Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

11 is cw TIMES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1979 Help Wonted Til. Help Hinted T. Htlp Wn.td HO. Htlp Wintd 443. Mtrchtndtv Win ted CARPENTERS Cain or Used Hoitault TV Sets HART'S TV, 110 Greenwood MANAGER TRAINEE OPPORTUNITY CAKPfcN.l HS 1 Helper.

b.Wl ncd in Rough Framirm Tout 4 Tl ftOOf)l(l Netutary. Top Pav PiO VtIIOfl JOHN KAMP tnitrorlwn 032 UK ASH lor giasswera, lurnllure, aniiques, 4 mitt Hems ot 111 fcilMJl! iWiXill U. Auction Salts tAKHENIfcRS Wanted. Shealher i tornic Men. Piece work, paid bv ia ft Looking lo build ww crewi lor ww work.

MM It Morm. IH pm CORNICE MEN PASCO-PINELLAS-Ht RNANOO PAI McMUNN TEACHt-Hl 4 Yaar Uagraa, Ptychokv 0V or iottfv fcapafWixad. Uood Bt'tlllL 1-Ui HJfM TfeAtHfcR, En till id, corttarvallva TECHNICIAN for KaUy'i SprlngtWd tiQ. In both torttun i domttlk Appfv In porton, I3IJ I Mlitourl Art, C'wlr, CUAHAMtR. 442-191 MAkE mora room on your Shelves I buy Jewel Tea Duties, qulltt, alto gther oiu item, I INC MON 4 FRI--7 J0PM PlKS 4414 5R 4 I in fc a pum Hi' to IAHHENTERS Eipenenced In 6me- MAHiNI-K Villave, Teipuii Sptlngt-luMuriout tpaiiout, turn, guft Iront jhh, ibA, adults, tept 14th De: mnL Uffl, PifcHLfc IW0 waterfronl unfurnished 2 BR, 2 bath.

Ith Mr corner, 2 terra un. hie living rm, tar pets, drapes, hiwu tauiiL mii. 4j jvju TIMBER OAKS coriw, private, new. Tbr 2bath, aH appiiaiHes, garage Fees paid, Club pool and ret included M2S montMv, plus utilities Firtl end last No pelt Call id 03 14 or ItJ LWiL tr Atra WATERIHONI cundot 3 a mos or tj KNOCKING. Optn the door lo brloM tutur wllh on of lh malwit mot) reteectod newtpooer opera Hon.

by training USED, lurnllure bouwnt 4 sold Futnllurt Town, IW Draw St tmfKiitL 44i nor trim, (Will kernel. Wood or Aluminum Com Mon-Frl, t-4pm: 43: Sporting ZM. Volmmon So toi women SALESPERSON, Expd In office mo-crtine or otlice sureties soles pre-irmi, ieloiy UrlBTl 4J5 llii SALESPERSON. Full Tlmo, experienced UnUmlled oppurlunllies For interview colt torpon Wuods Reolly, UL IH IMi SALES SOLICITORS YOU EARN MORE WHEN YOU SELL QUALITY Forkta's Best newspapers, the St Petersburg Times 4 Evening Inde-petKlent. are sewing a circulation satet solicitor lo offer these quality papers lo new subscribers the Sumoesl and surrounding slate real.

TELE PHONE Room Supar vltor JUMN EnHrprlwi 4o 441, Appl lancM motivational fcklHt. Salary bonui iJl UfW toward ntanaw4Kntn1 wtlh lh Circu-lallon DfH.rlnwnl ot th SI Ptwi-bure Tirntt and Evonin Inoopon- CANADIAN Winthtiiar KloridiHa Gold Ruth Commemorative 14 4 Qllh ll'OUf. It'npa Uf WTl GULF CLUBS 4 SpauWi'ig woods 7 CANPENIERS, heme i Hewers 2-J veeri experience Need vour own TRAY tests im I4 iti AIR CUNUHIUNtH -F adders 11 WO BTU 220 volt, i.iiwni I40 31- 4J9 DISHWASHER Kenmore, dark wood CARPENTERS, Fremlng, trim. Eipor, own loots Clwlr eree 44ft- Experience preferred Oofc Blurts Re-iiremeni Corner 40I-44U beiween om 4HTJ ar Furnisned or unfurtiisned at It vou art ttvt Ivot of ptrwn who can dirtci and moiivaia otw, han-dMj ratpooiibilliy, pfomoio can tU mi iimi HigKCCQHAM. iv.

4 yt(L tnvm i 14 4JV4 DMER-Fngidaira Large tapauiv Wilton Soetf Irons, bag 4 Pull cart lN Ilk 4H4 GOl CLUBS, Finalitl 19 Iron, 4 Wnton woods, bag, puH cart Ekc- nl 1125. MM Mtf GOLF CLUBS Tall guitars Extra V3J up No peis or children Etge-water Century Heaity, inc Sean or tftf Pit, MftwoK 44J 04i i JVg J7R TRUCK DRIVER Worehouse Men Florido Choutleurt LKense FuHlime ilkt new li tlrni 4J work ntunii, and art raadv lo work CAKHEN 1 IIKIMI Experienced Omv Own Tools ft Own Trensporlellon. CW lf APPOinlrnenL i and Mam, Ihan vou may no lull lha poiton wa art ill. Furnished Htvut, Cottaoi CllAIW rtguUAlL4M122 long Hogen Irons ISO and Kenneth TYPE SE TIERS tiX Eipenenced or wiH troln Must typo oOwpm. CHEF Experienced teute chef You'll tiart at District Manaetr imith ii, mm GUNS S4A, Cotl, Ruger.

AH Dn counted Largest Stock in Ciearwa You'll work wllh other trained so-Hciiors and rate! va compteit on-the-tob training lor (his door-lo door sates posiHon. I'D Qeerwiier HUDSON 2 Bedruum AvanaWa SPl -Dec On Canal dork wSO Mo bKJugiqg Utmtm, M2 voi LOVELY 2BH, Bam, Screen Trainat ai 1 10 watkfy, advancino ac- Tjxmh ifrirjiu fJ4Z14 TypiST Troined os Ivoeseiier ter'Sl Pete Oven 7 Oavs Hunler SOwpm Excellent opportunity. Mon- Miw CLE ANING LADY GENTLEMAN'S HOME TARPON HMtlNM ni llll. Porcn, Air Garage Furnished. Re cordina lo or own or ogrttt cortlri-txiiton, bonut commit -itont atong lha way Vou'H atto par-Iklpatt In trvt arta i tinatl "axlrat" provram Profit trtarlno.

Pantion POOL TABIES tired Peiiets Adults. 17 '4 Available You'll work Tuesday through Saturday, earning a bate salary ot 1131 per week From there you will set CLERICAL RKOplKMltl Meluro NEW 4 USED SLATE TABLES f' ii HPJL 4JVio Hi DRYtR, Whirlpool. 3 Cycle, lem-Pt'lty'Llia 4 J4 tljf ft PM, RANGE, Tepeen etactric eve level AgtW, 1 vr i9v 7J4 IHL RfcfKiGERAToR GF, 14 cubic', avocado, trosttrte 3M. otter 42 442 REFRIGERATOR GE 20 Cu ft 19rt Custom dispenser, top fretier trosttfte Harvest gold U2S Iy49 WASHER Frigidaire Large capacity lt nt li Ifrn. Hwil WASHER Sears Portable with Ser-HI tontracl.

Whjlt 4 H4 RE Color TV's, washers, dryers, refrigerators, stereot UPHOLSTERER, ret or nol Port lime, lop per. Jiper vta. H) aiJ. WAITRESSES Veried shifts ovoll-oble Apply In person: HOWARD 434. UmSsirrmhtd Hoinos, Cottaflts Plan, Lift 4 Haa.lt, Intufanca, Coti- vou own salary with a liberal bo- person needed tor busy construction otlice Must be experience In Workmen's compenselion, typing ft bookkeeping Cell tor Interview ot-Livlno Pay SuppWmanl.

Libaral nut that commission plan. 91 ST N. SJI3. Tbr SH. 1st.

lost FROM U4 SET-UP' BOB 5 441171 Renvenutaclured GoM Cars One Year Parts Warranty QQLB tA 4YSTt5 Ptt 44 1 37 JOHNSONS 23W US. HHUmey 10 sec Efl Hi nn Soulh, Torpon Sjrngi mm tt AMP Enterprises. S4, fflti WAREHOUSE Paid vacation! and Holidayt. So antwar tha knock of ooooriuntty with Florida'! Bait Nawtpaoart today! Apoty lo tl any waakday morning. BEACON WOODS' 4 BEDROOMS.

3 BATHS, CLUB PRIVIt AVAILABLE JPL 1 1140 COMPUTER OPERATOR 440. Bicycles And there's more: As a futf lime, permanent Times SteHer, you'H snare in an unbeatable program of xlrat. Including Profit Snaring, Medical Insurance for vou and your family Lilt insurance. Disability Pav, Pention Plan, liberal paid For 370 1 IS bonking Inslellalion knowledge ot DOSVS. JCL.

CICS, ft PUWER'VS Is 0 plus. Compelollve solery ond unoeelible fringe benettls. Lergo, 7BR 1 bein neor Indien Rucks Rd shopping I hospital exrel- Shipping 4 Receiving Apply In person 9-4 Mon-Frl. U77Q Ulh St. SCHAINN, Girl's Like new, M0 1 kWL I7S.

72t-aaJf 441. Articltt For Sid Repot, trade-ins. tcrairti 'n' dent. len) Mianiivrtlgvd, 19 24SI. S95 4IL OH.5I filwfL vou name iti All reconditioned and REsumo In confidence to DP Monog- vacations, cost-of-living allowances guaranteed, nothing down, small WELDER -Fabricalor needed for custom auto parts manufacturer, Ftorl- and much mort- monthly payments er P.Q.ta 1.7? ClwJrf lfc.JliU CONSTRUCTION Laborer Musi be honesl, rolloble, experienced ond LARGO Areo, 1 or.

2 beln, on i orres. cent e. kxoied noil to BsHnnj Gordon 39J 0VI9 ttr Spm LOMA Linoa Aov. 4 BR. 7 both, control H'A, poo, evonewe, 147S mo, BILL HALL'S TV 4 APPLIANCES Rod Shop, 7J4-4H! Pl'rn Hrbof.

CARPE T-New, ft over trom CondO- miniums 4 new hornet Value lo 17 per so vd From USO 10 112 per so vd completely Installed Save up to 40 441-ISH Ask tor Bob. Budget 1771 A Missouri Searstown WINDOW INSTALLER Wanted) Sub-Conlract Basis. Top Montvl C4B Aanififl 4lh Aya Hudson, hardworking Solery open. Musi hove ironsportollon. Coll 441-9993 (weekdays, onlyj.

Shopping Piaia Clwtr 44 IS-1 1 Newport PH.t NHB 4i 451 TV, Rtdio, Sltrto, Ht-Fi III. iflt. 44 0J14 TARPON Sorings-3 BR 2 Mini 2 Power HARMONY MARINE, INC. CLOCKS Antiques collector sell oul CONSTRUCTION LABORER miles to schools, beeches Cenl A. Garage.

Fenced Avon Seoi I SJ2S SPEAKERS- Fischer. Heritage te- A growing fiberglass sailboat builder is looking for a fiberglass shop lore-man. Experience with chopper systems and mold metnltnanc required XP6B, good condition, ISO S9e- Report lo Job Silo. Aldermen Rd ft Knoll EPilm Hirbor Mil There If It! AH vou need It enthusiasm, "sales and a detlre lo work and learn We'll take from there and see that you're wed rewarded. II pavS to be Times Siatter, Try utl Apply any weekday Mlam at Times Personnel Office 1st Floor, Times Building 490 1st Avenue South Double Dials, A large variety No ttet rngrt mi(nti Hl-fc.

DRAPESRODS Model home, beaull-tut light blue sneers Living room Vti ST. PETERSBURG TIMES AND EVENING INDEPENDENT Ttmtt Ptrtowitt OWIct III Floor, Timat Bidg 490 Flrtl Avanut Soulri SI Pttanburg quj QpppjiijnJij Empteytr MF NURSE AIDES Day noun Immtdlattiy a va Habit for full lima Nuria't Aidtt to work in paiiant't homat In Dunadin, Claarwaltr, Tarpon Sprlngt, North-Mil SI. Rata and Tvront araa Travtl and ra-lmburtamanl. Car 1 pnont raaulrad. Comptata appiica-lion al M-Wth St.

N. Bay Arta Hemi HMlKlierYjcek IML security rj4 274 JOE ALE ANUt REAL ESTATE INC Rt Al TOR 174. tfVjsoyri TELEVISION Motorola Quasar CONSTRUCTION Worker $240 Excellent opportunity lo gal In on the lvT'ftl4. Dining I0'I4 VJW 7t4- console, 23" color, good condition. ground floor of a growing company AAA EMPLOYMENT LARGO 3200 B.i Dr S3I-779S UOGull fjeach Rental! Jl 393 -3701 TELEVISION, Zenilh, color, 442 294)4 Send resume to PO.

Box 7161. Tallahassee, FL 37304 or call Si INDIAN ROCKS BCH, openings Aug COOK ft Kitchen Help-Apply TJ'l TV Anlanna 32' tower (Ronn- IJItLAlM -MujSI PenlhouH, 29 9269 Reslouronl ft Lounge. 12600 eth SI OLAN MILLS J744. ENCYCLOPEDIA -FULL Set World-book, yearbooks 120 SI I -606 7 morn- HOME Enteriainment Center Curtis Mathts. like new iMQoHer, S34- MOWER- Riding, John Deere, 36" cut, twin blade, 7hp, electric start.

UofiraBeion Uom sr uncJom Spaldtng), antenna roior Cornell Navfj use4i7 6.101- Ui.VeCJtion RenrtJ Telephone Salesperson lo work In our new Seminole Studio Permanent pert COOKS Tv-Zenim, 2S" sond siaie console. PtrfM corjfllilon, im 73J 7L GOLF-SIDE VILLAS-Doy, yVeek, Mo TARPON WOODS Golf Coun- time AM i PM Stiili No experience necessary Pleosenl conditions. We ST. PETERSBURG TIMES AND EVENING INDEPENDENT Experienced fireoktesl, dinner ft groveverd shltl.Salory commensurole w'oblllfy. Apply In person: personnel JULIETTE, arrwtm, I track, recor- lulu, 051 Alk lor VKit PjrlflUia.

34Jiia NURSES AIDE part lima, axpariancod only ALPHA PERSONNEL 147. Rentil Inlormition 457. Musical Instrumints 424 Bay Dr. U4-2T73 etfUi, Sitttyie Blvd. ciwir Bcti COOKS-shorl order, lull ft perl lime.

Hours ft schedule flexible. Rubes Res- AMPLIFIER, Paorev, TNT100 plus Equal Opportunity Emplcytr, II Registration 3 Wks Sal Terms Serving North Plnellos County Needs Apply In parion lo Oak Manor Nun-Ing Center, 3S00 Oak Manor Lant, TELEPHONE SALES-Advertising Lincoln Boss Guitar Unused. 1375. Salary plus commission, experienced. IB AH Ottgpojisnt! FHUtt, 7-J 1 Food Stores have a lew vocen BAS, String upright ocoustic Fine utility.

SJ4 7i sjj ge2Q OXYGEN-acetylent torches, tanks, roli-iround lignfl, IM J-741 SFWING Machine Singer Athena 7000 Electronic Unused All Accessories 31-6913 Mornings. Cash only m. TV 23" Zenith Color, Sland 1140 Dinette wood tatwe, Round. (70. Dynecjin TYPEWRITER -Remington Streamliner Portebie with case.

Like new Mi -1851 Mi-4W Urufi NURSES AIDE Squillf ltd. Homi haaim cart, North Plnaiiat i Paico FREE Rental Reterrel Service No Charge 10 Owners or Tenants Cleorweler Lorgo Real Eslale H4-IIII or FREE1 Greoter Pinellas aperlment guides el 7-II, Pick-Hwik. HolflS er-d MolelS FREE RENTAL SERVICE Clearwater Countryside Realty Inc 790-0000 general business instrument. S3O0 cies tor coreer-mlnded, long-term employees. Must be oble lo work ell CENTURY 21 REAL ESTATE Co.

Full btnaf itt -f car axpentet Cal 144 000 'urtnl Cogntuide M1L CUSTODIAN, Evenings. Fun Time, YMCA, IO0S South Highlend, Cleer- Mtux. V)-m CUSTOM LANDSCAPING Musi Be Experienced Wllh Plenls, Shrubs, Etc. Commission Wllh Drew Against Produced Soles. Cill 6oru 4' 4tG7 IAM -5PM Join America's largest real estatt Srykf.

ORGAN, Hammond Aurora 1100 3 sales team You will eniov the bene shilts. Apply ol 17J5 Drew SI Cleor-witor, AAoDrEri IAM-4PW, E.O E. NURSES- UN'S 8. LPN'S reort, iJJM oHer tit* of our national recognition at well ORGAN-Lowrev Citation Theoire Naadad lor Privatt Duly Cant (2) in Claarwaltr Arta. Call Ona of Our HORIZON HOSPITAL.

INC Exponsion Creoles need tor Psychioltic RN at our reputation at the "Neighborhood Professionals" In the Raai Estate Industry If you are now present Spinel Mint condition All Lowrov lee- vei im Protattionaii at RN HEALTH SERVICES. UTILITY Trailer. 4 flat bed, all Sitirwour ly licensed, or are about lo be. call ORGAN Yamano. E3R console, lull new (ires 4 beanngt excellent condl- COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL Mr-ffOOrfJl.

Bkf n. 125O0 734-4790 For Future Openings, Paradyne Corporation Lorgo, Fkxldo. Nick Mastro, Rtaltor for a confidential interview WHEELCHAIR, very good condition PEAVEV 121 TJOO Speakers. (7) Sure mikes, stands Vamana amp OFFSET STRIPPERS tor Web Pres. Aultl Mgr Experlenca req.

Ptrma-fwnt tuiyri St-mi Clearwater Eauol Oppor tunity Impjoyer DOCTORS Asstslont. no exper nec. Good personolllv, lull or port lime Send resume Box ML67I, Times ft InrWperKjenL SI Pete. Fl. 337)1 DOG GROOMER Experienced, Perl time.

Corlr tret, 442.0574 DRAFTSMAN with mechonicol ond electricol background Apply In person ol Fedco Systems, 2170 Gunn 3 between 139 I AM IM. Bmimm Property Rent WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SUCCESS" CENTURY 21 ALLIANCE RE 4 MARKETING 100 Excinenj (SQO W-IITJ USED TV'S SETS, GOOD 4 CLEAN PASTE UP ARTIST 4 Page Makeup FOR Future Openings. Personnel. Eieclromegnetic Industries, a Squoro JllSlL 2PP5 CDumoi.iiwr EJ3 SAXOPHONE. Alio, only I veer old Inc Realtor 46I-3SB4 139 SO UP, We BUY-SELL-TRADE Harti TV 1)9 ftreenwpod, Ciwt ncluOOS 4IM.

1308. 3 Exptr'd. 10-6 30 Selurday work H4 U2 rw4ir -24H. Gujf is Clearwater MONTGOMERY WARD Eouol Opportunity Emplover SPEAKER Leslie- Pertecl condilioo SALE- Electric Can opener. 9.

Rug PERSONNEL MANAGER for 0941H, Fl Shampooer 4 polisher, US. VacuuTt tot, 74 prlnttr-putNitning company. Exotrl- CJeorwoir pepL CENTURY 21 Office expanding Free training program tor unlicensed DRIVER. Delivery person, mechoni VIOLIN sludent's bow and cose. tnced May consider light experience FOREMOST INSURANCE CO 44 1 446L 444.

Furniturt, Housthold Goods l.SOilent SJI-SiH salespeople and intensive professional NEW PORT RlCHEV AREA Store tor rent 000 so ft on 19 in snooping center Avaiieoto now Renl SJO0 monlh utilities Minimum I veer Vote, 1-4! 9J4J, 1 934-J7I7 STORE FOR RENT' ON SPONGE DOCKS CALL 937-4111 BF WEEN 10AA4 4PM. TARPON SPRINGS HOLIDAY AREA-2 Adeining Modern Slores, S26S each or ISOO bolh. Plenty parking. I49-S140 OLDSMAR Prime office store. tOO so.

porkino, S44 0441. 44 75J Some travtl to branch otficts Future col knowledge desirebte, ctujutteur's license required Apply 01 Worning 101 Storcresl Drive Cleorweler training for Associates CENTURY 71 company. S3 2H0 Clwtr W. Building MoHrnls, Supplies BED, Dresser, mensiand, desk SI2S Solely Lights Mv9 Ulmerlon Rd. MANAGER Assitlenl (Couple) For Tin 604 Excelleni 14, 7M-12P5 Harmon Realty, ot RHor EXPERIENCED Associate tor gener- ROSEWOOO-Dalbergia Rttuso.

finest PM Ah 0, end rarest specie. S3 7S ooerd tool BED, foMing 30" wide. 4" meMress Mobile Home 4 Travel Trailer Park Ttfpon Spnnfll W7-I4e3 PLUMBERS-SERVICE and protect sales Slurdv treme, on castors. Eicelienl HI-MI) RANDALL 4 ASSOC Member Eipenenced. good oav, pention 4 7i Machinery ind Tooli international Reai Estate Network PS.

Part Timt Htlp Wmttd profit tnanng, unitormt, insurance: iin wver lit t'li BEDROOM-Droiei Francesco Dresser, mirror, nipntsiond, kino need-eotrj 1400. 447-4I2 AIR COMPRESSOR Emgto, SHP i paid holidays vacation, year-end BABYSITTER for 15 month 151 OtitCo t-Or Dost NEW ERA office, US 19 Largo mssltil 044, i4ii bonus Plumbing Services By Gus, Tues-Wed-Thursam-1. Countrys.de WO. Wict ind Stort Equipment 1422 Pinehurtl Rg ef0'n; 754 WW BEDROOM SET-Medilerroneon. wants Associates or Broker 'Partner Triple Realty REALTOR S35-4601.

ERA MEMBER B.QKER piece. Kins sue UU M1-6U6; morn BABYSITTER, mature, own trantoor OFFICE Furn. I equipmenl used POOL MAINTENANCE 'CAS talton, some afternoons 4 tvtnings, DRYWALL HANGERS AND FINISHERS CARPENTERS PASCO-PINELLAS-HE RNANOO PAT McMUNN PtKO 4414 ELECTRICIANS COMMERCIAL Experienced Apply In Person AAA Eleclricol Conlreclors indunnj! AvePorl Rjcneji FIREFIGHTER PARAMEDIC Musi be certified Peromedic ft copeebie ol becoming Cenilitd firefigMer. Good solery. Benefits leclorv seconds, budget Four RETAIL WAREHOUSE ft Office Spece Available In Tarpon Sorings, US Hwy 19 South Locotton Anchor Tenenl, Jewel Tee.

Discount Grocer ft Other Fine Retail Outlets Excellent Location For Restourant. Furniture Sture. Etc Orcupencv Date, Dependable Perion BEDS Hi-Risers. SIM'S up Flo Call 4gJ-lS41 PRESCRIPTION Drug ClerU, Mon, BABYSITTER, maturt woman, mutt Sleep Sriops. 1773 Hercules 444 VLWliia Bor Ui lW Tuet, VVtd, 9am-Som Mutt be able drawer leiler-legal files clearance sew Misc used chairs.

Carlson AH 19 ot Beiieelr Rd Clearwater Vtse Master shoae eccepied SHOWCASES-Jewelry 121 5' with lights. 1100 each S27-6903 havt transportation, avail days eves On? 4 yr; qiq alt 4 lo type 4 dnvt slick shift Catt 736- BEDS. Twin and cnesf ot drawers CENTURY 21 NEEDS YOU Trevor-Young, Inc Realtors 191! Drew Street Cfcarwaier 46j-914j NOW interviewing licensed associates. John Meek, Jr Condon-Meek, lot Realtors. Century 21.

44 094. 270. Positions Wmttd Ftmalt I17S tor appt Lawn Pharmacy, 66S celljni SO i77-4S? Mflin iL.iftty HrbL COOK PART TIME, AFTERNOON Tarpon Springs Convalescent Center BREAKFRONT, Matiooanv. slass doors, desk, 3 drawers, storage PRESSMAN 7M-4S07 DELIVERY Person-With Van or en- Futt lime opportunity with aggretsivt ROOMS BOARD HOTELS Manogany colored Closed truck tor chair, table delivery Quick prmler COPY KING, Main St BUNKBEDS -toO S3-1J79J. Steady all year 447-749f CJwlr Dunedin Experienced on A Dck CARPET-W yards green sheg, 1100 DEMONSTRATE Toys 4 Gifts lor 360 Press preferred.

Call 7I4-3W4, Apply Before Aug 24th ol Seminole Firfj Depl, Jv) -711 FOREMAN xperienced for construction compony Streets, woler ond sewer pipelines S'j too FORK Truck Mechenic. t-2 yrs exp HOME NURSING CARE You come tjrst ot Alwovs-Core. we core tor tfte tolol patient. RN's, LPN's. Aides Live-in Compomons AirVAYJ ARE KL4J22 S05.

Rttiriirwnt Ctfttirt January 1, Other Sites Also Available Al Bayonet Point For More into Please S25I We Hove Soace-Lerae ft Smell Roles are low Our buildings loll Going last, so give call 1100 Bidg in Clwr 447-2391 Reellors Amornn Bunnell LOcelions, nc MODERN OFFICE SPACE 3000 so. tl 7 veers old Mid-countv 20 minutes to Tempo. St Pele, Clearwater, Carpeted Security. PeKing, privacy, 515 121 1, 3S9. OFFICE SPACE Includes secretary, receptionist, mailing, letex, cooving.

Ptrkinj, fit, 442 049L OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE day 9 niflht Friendly Home Parties, No cash investment. Phone-Car needed also 447 -34 CARPETING, excellent yards I2.S0 pr ftreen, booking Prti yi 3947. 442 772J PRESSMAN-Web Offsel, run V-1SA for busy publisher Opportunity Epe-rienced only Trader Pubticaitons, AVAILABLE APTStor Immediaie oc-cuoencv 01 OAK BLUFFS. 420 Boy iwrLnJry Jel reauired. NURSES Aide, mature, certified Hos- OM phases ot tork truck repair CARPET-New.

let! over from Condo Hood. 427 Sen Christopher, pitol troined Pvt coses, or personal tore deiirerL 1 -ffiZl ti.Uprri miniums now homes Volue lo 17 per so vd From 10 SO lo 112 per so DRIVER lake daughter to Ballet lessons-Tampa, tome light housework It desired. Good pay. our car 4 gas, MTttv! tor iluAjenUJ.jiflfi S7SjcCHnmoditiotti Tt Shirt ByntciiiL STUDENT wiiri oenerol office erper PROOF OPERATOR BANK OF CLEARWATER FURNITURE REPAIR dunedin needs port tlmo tob In Legal. AAedlcal JANITORIAL HELP In Clwtr Mall Walerfront Condo 2 Br, 2 oath Share vd comptetelv installed Save up lo 40 441-ISU.

Ask lor Bob Budget Power CHAIR. Modern, brownchrome, 125 Sf Ret! EMU Semi-retired. Mornings, 1 30- Eipenses. References. '34-1337 im Bftn.nirSary.ttL Experienced.

Excellent benefits. Call 4l im EQE m. Child Ciri The fattett growing furniturt chain on tht Suncoatt neds an experienced 4 dependable person lo mane visits lo hornet 4 businesses to mane minor repairs. Furniture upholstery Clearwater Times Classified ADS Foe items piked under $250. 10 Words 1 0 Days $3.00 And Each Additional group of fiv wordi only $1.50 Family Ckmified Adi ate special service lor non-cornmeciol users only To place your Clearwa-terLargo Seminole Timet Family Cla-lified Ad just follow these easy steps: 1.

Write your ad, or call our AdVisors (or friendly, helpful assistance. Priced offerings always get best results. Price must be included and offering must be merchandise for sale to qualify for the special Clearwater Family Classified Ad rates. 2. Flat charge is all you pay no extra charge for ads requiring the full 10 days.

No refunds for quick action. 3. Pets, livestock, plants (anything living) do not qualify for Family Classified Ad rates unless being offered free. 4. As soon as you get results call 894-1 141 so we can take your ad out of the newspapers to save you the trouble of further calls.

FAMILY CLASSIFIED ADS For items priced $251 to $2500 10 Words 10 Days $4.00 And each additional group of five words only $2.00 All above rules for Family Classified Ads apply except only one item for sale per ad. DEADLINES (closing time) for placing odt or (or cancellation when re-sultt are obtained: Tues day through Saturday, 11 30 AM day prior to publication. For Sunday, 5 30 PM. Friday. For Monday, 1 00 P.M.

Saturday REGULAR CLASSIFIED AD RATES (or other than Family Classified Ads Short Term Rates Per line 3 lint minimum 14 Consecutive insertions 44c 1 3 Consecutive 47J 10-12 Consecutive 484 4-9 Consecutive insertions 54 1-3 insertions 64c General Rote 74 Roles shown ore per ooote line Commercial Rotes Upon Rrquesl Direct Lint to Gossilied Ad Depl Dial 894-1141 Monday through Friday -5 30p m. Saturday o.nv-1 p.m. Sunday and Holiday 1 -3 It you're outside of St Petersburg, col the loHowtng numberl for complete cus BANNER REALTY 8EALIOR5 441-I44J lot. Wirthooses For Rent csrsmt Kfjuw. tM, aa CHAIRS-14) Cone beck, Walnut, Like OAKHURST SCHOOL AREA REALTOR Assocleles needed New ottice.

110 US Hwy 19 iohnnie new, 1 10, JJ0 1.EAL ESTATE FOR RENT eoair txpentnet reauired Excellent PeMf lot R.Olllo, Before i after school cere. S9S-W3 Sf NOLE Before 1 After School ere Wnl transport to 8, from Bauoer Elemenlerv. 392-479S CHAIRS Two green (notching swivel rSrSkorl. VJKe new, 1 7H-I2H. benetiti, good starting salary, vehicle 4 tools furnished Apply person, CHINA cabinet, pecen, lighted, gloss 100.

Furnished Apirtmont. shelves, beautiful condlllon (ISO. 511 324 4000 SQ FT OFFICES, loading dock. 13) 17 12 overhead doors. Near Ui, i 49t6 51.

577 3SS4 7500SO FT 151 I7vl4 Overhead doors Space 40k 1 75' 70' Higri ceilings S0V0 Wjrnertpri Rd RJOOmg. S7 lt91 OFFICE WAREHOUSE Convenient MX Cent A. carpeting. irtlimi or, it Reslaurant Hoipl TACO BELL Now accepting applications for fuU time ampiovtet only Mutt be able to work weekends, dav or nigh! shift. Apply 9 North Missouri, Largo.

Between -11AM only. No phone calls COUCH- 7T', mufll-colored modern FINANCIAL HALLMARK FURNITURE, US II 4 Hwy tByonf pojntj Porl GENbRAL OHice, Typing 4 ottice procedurts, knowledge of baste book-ketoing ofc machines Call btlwetn )9 30tm only, 127V, GENERAL Office Work- Good phone voice Lots of public contact Clearwe- PIMM! 300. Bgiimii Opportunities Wtlng) frirrvt. 17i9 37ji COUCH. Eerly Amerlcen, rusl, Herculon.

Comforteble. good condition, WLi7Z-W7 COUCH-Socrrfica' cushioned, (rult-wood fremo. Eiceflenl. SlOOofter CLEARWATER 7 buslines IBR 1190. 2Br 1750, 3Br 1350 Central llr, tdulli yrlyiseasnl 3m CIEARWATER- Delignttul, modern IBR SI'S.

2Br 1250. IB' 1245. Central lit, tSultl only 44 HH ClEARWAT R-near Jr College IBR Furn 1210. Untum 1190 no pets or shilrjren, 442 9441, 595 20 CLEARWATER Rooms ft Effici m. Inctrnt Prtptfty, Silt Cil NncY, l-lMil, BY Owner Looking tor mvettmenl? RESTAURANT MANAGER Will tram for fail food operation Send complete resume to Boi U9L Ntw Pari R'tntifFLJaa EGG FARM.

31,000 capecilv ocres. Guaranteed Income SIQS.OOO Troe or termi, 904 i7K RESTAUR ANT -National chain sleek house Gross salos in eicess of S40C 000 year. ISO. 000 Cosh reo GENERAL Shop Hew tor Machine 4 Welding Shop, Largo Seebnit, Mi- VW7 si VP 2 office renlels on Mam SI downtown, Annual income SJ900 atm mig. 7j OL Dttplttl, Triplttts, Silt encies with moid service ISO lo 105 RN'S til: 74 COUCH, sectional, up cushions, enter-teinmenl cenler.

melching Conlempo-rerv BrovhlN, light wood Excellent '900 COUCH-tredtlionaf SI0O Chair, gold leainer, ottoman. ISO 511-0007 morn- weekly, DUNEDIN WATERFRONT, Beauli- HAIRDRESSERS NEW SHOP FuH Time or Part Time HQLIpAY 37 1 H.I.E.F.F.S. MEMBER NEWS CORRESPONDENTS Part-time Do you have an Inquisitive mind and like "getting the story? Do vou want lo lake pictures tor newspaper? Then here's your chance to do kiti thai with one of tha nation's finest newspapers The Evening Independent We are currently seeking people to work general assignment and to do features on events lha Largo, Clearwater and Guff Beach Areas, setting their own hours and pact In return, we pav for each story we use. based upon the length of the story, mileage and a stipend for covering meetings So, vou have newspaper eiperi-ence and or training in tournahsm, send a resume and clippings to. Employment Manager The Timet Publishing Company PO Boi 1111 SI Petersburg, Florida Employer, YF, i PASTE UP 4 GENERAL PRODUCTION tuL Tbr until Nov adults, no pets.

BUILT fO Suiie vour lol or ours 3 iJS tyenmii alo.gusifts Property Sitec.SlH tlSOrtya jnciydinfl yllf 447 574? 111. Unfurnished APirtments APARTWfcNTS I STRIP Food Service Supervisor position available at Oak BMts Rttirement Center 60 bed skilled Nursing unit and 7H rtt'oent ap's Can 41-44e tor DINETTES Custom sols 4- Mix Match, name brands Free delivery Areas' Original-OidetMLorgest siore Full port lime positions ovoileote II-) sh*tl APPLV EMPLOYEE RELATIONS t00 VIRGINIA STREET DUNEDIN MEASE HOSPITAL AND CLINIC An Opporiunilv Employer RN i LPNsl 1-1 1 3 11 Shills Competiiive Solery Excellent Frtnoe Benefits Appfv West Pasco Hospital. SOO Indlono New Port Rjche.JvE.-CE, AUTUMN CHASE APARTMENTS SHERWOOO BROKERS FLORIDA OLDEST 1 LARGEST Business Oooortunilv Firm nes over 2S0 Pinelies businesses for sew over 5 000 Fkxide listings through our 2S Sherwood Offices Phone Todev1 Sf 4742 4j2 BUSINESSES WANTED We hove ouelifwd buyers reedy to buy vour business right now Can us tor tost confidential oction. Floride OKSest largest exclusive business oooortunitv brokers SHERWOOD Si! Ml 2200 GlMU Uorgo Pineitl int SJ 3S HOUSEKEEPER' Mature For Etder- tv Couptt Room Board 4 Salary No BAY COVE 13J5 y5 19 South, Clwtr S3 l9l CAMBRIDGE APARTMENTS DINETTE Tebie. 4 vinyl uphoisiered Hotsocks ti SJL-J42! DINETTE Table leal oval shape, tour upholstered choirs 1175.

Sal I SHOPPING CENTERS AH properties oci Leased Excellent Income1 For More intormetw Please Com 141 5751 or Wnie PO Boi 795, New Port Fu 3355! REPOSSESSION Vacant land 7 30 Acres WOl 147' US 19 Frontage New Port Ricnev Coniect Firsl Fed-erel ot Tarpon Springs at 934-5721, 9SLJM OX 1S2. Iff Rill Eitttt InlormitiM Clearwater, 1 to IBR ant) 4 Smofcinj HOUSEMOTHER good educational Mckroyni iondOfnl drivr, 0J HEV PUNCH OPERATOR1 Recent Experience As Key Punch Ooeraior On IBM 1741 or 3742 Prater IBM Svtiem 31 Eipernce As We Ftexi- DINING Table, dropteef Fruiiwood. Oen aptt Some with wither tVver I theirs, teee, S400, 39? 404 hooKuot Wa to Uioppins. IIS US 3M. Money Tl Ltnd Hours.

Competitive Saiary. DRAPES- 170 i94 ceterv oreen. 190 Beige 77' 41 per ect, t3. iH 1744 KITCHEN set. oval table.

4 chairs. Mf. jeikjw 195. Fringe Banel'ts Package Apply Mwy 19 44 ROSE TREE GARDENS now renting to eduttt Beaut vara, pom Oct to tnocxMng. Deactw Laate 7BR trom KL iWQ Pt'l OK i97 1247 US.

Dupttm Ff RfBt SELLING Your home' Pay only 1050 Can Buy Direct Services. Inc 393-7571 or 401 4012 West PtKO W0 Indiana A'to NP, 6 0 6. M.dniaht-IAM. S3 -JflO Crwier REGISTERED NURSE Aooroiimate-iy 20 nrt wk Hunter Bxxx) Center No eiper necessary Eitentnl work- NEED CALL: ACTION MORTGAGE 2nd or 1st LOANS Counseling ft Refinancing WE BUY LOANS 574 9700 Koger Blvd Suite 203 Action Mtg Core Lie. Mfg Bkr KITCHEN Table.

7 Vinyl Swivel REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ins SPhfl'''Oni, 4g.l-S43j Choirs, Meti Bast t9. KITCHEN Table with 4 choirs, wood. won t. 125, J93 171J LOVE SEAT Victorian sMO sacri DUNtOiN unturn Tbr 7 oalM. Ht 417.

CmJominium. Fr Rtfit SARAH Coventry Costume, new 14k Pinenas atotntng counlies 44 1-3612. 442-yi. i79 LABORERS 4 DRIVERS Varieiv ot Temporary Joot Need Car CALL MANPOVVFR SJLPiit Cnl7 LABORERS Hard work on Sod Crew PALM HARBQR 74 S3 LABORER- sprinklers, shallow watts, landscaping 13 hour m. Ltti Fir Sett fice SOOO, petit potnl tebric, 391 loot.

12 I'M SE AM RE SS HELPER lor Bed LIVESTOCK RATTAN- 7 pieces, newly covered spread Factory Steady High Point VH RN'S LPN'S FuO 4 perl lime positions ovoilebie APPLY PERSONNEL DE PT Oem 4pm. Mondev thru Fridov MORTON PLANT HOSPITAL 32 JEFFORDS ST Cleorweler 441-5101 An Opporturiitu EmpKJjrr RN LPN SUPERVISOR 11-7, fuU time, company benefitt, new pev scale tecuriiy gaurd on premises Apoty in person to Oak Manor Nursing Center 3SO0 Oak nor Unt l'Kt Fl H)-HU RN Or LPN1 For 11PM to 7AM Nurses Aid Full Time Or Part Time DAM-7AM in Mrt fiiackweiL RN part-time looking for someone special' Must reiate lo teens 4 women Will train rtght person tor position RN-Utilut Your Eipertist if Rendering Health Care the Home FuH time. Weekend! 4 PRN Potltiont Available tor our New Tarpon Springs OHke Can Marilyn Raudat. DNS Gtooa Home Health Servicei ROLLER OPERATOR 3 ton seei wheet to finish base rock 4 hoi mn Ct 44-is ifiar L.m-?m SEAFOOO RETAIL CLERK FiHeling Acres. Nurser MJ-BB SITTER tor 2 children, in our home alter school, Oakhursl Arte inctudet 151.

PeH ind Suppliers cushions, excellent condition, V450 SO' Slurdv, 50. Coun- Vti SOFA. 77" gold. Demesk, good, cjeen. tonditign, 75, Tftl HJ9t pick-up from school Clearwater- DOBERMAN AKC Mo.

5 months. LABORERS, Recar wetdert for precast cone ft Apptv tn person MAROLF, 4tn SI tit ft rust Ears ft ten done, shots tftf JVS kJ. VENDERS Needed tor route deliv ery use vour own car 1 dav a 1175, HS Hi? IvtmnaL KITTENS Free to good home Adoro-Phl temt. iHUl) SOFA, Excooenl. fine gold striped PEKINESE.

AKC. seO'e mate. tOmos. shots, licensed, paper trained 1 1 SO. 441-292J itter 4pm PERSIAN kitten, while.

4 mos, pedi uphoislerv. scolchguerded Contempo- 4411 SOFA, terltonel, green Lamp lerjfe. SMir, 175, Boekjhotf. li.7J4- I70i. TABLE.

Dining, modern, veeow. 4 IWiveJ SSSkef srujirj, HJO. 9 790 TABLES 2 coffee I end, US, ISO Roer Ul 442 TJftl CLEARWATER )iin3 E.lam. walr-tront Tbr, Tbam, 1300 Muere 1 wasner drver, Dtindv neeim Qyft, PW. tenniv CLEARWATER iMived m.

1 BR pool and rec had. covered parRing, countrvwde area, aduii. no oen, "XL yftfti S4t 1007 CLWTR Harbour towne IBR 1 ibeth. itorage. aouHi.

FuH rac. Lean, Itt Wi. 5J4-7MI COUNTRYSIDE Attractive 1 Br. draper dooi, next to Pet Aflyili -COUNTRYSIDE Vines on tn Green, new TBR Tbam ttory vitia on latii with wooded view Carpet 4 weiher drver covered LM Wi TO- COUNTRYSIDE, Villas on the green. New1 itx Min viHa fiSmft.

714-427 IMPERIAL Cove 7 BR, 2 Bath ig iuoer vttta AH hjiuriet Directtv on Tampa Bar mo. lo long term Mutt rent NeootiaU Arn Realty. ISLAND ESTATES IBR. 1 bam. -enrol, pool, dock, tauna.

etc. 13SS gree papers, shots, declewed. perfect LAB TECHNOLOGIST Needed fuU lime Vd shtfl Licensed or eimibte Abie lo work aH departments Apptv Employee Relations Oept 700 VIRGINIA STREET MEASE HOSPITAL CLINIC DUNEDIN. FLORIDA En Opportunity. health Cost S7S0 Due to poor health 0 Owner seenhte llSkVJ97 4J TRADE YOUR OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW Ol KIPLING HOME FUR NISHINGS.

501 Cleveland, Clwtr PYTHON. I ft. Boos 131 over 5 ft, II2S, MvA 5i5 SPRINGER Spaniel Pups, okc, toils ft dew clews cut. 5 weeks, I temele, a rjat 123 1717J4J-41K IMPROVED BUILDtRS LOTS Tarpon Sorings. high and dry wooded reitcteniiai 10 000 to tt Near Howarfl Peru F'om lib 000 Muttiow ourchai ducouni to tKiiWert JW, 'i' JJH petopment LARGE HOMESiTES-1 3 Otr and larger County water end tewer Sen-vitxe reii'tctiooi Choote vour own bunder from $17.

SOO Honeymoon fiKtoe, County Rq- S4 and County Rlli PR' Hrtr TU-ftf NEAR HOWARD PARK Tarpon Soring fines! kxalion Heevi-tv wooded, improved resideniiei lots with gull view From 170 SOO lerms 5RiiN6 UEYELOPwtN! 937.2J11 WOODED ESTATE LOTS ENiJvYOOP 730 5700 17.105 RESIDENTIAL Lol-ln County of Clearwater. Areo ot exclusive torrva fij. owner llSOO, l.7L Lots Wattteri DUPLEX TRIPLEX Lots Wanied. SSSj. 44-7279 Atekdj! Evtmnai 704.

acreage 4 ACRES, Hudson, nicety wooded on oeved road Asxing 1 11,000 WiH di- Hit 9 745 Acres SI4S0 DOT Ace 20 miles from OamsviHe or Oceia WuscereHe Associates Res E. B'0er 441-4402. 442 27 CAMPS'TES 4r Suwannee River I Acre 150' Rood 17S0 dn joseoo R. Finn. Reotior 345-0301 mi UK 4 cutting txperience nec et vary FuH etfNtl.SL Durteom, 734 7119 HALLAAARK FURNITURE LANDSCAPE Insleuers 4 Nursery lei.

Liyeitoct I SstppthH Tarpon Springs Clearwater flew Port Risrur Blygnej PgjO! hetp-Eo preferred. Hitoer's Nur-tr. Xi-iM. iPffHimt. Stt fJL- SECRETARIAL CLERICAL OFFICE MATES ALL FEES PAID BV EMPLOYER CALL SECRETARYRECEPTIONIST for Clearwater CPA firm, exper req.

TOP Doner For Used Furniture ft ft AUCTION 514-041' DAPPLE GREY. Gelding. 2 veers old 14 2, needs rratmna. 1350 or best otr. SJ1-I45 LAWN MAINTENANCE Helper pood sterllne solery.

must be 17 yrs lJl-tvmmert Br. itrag. 9f 9er No UP net 44I-J04J PONY! AOorebio Very SmaH Gentle. Healthy. 5 Yr Mare Mutt See Sacri 371 1 Cjw'r DO YOU NEED ADDITIONAL INCOME Become an Evening Independent Carrier-Saietman and add tiM 1700.

or 1300 a month lo your present income lor few hours work tech afternoon Monday through Saturday This ideal work tor retired or semi-retired person, cottage students or housewives To Quality for this oarl lime income aH vou need It lew hours each afternoon, a reliable car and a smaH cash bond As a part time Carrier Salesman for the Si Petersburg Times and Evening Indevendenl you wW become eligible for workmens compensation, unempioymenl insurance, pension, profit sharing, life insurance, accident insurance and disability insurance and optional meior medical insurance vou art interested In more information can t93 tVA Urn -4pm or write Attention Carrier Personnel Depl St Petersburg Times 4 lode-pendent Box H21. St Petersburg Fl H'1L. fcOtM.F PERMANENT Positions ooen tor talented persons with telephone cornmu-ntcat'Ont aOilitv comoined with mental eguitv ApcMv In person After 1PM only Serenity Geroent Memtxi-tiPtrk. 1355 koi "fl. Laa.

HELP' MOTHERS HELP FIGHT INFLATION' Hew wth the gat and food Cmv help McDonaMH Now hiring far pen time dav hew ttur iRaMjtpONALi Send salary rikitrernents to Box LPN RNJ-II shilt Pd vecoiion. USED Mattress sets from 179 Furniture Town. 1141 Drew SI. CJtrwler. 442 1S monttW.

442-WL 447 ML -442, Timet 4 fice. 199 149 4525 eftts. hoiideys Eicellent wortiino con-idinons Apptv or person. White House SALE 10-50 OFF LPtJt-FL H73l SECURITY GUARDS ISLAND Eitetet 2 BR, 7 Bath on water with tenon, pool. docfc.

etc mo to tong term. Mutt rent Negotte-Ct Furnlturo-G'ttt-Anliauos Borgein Nursinj hom*o, UH Fl. Horrison, Ovrlr, MERCHANDISE For St Pete area Musi have own transportation 4 teteonone Unrformt. inorlim ujmer'on R4 SJ5 421 4t UpplHrKW equipment and training furnished MAIDS Good Empovee Benefits KH Cemerll-Ptwte Apply person personnel office. SERVICE Man.

Com operated Laundry Ejornent l.0-Otn. St. BELL HOWELL movie camera and protector ptut equipment. Eicewent IKLJ14-J41 Ciegrwtter 3i SHIPPING RECEIVING CLERK. MASON FORE MAN -Good pay.

Good Qomoan, 940 Maonr MECHANIC. Aulo and truck Eiperi-enceo aH pnates, mtrnurnum veers Nari dntrtbuior needs exper Sh 401 Wterifhfl AppTf, Rac tor warehouse Mutt be HS erad Aoancemenl opoertunity 711 Pinellas County Property Mrs Peelver 470777, l-S00 Must have own toon. StS-St or tvtnn mechanic, eipenenced heavy SAVE MONEY ON YOUR ELECTRIC BILLS! HIGH Eft LOW OPERATING COSTS An cond-honer wtlfi on ot 7 5 of higher gneraty recog-mied at a Ktgh etttciency ow conA'Kjotjr provKlet mot tthciant coofcng and coth lew to operate BECAUSE IT USES LESS ENERGY: The I deteiwioed by aWtdmg the capacity (BTU Hr by the eiecfTKOi power corwumed (won,) Compare and you buy rVte- dricvi Cleamiter SOO MANAGE Ajtumn Mm Caoe Want Uervt. LAOtES-Ctotht. Handmade Lovely, L'2J li mtli Hi iJ4-HM MiNK CaM-auburn, good Quality MM Otter iM 0107 SUMMER CLOTHING For Reuw The ClotheVine Open Tu-Sat eowwmcfii mecnenic wm own toon eicewent waget and benefcrt Apptv Natded Run sod crewt Aete taiarv 2M.

Sjtfnmeft iileimft ptut Good eemtntas potential HUGHES NyjStHV ft4-oW SPRINKLER SYSTEM INSTALLER Seierv commensurae with eipen- Scarborough Conttructors ItK SR SW-A and US rt Pe HerVor Fl MECHANIC, Plenty of work, muS be frtedrtch hot more high ft ftoam i JrtC4 47? 43 MECHANIC Sem-rered with VVd n) ft Shoe eaprertce. aQhr lnfara i other pi SJ MECHANIC SERVICE STATION Mutt Have fterencn CUrb Guff Service Pre V9 E.E.R 10.7 9900 B.T.U. DUNEDIN One 0l a kind cuttom home, fle-9ned bv and Kr a OturwrMnatintB -ecutiv A nvvi to iee a end to own Tni IBR oool tvxrw net cieu in every Muer toot ti Nocki to St xneon Sound m0OO Atr houn 44l-nj2 Owner. Reei'rx Anvoc- CRIST RLALPf. INC, 796-7900 READY TO SELL Etcemni temitv home 3 bedrm tMm oven.

re oeW w'W ee'-w tirntt rm 4 ut beomt Pn Priced i SOO CENTURY 21 391-0211 Ve' My ti ''tio. Reor ATTRACTIVE 7BR home w.m tmi-v room tence fen. mmwcuiate Mutt awe dl OKI CENTURY 21 WNEHURST REALTY REALTOR LAKE FROMT Jbr 1 01 fce 0 reoe exceeent cond'tion neor achooi. 4 mtije tom Courrvvde taree TABLE buried wetnui eiiension Seats 1 Eiceeeni 1450 S3 1 5944 eninirl SOf A F'enrfl Provenci. IT lonel ISW esi Vr CALDtB JuoMi It X35 Liftio SX, n.

1 70, K2 U9t GOTA. ITne Prrsonerl IS" X14" ettr.no, KJJ, H2-l't RluE oiass vases 12) 140 eeur 74 4)9 MiNOOWS S'eined Giess Veried nn. IS; i H' iX. Onomei, nermen, ciosod field rranaili4J Hfi BTi Ml 4H Sttmpi Ctim Htbbtti tomer lervKO Clorwater Holiday ond Hudeein 194 1141 143453 er 149-0044 ME DK AL CENTER HOSPITAL Acceptmf apettceiiont a BUSINESS BROKERAGE Opening tor Energetic tndfvtduors Leeds turn ComtMOte TretTHng Col tor Interview 11.1 Bu.rvM BgkerS. 72J J71J COPY MACHINE SALES tl vou ore OMoerierceo et eftoto cooy ond ore leoftiASt vou should tool to ui As remit of the eieendmo Shore oquprnewt On we hove Shattered ai previous seen records With the introduction ol htgh sewed rerjuc-ttoo.

oocumew, toed and coaeiors vou can eovtv douost vour preten mcome Persons rwrod attend ntemtve rroMwie) course er Atusnto Soot IV Aa Irvauwiot be herd tn Strictvs! cowfmonce SOS Reproduction Systems Inc. Cee Mr Jt (son. SI Pete 527 SSO I Tome, 23)-1)04 MAKE MONEY-HAVE PARTIES' Ful er eon time Foirven CtottMno lor Men ft Women Generous Com-mown 2. yews business to St Pete, to" 3M 35SJ lor an appf REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES F04J GENERAL OFFICE ft MODE HOMES HUTCHINSON REALTY, ence Need shU eioerienced person to hendM mtieaetnn tten lo ftn-in (Lavout to cornptetetton) PALM HARBOi STAFF PHARMACIST- BS Oegret Sft Phrrneor. Stfe Of FiorUe License 1 Years Experience In An Acred" Ho.

vvm unH Dote 4 iv Aooitve Competetive Seiery, Frmge enetf Peckeee Apply weti Pasco HosiMtai. VO indtena Ae. Hf. LQt SUPERVISOR LOADING CREW LiMdtng vacntt tor ever the-roed snernnt. must have travel Nft 4 tort true tapernce ENPf AVOUR YACHT Core BethL 4 3J5J SuRVEYinG Frm Grov9 Rae-iy Seeking Eiperiencad imirument Men 4 Per Cnet Musi tnrludt 1 Years On mslrumen EiPerwnce If) Charge C-w Good Oeweriumtv For Ouantied Pertona Aev Gem Surwevtne iShi''! SURVEY PARTY Porte Chf i entrumowtmen for rood fc Or oo comtrucnen ytrnfe En- sj iv nn MEOiCAL lechnotogtst tmmediate oewntng tot MT lASCPt or eowvawnt lua servo btood center It-; srwfi MODEL SM10D10 115 Volt operation Money sovti button Slidit-out choi We offer a complete survey, installation, wiring service.

Etperence dvto utm bene-titt eecftaee Caa eai UU or apphr Hunter Center. B2 Jttvm largo. Dunedin 194-1141 Pt Ixhey 141 3453 er 149 0044 Tampa 333-9500 Terpen Sprtngt 141-3453 er 149 0044 490 1st Ave. S. St.

Petersburg, Florida 33731 I A Nt i HO. new ertone Cennonooa. ISO 531-1 CI, Cirigt tnd Mi StKl MOTHER Hewer AduH trem-txreion tgr 1 4 a in oa lardmoor mm Jm -l BrrBirrsiTinu rrsuirr KLt lUllsMf tun frs. vttnf rm uv mem ettret JM-iW lhtC74 0 DUNtOit4-l94 eViorwood Aug 7d tAM mru 4PM Onnes tn. fWern tWioenoej items.

SVHITE LEVANT Flea 4Aoret 1M0 Sianiev td Leroo OPtN TUES iVL i FllvE Fyrmiix-e i oecor. enioue ttDVK itttfor 9202 Ulmerton Largo NURSE'S AIDES Home Heet. ePxience desired Ph 4 tua Hme petrtt a home Eiceeeni seiarv 4 benen Mwt have aulomofrWj Aoo psr Roberts Home tieeim Servite fVA fc-m SAlES NUTRiTONALLV aware tndi- a wexoavi and a dav Set 36R L-90 femT eoe --owner wH Fha VA buv i3SX) MtBN REfci1" Mil 586-2573 or 584-8762 inoua, some safes enter to work in Local Hahs-o! Food Store Fua or Wt JjrhSLj.il ta.int.TIMM or PO aV list. Tem- UiJWLiOE.

Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.