The Conquerors Mark II [Tutorial v 1.0] (2024)

The Conquerors Mark II [Tutorial v 1.0]


Join Date: 2012-05-11
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#159133249Wednesday, April 01, 2015 9:28 PM GMT

Alright so recently this game came out and I've been playing the original ever since it came out and was a big fan of it but it got stopped updating because he Hathelper got banned so Berezaa is making it better.Anyways here is the tutorial.Keywords: PP = Power plantTC = The ConquerorsP/m = Per minuteIndex :Chapter I : What is The Conquerors?Chapter II : Unit detailsChapter III : Strategy & Tactics Chapter IV : ConclusionChapter I The Conquerors is a strategy game which takes your brain to play.Well obviously you need to know about real war and how it comes into play with this game like flanking and holding key points of the maps.I see so many people not making PP's and just make a barrack and spam units like its going to help. So this guide is for you guys please read and learn and get better at this game.Chapter IIThere is 4 types of units in TC.SoldiersTanksPlanesNavyList of Soldiers :Light Solider - Get 3 at the start and built in barrack. $10Heavy Solider - Built in barrack. $20Scout - Get one free at the start and built in barrack. $45Sniper - Built in barrack. $50Medic - Built in barrack. $145Repairman - $25Construction soldier - $50R.P.G Soldier - Built in research center. $90Juggernaut - Built in fort after 60 minutes $55Artillery - Built in fort $90Well let me explain you the uses of these units in-depth.Light solider - Only good in early game for either defending your Power plants or killing them. Heavy solider - I recommend in throughout all the game as it's a very solid and cheap unit to build.Scout - These are good at going around the map fast and building PP's but useless to build again.Snipers - Well these are viable if you only have 2-3 of them. Not good as a full army unless you have tanks at the front and the "Sniper army" at the back.Medics - Way too expensive to build. I recommend only getting one in a army or none at all.They are going to die anyways and do nothing but heal.Repairman - I guess you can build this if you were attacked by the enemy and your base was damaged. Don't build it if your base isn't getting attacked any time soon.Construction Soldier - I LOVE this unit here is why. If you have this guy you can build anywhere on the map which I LOVE to do.Don't have more then 1 of this unit at anytime given.R.P.G Solider - Well this thing...Very overpowered but highly doubt you will even get to build this guy unless you rush research center. This unit is really for the late game if you can't kill enemies base then you can start building these bad boys.Juggernaut - Replace your heavy soldiers for Juggernaut after 60 minutes. [If it even gets to that point but it usually won't when I play.]Artillery - These are good if you are trying to siege a base with a lot of defensive building. They spam turrets and fort and cant kill it with units? Simple , build artillery and DEFEND IT. DEFEND IT. Put your units at the front and make the artillery sit at the back and shoot like snipers but 2.0 and better;dr Heavy Soldiers are the way to go.Alright time for TanksNote : All land vehicle are built in tank factory therefore I don't flipping have to keep typing "Built in tank factory" , "Built in tank factory"AnywaysLight tank - $70Heavy tank - $90Explosive tanks - $70Jeep - $55Humvee - $85Light tanks - I generally build these on land maps not any sea map but only land.Reason is Heavy tanks just outclass these so you more sustain when you transport units over to a different island incase the enemy have better units.Heavy tanks - Ah , heavy tank beats any ground unit vehicle.Just build these when you can ,not much to say really...Explosive tanks - These are just for the trolls. Tell the enemy i'm placing my units in your base and turn their stancer off. Then when you set these up around the enemies base tell them to turn stancer on. BOOOM , it's hilarious you need to try it out.Jeep - Holds units in tl;cant be bothered to explain its terrible , don't build.Humvee - Same and Jeep but a little bit stronger but just don't build it...On to the planes.Generally air units are fast and mobile with high damage but low sustain.Air units that are built in airport :Light plane - $75Heavy plane - $100Ac-130 - $650Stealth bomber - $220Transport plane - $60Air units that are built in Space link :Space fighters - $120Mother ship - $420Air units that are built in Research center :Gunship - $285Explanation to the air unit.Light planes - I really don't think these are good in the game currently.Heavy planes - The basic air unit and the best to use in early to mid game.Ac-130 - This unit is very hard to get and cost a lot of money so it's not worth it currently (Hopefully berezaa changes this unit up to make it viable and good) Nonetheless a beast at dish out damage but sadly very weak against a horde of army.Stealth bomber - I used to build this in the old TC but I haven't really used it that much in the new TC but I think its better to build 2-3 of these if you want.Transport plane - Er... yeah useless unless its a sea map but very effective on sea map if your rushing airport with your teammate help ^.^Space fighters - This unit is VERY I mean VERY overrated its terrible unless you want a really fast army combined with your useless Humvee and jeeps with medics and repairmen inside. But seriously it's really weak and doesn't really dish out that much damage. But it can reach higher points of the map.Mother ship - This is why you build a space link not because of useless Space fighter but because of this bad boy or should I say girl huehuehue. Get mother ship and combine it with heavy planes = God.Gunship - Alright this is a newly added unit that is well... good in groups but bad with just 1-2 since it has a higher fire rate and a low damage but with a full army you can demolish a;dr build heavy planes and your all good.*Sighs* Navy... I not really a expert on this but I know a few things.All of the navy unit can be build in the docks with the exception of sea planes.Aircraft carrier - $450Sea plane - $50Battleship - $230Gunboat - $75Aircraft carrier - Never really used it but all I know is you can make seaplanes out of it.Sea planes - A very fast unit and do extra damage to naval unit.Good again battleships in a big number of group.Battleship - Really strong and versatile unit which can be used or offensive siegeing enemies base from the sea and defensive for just defending your base.Gunboat - I think this is useless except from early game if you want to get oil ridges.Alright that is the end of Chapter II and unto Chapter IIIChapter III Strategy & Tactics There are a few strategies you can use and I can share you some of my strategy.The Rush - What you basically do is build 3-4 power plants and then make a barrack.Afterwards you start spamming heavy soldiers or light soldiers depending on how fast the production rate you want and how strong you want it.Then you start killing the target's PP so you choke them out of their money so they barely have anything to spend. Remember people hate PP killer. ^.^The Steam roller [RECOMMENDED] - Alright you can do this differently but at the same technique. You build a Nuclear plant at your base then PP and your allies and around the map until you have over 80+ p/m.Whilst you doing that if you ally is co-operative tell them to build a barrack its a life saver I tell you.Then you can build heavy units to defend your PP and start to work on a tank factory.Shortly after you should have a full army of max population of heavy soldier and a few tanks enough to get you going.Kill the most prioritized enemy first.Well start with the PP so you choke their money out and mess with their economy. I call that the "No PP?No money tactic" Then start to kill them.This is the most efficient strategy I know and works best for me maybe not for all of you. ^.^The economic nerd - Yeah just build PP's everywhere and then start upgrading them and start getting fort's and research center and beat everyone tech.The game will last long but I guess if you went this way you could win.Some tactics I useI control the middle of the map where the middle green crystal is so I have map control so I can see who's going where and what they are doing where. I build a fort where the PP is and even a barrack or a tank factory whatever you haven't got so you can pump out units from there which is VERY effective as you have control over that section which usually has choke points where you can trap or deny access to your opponents.I have this cheesy tactic where I get a construction soldier and place it near their enemies base then I start building forts and slowly and surely I kill their base.This works if the enemy is stupid.Chapter IV : ConclusionWell I enjoy this game because it's fair and fun to beat people at it and it takes your brain to think what to do and when.It's balanced and very fun so that is why I think I like it so much.I hope you guys also improve and enjoy it as the same way I do and hope this game brings more features to it such as the classic 3 v 3 from the old TC where you could have giant battles and lag the server.But seriously it was fun.Well that sums it all up.If there is anything I have grammatically spelled wrong or I got some information wrong feel free to tell me.Thank you for reading this and I hope you get better.Good luck.

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Join Date: 2010-07-02
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#159133281Wednesday, April 01, 2015 9:28 PM GMT


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#159133419Wednesday, April 01, 2015 9:30 PM GMT

Someone has a lot of free time

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Join Date: 2012-05-11
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#159133484Wednesday, April 01, 2015 9:30 PM GMT

Yeah I actually did I got bored so decided to do this. ^.^

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Join Date: 2014-01-17
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#159137366Wednesday, April 01, 2015 10:18 PM GMT

Humvees are actually good if you want a fast, hard hitting unit.

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Join Date: 2014-01-17
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#159137532Wednesday, April 01, 2015 10:20 PM GMT

Mother ships are easily slain by concentrated fire from heavy planes and ground troops.

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#159137619Wednesday, April 01, 2015 10:20 PM GMT

is this game like command and conquer or something

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Join Date: 2014-01-17
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#159137890Wednesday, April 01, 2015 10:23 PM GMT

Jeeps, Humvees Artillery and Juggernauts are built in forts.

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Join Date: 2014-01-17
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#159138143Wednesday, April 01, 2015 10:26 PM GMT

Where is the Mobile Fortress?

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Join Date: 2014-01-17
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#159138197Wednesday, April 01, 2015 10:27 PM GMT

Transport Planes cost 125$

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#159138230Wednesday, April 01, 2015 10:27 PM GMT

Stealth bomber can take out anything in a matter of seconds. GET THEM!!

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Join Date: 2014-01-17
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#159138496Wednesday, April 01, 2015 10:30 PM GMT

Space fighters are very useful. Rapid-firing groups of them can dish out lots of damage then flee with good speed.

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#159140123Wednesday, April 01, 2015 10:51 PM GMT


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Join Date: 2014-01-17
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#159140504Wednesday, April 01, 2015 10:56 PM GMT

You don't support a tutorial, you idiot.

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#159152031Thursday, April 02, 2015 1:09 AM GMT

I have played hatHelpers version for 2 years now and i am recently starting to play Berezaas and really Some of these things are wrong. Here are some of the things i mean are wrong:-Mothership is pretty bad.Sure it looks cool deals good damage has high health but slow compared to others and lower fire rate(If i remember correctly) It can easily be taken out by about 8 heavy Planes.-I agree on Jeep beign useless but Humvee is good early on for moving around troops.-Explosive tanks ARE very useful. If you get 3-4 they can either almost destroy or destroy a HQ,and i have heard they are very useful against all turrets but need to be protected on the way.I agree about all the others though. It feels to me that hatHelpers even though has not been udpated for 1-2 years now still seems better. Mostly cause of the map and stats to see hwo everyone is doing. But Berezaa makes kinda useless passes i mean who would pay 45 robux just for a different texture on buildings and 20 robux for sparkles on you'r Command Center. Wonder why people buy the 45 robux one.

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The Conquerors Mark II [Tutorial v 1.0] (2024)


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