San Angelo Evening Standard from San Angelo, Texas (2024)

3 the FOUR SAN ANGELO EVENING STANDARD, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1945 "A Standard-Times In Every West Texas Lamesa Man Dies Of Injuries Received In Accident Wednesday Gabe Brady Moore, 45, Lamesa, died at 12:15 o'clock Friday morning in a local hospital of injuries suffered when he lost control his car a mile north of Water Valley about 9:30 o'clock Wednesday night. Funeral services are to be conducted at 10 o'clock Saturday morning from the Higginbotham Funeral Chapel at Lamesa, with burial there. body was taken overland to Lamesa Vautrain casket coach Friday afternoon. the Richmod Drilling was Mr. Moore was an Complace with his brother-in-law, W.

T. Fuller, 25, when their automobile, overturned after going control near Water Valley. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Susie Moore, Lamesa; three daughters, Junell, Linda Ray and Jerrie; two sons, James and George; the parents, Mr. and Mrs.

M. L. Moore, Lamesa; two sisters, Mrs. R. Creighton, Big Spring, and Mrs.

J. P. Clancy, Galveston, and one brother, A. B. Moore, Big Spring.

Hiring Drive For War Department To Continue Next Week Mrs. Maurie Growdon will continue a recruitment of typists and de stenographers for work with the War Department here next week, she announced today. Women and girls over 171-2 years of age are particularly needed by the Army Service Forces in Washington, D. to do the necessary paper work for getting supplies to the fighting fronts, she pointed out. Appointments are made under civil service regulations, and transportation to Washington is furnished to all persons hired.

Rooms are reserved for all persons employed by the War Department before they reach the capital city, Mrs. Growdon said. One Loan Granted By FSA Committee The Tom Green County Farm Security, one Administration rural rehabilitation Committee loan at a meeting here Thursday afternoon. The amount of the loan is $400. Committeemen also discussed the tenant purchase program in this county but took no action on any TP loans.

Burns From Scalding Water Prove Fatal To Garcia Infant Henry Garcia, 5, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garcia, 335 W. Ave. died early Friday morning in a his home early Thursday morning.

local hospital of burns suffered at our Funeral services, to be in charge of Johnson's Funeral Home, are pending word from the father who is in California. It was believed that the child accidentally ran into scalding water which was being thrown out at the home. Survivors include the parents and several brothers and sisters. Davis Bids Low On Gas Sale To City Petroleum Corp. will sell the San Angelo 10,000 gallons of gasoline this week because its bid was 100th of a cent lower than three other bids received.

Davis asked 6.49 cents per gallon plus tax while Phillips Petroleum, Gulf Oil and Magnolia Petroleum Co. each offered a price of 6.50 cents plus tax. On the 10,000 gallons Davis will "lose" exactly $1 in comparison to the competitors' price. Banks Closed SA SATURDAY! AY! Member Banks of the San Angelo Clearing House Association Will Be Closed Saturday, April 21 (San Jacinto Day--A Legal Holiday) MEMBERSCENTRAL NATIONAL BANK SAN ANGELO NATIONAL BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK SCREW WORMS ATTACK ANY WOUND Guard against them with PURINA SCREW WORM CONTROL Fly time each year brings the menace of screw worm flies. These flies feed on open cuts and sores on livestock and their larva, known as "Screw Worms," burrow into the flesh.

This is a serious obstacle to the healing of wounds, cuts and scratches on livestock and causes high livestock mortality in many areas. Purina Screw Worm Control, made according to the famous U.S.D.A. Formula 62 (sometimes called "Smear is an outstanding product for the control of the Screw Worm menace. Purina Screw Worm Control has a four-way action: 1. It repels flies.

2. It kills screw worms or maggots that may be in a wound. 3. It helps heal a wound. 4.

It is of value as a wound disinfectant. Keep Purina Screw Worm Control handy for use when castrating and docking lambs, when shearing sheep. Good for barbed wire cuts on horses and to treat any rope burns, open wounds, cuts or scratches FORMULA on Screw all Worm livestock. Control Buy from Purina any '62" friendly Texas Purina Dealer at his store with the Checkerboard sign. BUCKS IN with RAISE GOOD CALVES SHAPE KEEP PURINA ON Here's a CALF CHOW OMOLENE a many creep mother's feed for feed to milk, help with condition and your see plement.

young Purina difference in a fat also Purina Calf variety blended choice crushed calves bloom condition uable and good job! molasses. Your choice bull. PURINA grow -or good OMOLENE, It ents does the CHOW LUBBOCK MILLS in TEXAS FORT WORTH SAN ANGELOANS IN UNIFORM Lt. Byron L. Williams RECEIVES NEW ORDERS Having received orders in connection with fitting out a new aircraft carrier and serving aboard it when the ship i is commissioned, Lt.

Byron Williams, former San Angeloan, is now at Newport, R. I. Lt. Williams has served for the past 12 months as assistant personnel officer of the Naval Air Station at Atlanta, Ga. Previously he spent 12 months aboard the Lexington in the Pacific in 1943, participating in the battles of the Gilbert and Marshall Islands.

He holds the Second Nicaraguan Campaign Medal, the Good Conduct Medal, the National do Defense Service Ribbon with star, the American Theatre Service Ribbon, and the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Ribbon with a silver star for five engagements. Lt. Williams entered the Navy at the local station in August, 1923, and has served continually since that time on ships and at shore stations. Three sisters live here, two brothers are in the AAF, and one has been medically discharged after service with the Seabees. The family home is at 1321 Spaulding.

TO SIOUX FALLS Paul Puckett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Puckett of Silver Point, has been transferred from SAAAF here to Sioux Falls, S. D. Sgt.

Puckett had been stationed at the local field for over two years. Mrs. Puckett, the former Billye Norris. of Coleman, will continue working at Goodfellow Field. WILSON McCOWN PROMOTED A promotion to corporal recently was given Wilson A.

McCown, son of J. W. McCown of Mineral Wells. Stationed at Camp Fannin, McCown lists his address on a news release from that post as San Angelo. He is with the 50th Training Regiment there.

IN 35 SORTIES First Lt. Elmer V. Merritt, with the 102nd Infantry Division in Germany, recently was awarded the Oak Leaf Cluster to his Air Medal for meritorious achievement. He is the husband of Mrs. Marjorie L.

Merritt, who makes her home here. The medal was awarded for "meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight in connection with military operations against the enemy in Germany between Jan. 29 and March 5." The citation read, "Lt. Merritt completed 35 sorties for the adjustment of Army fire and patrol purposes. Although frequently exposed to enemy anti-aircraft and small arms fire, he continued on his missions and returned with full information." LANGSTON PROMOTED All the way from Myitkyina, Burma, comes the notice that Carlos C.

Langston, former San Angeloan, recently was promoted to technical sergeant. Stationed in the China-Burma-India theatre since February, 1944, Sgt. Langston is serving as surveyor with an engineer aviation battalion. He and buddy-engineers have built Superfortess fields in India and have taken part in the construction of the Stilwell Road, famous new land route to China. A graduate of Clinton High School in 1941, Langston attended Louisiana State University from 1941 to 1943 and was employed in San Antonio prior to his entrance in the service in July, 1943, in New Orleans.

His wife and mother, Mrs. Hattie Langston, are living in New Orleans, at present, formerly having lived here at :78 E. Ave. H. MARKETS Livestock FORT WORTH, April 20.

(P)-Cattle 800; calves 200: steady; active; medium and good slaughter steers and yearlings 12.00- 14.50; load 1,003 lb. steers 14.40; medium to good beef cows 10.50-12.75; good fat calves 13.50-14.50; common to medium 10.00-13.00: stockers and feeders scarce. Hogs 300; active: steady at ceiling with weights from 150 lbs. and up 14.55; SOW averaged 13.80; stocker hogs 14.50. Sheep most classes steady; medium to good spring lambs with No.

2 pelts 13.00-14.00; cull to medium shorn ewes 5.50-6.75; good clipped ewes upward to 7.50; other classes scarce. SAN ANTONIO, April 30. (P) Hogs 100: steady; top 14.55 for good and choice 175-330 175-170 lbs. 14.00-50; SOWS 13.80. Cattle 400; calves 300; steady to weak: common and medium steers and yearlings 10.50-13.50; common to low-medium cows 8.00-10.50; canners and cutters 6.00-7.25: common and medium lightweight bulls 9.00-10.50: common to low medium calves 10.00-12.00.

Sheep 700; active, steady; small lots cull No. 2 pelt old crop lambs and yearlings 7.75; wool lambs 9.75. KANSAS CITY, April 20. (P) --(WFA) Cattle calves 200; nothing done on 2 loads good and choice slaughter steers; medium steers steady 13.00; odd lots other slaughter cattle unchanged; few medium and good heifers and mixed yearlings 13.00-15.25; good cows 13.00: vealers weak; medium good and choice grade 13.00-14.00. Hogs 1,200: active, fully steady; good and choice 140 lbs.

up 14.50; SOWS 13.75. Sheep opening sales lambs steady; medium and good 105 lb. wheat pasture lambs 15.00. CHICAGO, April 20. -(WFA) active.

fully steady; good and choice barrows and gilts at 140 ibs. up at 14.75 ceiling: good and choice sows 14.00. Cattle calves 500; generally steady on all classes; cleanup trade moderately active: top steers 17.50; bulk 14.50-16.50: no choice heifers offered; most beef cows 10.00-13.00; mostly 17.00 down on veal calves; week's supply medium to choice light stock cattle firmly cleaned up at 12.50-14.75. Sheep slaughter lambs steady to 25 lower: top 17.25 on load strictly good and choice 106 lb. Colorados: good and choice Colorados 17.00: medium and good wooled lambs 16.10-16.50 including string Colorados 16.25; sheep very scarce, nominally steady.

Duesseldorf Wrecking Played Big Role In Nazi Collapse LONDON, April 20. (A)-German steel experts say that the virtual flattening of the great steel city of contributed at per Duesseldorf, Germany's Pittsburgh, the collapse of the war effort. Allen Addresses Vocational Students Here Approximately 125 students and employers in the vocational education program here heard C. M. Allen of the State Department of Vocational Education discuss the effects of the war on schools at the fourth annual banquet held Thursday night at the St.

Angelus Hotel. "War has put education on trial," Allen said, "just as it puts everything else on trial." He pointed out that the speededup educational program of the armed forces has shown the school new possibilities for the education of adults and the co-ordination of education with a military program. Supt. Bryan Dickson presented certificates repreesnting two years continual work with the vocational education program to Lelia May Ayers, Billy Brafford, Margaret Paul, Doug- Lass Choates, and Alfred Guenther. He announced the election of Fay Warren and Anna Lois Bryan as all-around students.

The Rev. Rodney Gibson gave the invocation and Leland Brashear introduced the honor guests, Supt. Dickson, John L. Bishop, Miss Mollie Bierschwale, Von Rhea Beane, and Joe Reed, district supervisor of trades and industrial education at Austin. Eckford T.

White and J. W. Partin, co-ordinators, made brief addresses. Doug-Lass Choates was assistant toastmaster and H. F.

Parsons provided dinner music on the solo Students in distributive education, employed as salesmen, present were Lelia May Ayers, Bobby Barker, Dorothy Bolf, Billy Brafford, Leland Brashears, Billy Bruce, Anna Lois Bryan, Felix Buck, Maxine Chance, Claudine Dunlap, Ruby Durden, Iris Emerson, Vergean Fillip, Leona Hoelscher, Naomi Hurley, Geneva Jackson, Norma Jameson, Bobby Jenkins, Teddy Johnson, Mary Louise Lincecum, Duward Luce, Dorothy McElhaney, Willie Mitchell, Margaret Paul, Mona Purviance, Billy Reeves, Gracie Reeves, Fritz Schottlander, Jo Patsy Smith, Calvin Swearingen, Alyce Timms, Doris Tomason, Gene Thornton, Charles Walker, Dorothy Walraven, Charles White, and Helen Yount. Trades and industries workers present were Georgia Conner, DougLass Choates, Ollie Mae Cox, Joy Lee Collins, Pat Curling, Milene Culwell, Doris Fulcher, Alfred Guenther, J. B. Garner, David Gist, Lovell Hallmark, Eloise Joplin, Billy Knittle, Janis Shurfey, Stella Roach, Marjory Simmons, Jack Shaw, Fay Warren, Bill Pearson, Huey Capps, Joy Jackson, Wanda Garrett, Kenneth Gray, and Howard Reed. Polls To Be Open From 8-7 Saturday For College Vole Polls will be open from 8 a.

m. to 7 p. m. Saturday for voting to dewhether a county junior college district wide established here, County Judge I. J.

Curtsinger said today. Regular boxes throughout the county will be voting sites, and all qualified voters in the county may pa participate. Boxes and election judges follow: 1. Courthouse, Louis Hall; 2. Whitaker Brothers, B.

H. Willis; 3. Central Fire Station, Curtis Carter; 4. Old Santa Fe Depot, W. E.

Barton; 5. McGill School, Barton Craft; 6. View, J. Barton; 7. Orient School, Oscar Brown; 8.

Harriett School, C. C. Beck; 9. Concho School, A. W.

Helwig; 10. Mereta School, J. D. Bledsoe; 11 Vancourt, Calvin York; 12. Veribest, W.

13. Wall, Albert Keys; 15. Scherz School, C. C. Townsend; 16.

Fairview School, W. F. Stanford; 17. Grape Creek School, H. J.

Groff; 18. Carlsbad, Roy Henson; 19. Water Valley, S. L. Tate; 20.

Ben Ficklin, Ray Ratliff; 21. Sims School, J. W. Jensen; 22. Christoval, J.

L. Holland; 23. Knickerbocker, B. D. 24.

Midway, C. M. Boydston; 25. Twin Mountain, Key; 26. Smith Service Station (Ballinger Highway) P.

P. Ewald; 27. Seelye School, A. D. Richards; 28 Tankersley, J.

Sawyer; 30. Sykes School, L. D. Bassett; 31. Byrd School, A.

W. Jeschke; 32. Klattenhoff, Herman Heinze; 33. McGowen Grocery, Park St. and Ave.

Arch Crews; 34. King's Service Station, Beauregard and Washington, Hezzie Carson; 35. West Side Fire Station, Emette Westbrook; 36. Armstrong Building, C. D.

Ambrose; 37. South Side Fire Station, Andy Bowen; 38 North Side Fire Station, Exton Talley; 39. Gandy's Creamery, Pat Dooley; and 40. Glenmore, L. O.

Erwin. KEEP 'EM WASHING Electrical Appliances KEEP EM Last Longer When WORKING Kept In Good Repair! Repairs are made in EM CLEANING our perienced own shop by mechanics! exWest Texas Utilities Company PRESENTING DR. ELMER RIDGEWAY CHANGES PRISON CAMPS Stalag 7-A near Moosburg, Germany, is the present location of Lt. Donald McGara, a prisoner of war since Aug. 7, 1943.

McGara, after being shot down in flight over Germany, was first interned at Stalag Luft which has been separated into three camps at different areas of Germany, one at Luckenwalde, another near Nuernburg, and a third at Moosburg. His whereabouts were unknown until Thursday, when the Red Cross notified his wife here. Lt. McGara's wife, Norma, is a student nurse at Shannon Memorial Hospital. Mrs.

McGara's most recent letter from her husband dated last Dec. 30, stated that he was well and uninjured. Son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Lovelace of Sonora, Lt.

McGara holds the DFC. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.

McGara, Trafford, Pa. CHOSEN FOR CONFERENCE Lt. Donald McGara Pfc. Margarito Fernandez, 125 W. 10th is a member of the crack 749th Military Police Battalion chosen by the Army to do the policing at the United Nations Peace Conference in San Francisco.

Men of the 749th will be stationed in the conference city from Camp Beale, throughout the weeks the meeting to safeguard visiting dignitaries, to direct crowds, and to assist government officials at their important sessions. Previously the 749th had been called on to guard the late President Roosevelt, Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek, and other world figures during their visits to California. Fort Worth Meeting Completes Merger Of Two Presbyteries Presbyteries of Fort Worth and Brownwood were merged under the new name of "The Presbytery of Mid-Texas" at a meeting in Fort Worth this week, the Rev. B.

O. Wood, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church here, reported today. The Rev. Dr. Wood and E.

R. Sedgwick represented the local church at the meeting. The Rev. James F. Hardie of Fort Worth was elected moderator of the new presbytery and the Rev.

J. L. Green of Fort Worth was named stated clerk. The Rev. Dr.

Wood was named chairman of the Committee on the Defense Service Council and was appointed to the Home Mission Committee. Truman H. Sims of San Angelo was appointed one of the presbytery trustees. The new presbytery extends roughly from Fort Worth west to San Angelo and from Brownwood north to Sweetwater. It is composed of more than 8,000 church members and about 35 ministers.

A report submitted by the session of the local church for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1945, showed a present membership of 827 here. One hundred five were received during the past Members of the local church tributed a total of $42,924 during the fiscal year, the report showed. This was divided as follows: Current expenses, denominational benevolences, and building fund, $17,836. RANCHMEN FARMERS We install and keep permanent income records. Act now! Do not depend on check-stub records.



D. Foreman, Jr. 10 A. M. ---8 P.

M. First Baptist Church Corner Oakes and Harris 4.

San Angelo Evening Standard from San Angelo, Texas (2024)


What is the most expensive neighborhood in San Angelo? ›

Explore San Angelo, TX

There are 22 neighborhoods in San Angelo. Country Club has a median listing home price of $495K, making it the most expensive neighborhood. Blackshear is the most affordable neighborhood, with a median listing home price of $95K.

Who is the most famous person from San Angelo Texas? ›

Greg Maddux

Greg Maddux was born on 14 April 1966 in San Angelo, Texas, USA. He is an actor, known for Bored Games (2024), 2001 National League Championship Series (2001) and 1993 National League Championship Series (1993).

Can you drink tap water in San Angelo? ›

For the latest quarter assessed by the U.S. EPA (January 2021 - March 2021), tap water provided by this water utility was in compliance with federal health-based drinking water standards.

Is it expensive to live in San Angelo Texas? ›

San Angelo's housing expenses are 7% lower than the national average and the utility prices are 10% higher than the national average. Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 19% higher than the national average.

What city has the most expensive property prices? ›

The Top 10 Most Expensive Cities to Buy Property in the World!
  1. Hong Kong ($1,235,220) ...
  2. Singapore ($874,372) ...
  3. Shanghai ($872,555) ...
  4. Vancouver ($815,322) ...
  5. Shenzen ($680,283) ...
  6. Los Angeles ($679,220) ...
  7. New York ($674,500) ...
  8. London ($646,973)

Who owns San Angelo Live? ›

We are independently owned and operated by San Angelo's digital experts at Hyde Interactive.

Do any celebrities live in Texas? ›

Consider supermodel Bella Hadid, who moved to Fort Worth, Texas, this year to live with her professional horseman boyfriend, Adan Banuelos. Actress Emma Stone and comedian and podcast host Joe Rogan have decamped from LA to Austin in recent years. Many other stars have also relocated to Texas.

Who is 1 famous person from Texas? ›

You may already know that outsize personalities such as outlaws Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, and rock stars Buddy Holly and Janis Joplin hail from Texas. But there are plenty of other famous folk with Texan roots, some of whom might surprise you. Mary Kay Ash (Hot Wells).

Who is the most famous rapper from Texas? ›

Travis Scott

From "Astroworld" to "Rodeo," Travis has consistently proven himself as a top-tier artist.

Where does San Angelo get its water? ›

The City of San Angelo has five raw surface water sources: O.H. Ivie Reservoir, Lake Spence, O.C. Fisher Reservoir, Twin Buttes Reservoir and Lake Nasworthy. The Hickory Aquifer is a supplementary source in McCulloch County. The infrastructure to transport and treat that groundwater is fully operational.

Does San Angelo have hard water? ›

Some cities, including San Angelo, Kyle, and Round Rock display significantly high water hardness levels, reaching up to 472 ppm, 27.57 gpg.

How much is water in San Angelo? ›

Currently in San Angelo the current rate of water is $3.80 per 1,000 gallons for 0-2,000 gallons of water. There is also a water main hookup fee ranging from $30 to $60 depending on the size of the pipe at your water meter.

What is the racial makeup of San Angelo Texas? ›

White: 71% Two or more races: 15.65% Other race: 6.8% Black or African American: 4.55%

What is the main industry in San Angelo? ›

Manufacturing has been a key industry in San Angelo since the mid 20th century. Companies located in San Angelo include Hirschfield Industries, West Texas Steel & Supply, and Dragon Products, LLC.

What is the quality of life in San Angelo TX? ›

With its fast-growing economy, a cost of living 12% lower than the national average, and numerous cultural and recreation possibilities, San Angelo residents enjoy a high quality of life.

Where are the most expensive neighborhoods? ›

Most Expensive Neighbourhoods in the World
  • Fifth Avenue, New York.
  • Mayfair, London.
  • Avenue Montaigne, Paris.
  • Chemin de Ruth, Geneva.
  • Avenue Princess Grace, Monaco.
  • Romazzino Hill, Sardinia.
  • Ostozhenka Street, Moscow.
  • Paterson Hill, Singapore.

Which area has the most expensive real estate? ›

Most expensive housing markets in the U.S.
  1. Manhattan, New York. Borough population: 1,596,273.
  2. San Jose, California. City population: 1,797,019. ...
  3. Honolulu, Hawaii. City population: 343,437. ...
  4. Brooklyn, New York. ...
  5. San Francisco, California. ...
  6. Orange County, California. ...
  7. Washington, D.C. ...
  8. Los Angeles, California. ...
Jul 31, 2024

What part of the Bay Area is most expensive? ›

The San Jose housing market is the most unaffordable in the Bay Area, outranking even San Francisco.

What is the most expensive townhouse on the Upper East Side? ›

Duke House will become the most expensive townhouse ever sold in New York City; a record currently held by another Upper East Side mansion, which went for $79.5 million in 2017.


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.