

Penn tear. 217wp WANTED A good third hand baker to help on bread and cakes. Kiengle. ti Warring-ton S. S.

Hilltop. ai7wp HANDY MAX for club hous room and board. Eureka Wliklnsburg. highest wage. 710 Penn 217xp WANTED Moulders: floor and bench; steady work and good wages; large mfg company Penna.

Write 7. Press office. 217r WANTED Boy for elevator; must lie IS years old; wages Call at Joyces. Penn ave. 2l7wp WANTED Two coopers who can do big work 1.J22 and 1324 E.

Ohio N. S. 215wr WANTED On general work. 1 p. m.

farm, single white man for Renshaw Tuesday 21 7we DRIVER for an established laundry route; must be bustler; bond required. Write 207. press office. 212xb WANTED Experienced real estate salseman on new suburban lot plan. Write 54, Press office.

S16a DISTRICT MANAGERS to sell sick accident and death insurance, all or part time. 1402 Oliver building. 214wb MACHINISTS Lathe and planer hands. Apply Pittsburg Forge Iron Company, North Slc, Pittsburg. Pa.

213wb WANTED An experienced egg candler. Apply Brahm 4 4-i Penn ave. 217p NEAT YOUNG Diamond st. MAX for luncb counter. 23 317wp I 1 PRS3 WHEN ANJWst MENTION THE ING ADS.

4 1.

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Article information

Author: Duane Harber

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Views: 6552

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.